Miyu who was thrown to the ground by Illya nodded, but then continued to deal with Illya.

Illya, who turned on the strange switch, completely ignored the situation outside until she was hit on the head by Rin with an Octopus fist.

"Illya, don't do weird things!"

"Sorry, Miyu." Illya lowered her head and whispered, but she still didn't give up her plan until——

"By the way, what is the relationship between you two?" Rin asked curiously, "The relationship seems to be very good."

Ilya suddenly became alert, a little guilty.

Shirou won't be exposed by her, right?

And Meiyou is also thinking the same at this moment.

My brother was wearing a hood just now, obviously he didn't want to be discovered, and he definitely didn't want to be discovered by Rin.

The two immediately understood that they must not expose their brother at this time.



"Huh?" Rin looked at the two in surprise.

Saying we are friends so loudly at the same time, I always feel that this relationship is not right.

Is it really just a friend, not something to put in front of it?

Or is it actually necessary to remove the word friend and replace it with "Ji"?

"All in all, let's hurry up, the mirror world looks like it's dying."

It was only then that everyone noticed that the world had begun to shrink, and the mirror-like spatial structure was constantly increasing.

"It's so amazing, it's like a distorting mirror." Illya poked at the border that was about to shrink.

"Well, yes, because this space has shrunk. In theory, if the universe is so small, this phenomenon is possible to see, because the space is so small. If you walk over, you will find it, and you will find it from another A region appeared." Meiyou started to explain in a very academic manner.

"Luvia really picked up a treasure. She knows all this knowledge." Rin shook her head, "Ruby, send us back quickly."

"Yes Yes!"

Ruby looked contentedly at the photos she had taken. These photos were really lily blossoms.

It's all blood earning, and there is no place to lose at all.

But the backstab often comes from a place it never expected, that is - its own sister!

"Stunning, delete!" Sapphire's straightforward set of justice backstab instantly killed Ruby, and quickly deleted the save file.

"Miss Ilya, my sister has caused you a lot of trouble, I'm really sorry, please don't mind."

The sapphire fulfills its function, opening the way to the real world.

Author's message:

We lost too! ! ! !Congratulations scalpers, your tickets must be selling well!

Chapter 35 Although You Are Fat, But Your Breasts Are Big

46.5 kg.

This is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for Sakura.

How could it be like this!

The room seemed to have turned gray, and life had become meaningless.

It is said that when God closes the door for you, he will open a window, but the reverse is also the same.

Sakura got a breast cup up to E, but at the same time, she also has a physique that is easy to gain weight, and she always needs to be restrained when eating.

This is also related to her magic characteristic, her magic characteristic is absorption, and her magic attribute is void.

The characteristic of absorption makes her have an overwhelming advantage over her sister in a certain part——

After all, Aoi Tosaka, that is, her mother, is actually an airport. According to genetic inheritance, no accident, she, like Rin, cannot escape the fate of a woman in the Tosaka family.

The magical properties saved her.

But it also brought her side effects.

Obviously, yesterday he just had a meal and was willing to fight chicken, but, unexpectedly... It's all the senior's fault!

Shinji watched his younger sister carefully.

I didn't get home until almost one o'clock yesterday, and it seemed that the guy from Emiya sent it back.

Yesterday he quietly went to follow and found that they were gathering at the entrance of a small hotel. He was blindsided at the time, and the two disappeared in a blink of an eye. Maybe they had already gone in?

He stopped and stopped on the way home, recalling a lot.

However, the younger sister is going to marry off after all, and it is not easy for him as an older brother to stop her.

If he finds true love, if the other party is responsible, then he has no choice but to offer his blessings.

But his heart still hurts.

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