"Wait a minute." Luvia interrupted Sapphire's move, "I think we need to give her some confidence. We just wait here."

Shirou confirmed seriously that Luvia wanted to kill Tohsaka Rin.

Even if the card is recycled, Luvia still maintains the greatest "respect" for Rin.

The most respect for an opponent is to seize every opportunity to kill the opponent.

"Let's follow along and lurk and look at each other. If there is danger, it's not too late to go to support."

Luvia still compromised, nodded, and let Sapphire begin to open the passage to the mirror world.

"It's just that this voice that is willing to fight chickens, why is it so like Shiro?" Luvia murmured.


The black mist seemed to be a frozen object, sticking to the fence at the edge of the playground.

In the rich magic power inside, there is something that wants to be born from it.

"Rin, is this the enemy we are going to face?" Illya held the ruby ​​tightly.

"According to Bazzett's description, this should be the enemy we have to face, but I don't know what kind of class enemy this is." Rin felt the strength of the enemy, and took out the prepared weapon without saying a word. Expensive gems.

Ilya couldn't help but be moved by this free and easy attitude that completely ignored money, and she was a little impressed.

But if she knows that Rin's free and easy is entirely based on Shirou's ability to make expensive knives and then sell them, maybe Ilya just wants to take the ruby ​​and shoot Rin as punishment.

The black magic power flowed like water, forming a vortex, and a figure crawled out of it.

"rider?" Rin recognized the enemy at a glance.

However, it is somewhat different from the imagined silhouette. There is a red ball like an eyeball on the rider's blindfold, and the clothes are also somewhat different.

The more difference lies in temperament, in that the awe-inspiring aura of the original rider has completely disappeared, replaced by a completely disgusting disgusting aura.

"Enemy, is it a rider?" Illya quickly hid to the side while talking.

A dagger struck from the air, following Illya keenly like a poisonous snake, and wanted to deal a fatal blow.

A layer of magic shield immediately unfolded, flicking away the dagger, protecting Illya.

"Illya, be careful! The enemy is very powerful!" Rin threw out the gem, and the flames swept across the rider immediately.

Under the protection of the rider, the jewel magic, which is completely comparable to A-level magic, did not cause any damage at all.

Instead, it was instantly cracked.

Rider didn't attack Illya immediately, but turned to Rin.

Leaping forward, the blow that completely surpassed Rin's reaction speed caused Rin's pupils to shrink.

Could it be that she was going to die here at this time?


The magic cannon was fired immediately, completely clearing out the objects in front of Rin.

Rider was also affected by the shelling. If she hadn't jumped back in time, she would be a corpse now.

The ground turned red as if it had been swallowed by magma.

Illya's random blow had a terrible effect.

"Are you okay, Rin?"

Rin couldn't help laughing: "It's okay. Hurry up and deal with the enemy, I can already imagine the scene where the rider is instantly killed by your shelling."

Elijah also agrees.

After all, if this shot goes on, the rider will die.

Author's message:

rng lost. . . .uninstalled the game

Chapter 33 The Head Is My Miyu!

The magic power was continuously converted into heat, making a small area of ​​the playground look like magma overflowed.The clod turned into a scarlet liquid, even melting the surrounding area.

Shirou and others, who hid aside and watched quietly, were willing to fight chicken while eating.

"Although the power is very good, the enemy's strength is still quite strong?" Luvia frowned, "That elementary school student's temporary judgment is still insufficient, although the power is indeed terrible. Let's help now?"

"Don't be in a hurry." Shirou comforted, "Eat some Kenda Chicken and feel relieved. Look at Kenda Chicken No. [-]. It's already eaten much better. However, if it's Yi, cough cough, there shouldn't be too much in the face of the rider." So many questions."


In order to make up for his previous mistake, Shirou quickly explained: "Yi is the third-person pronoun that Huaxia used a lot before. I discovered it when I was reading Lu Xun's anthology. It is a very interesting usage. It refers to that little girl."

"You are really knowledgeable." Luvia admired, but she always felt that something was wrong.

"But I'll forget if I'm willing to fight chicken." After Luvia finished speaking, her eyes glanced at the finger-licking chicken and spicy wings that exude a strong fragrance, "As a nobleman, I can't eat this kind of food. an impermissible thing."

"Junk food?" Shirou munched on the popcorn chicken and handed it to Miyu, "Then you can eat some, seeing that you are so thin, gain some weight. It would be better if you grow plump."

Miyu nodded.

She obeyed Shirou's words, even if it was junk food, she would still eat it.

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