"Sue the dead angel!"

The strong magical power is Saber's protection.

Whether it's close combat or long-range combat, Saber can completely suppress Illya and the others.Instead, they couldn't even retreat.

Rin was already covered with scars, several knife marks were drawn on his hands by Saber's sword wind.

Although healing magic can erase these traces, she still feels a little uncomfortable.

The most important thing is that I can't beat Saber.

"Damn it, how can you be so strong?" Rin said desperately.

This is the end of the mountain, Lancer's card has also been used, and it has entered the cooling time. The effect of Caster's card has not been tested, and Archer's card has not been tried by Illya, so I don't know how it will be.

Besides, Ilya was already exhausted and was panting heavily.

"Luvia, buy time with me and let them retreat!" Rin shouted.

Luvia shook her head contemptuously: "So, Tohsaka Rin, I'm really not calm, don't worry, nothing will happen."

"Hafnium?" Rin was a little dumbfounded, but a black shadow in her sight gave her a glimmer of hope.

The black shadow has a faint blue light, like a ghost, no, maybe it's more like a god of death?

The Grim Reaper carried a scythe, and the dim light tore through the space. It was very obvious that a faint black mark was drawn on Saber's neck.

The trail expanded, and soon engulfed Saber.

"The Feather of Death, beheaded."

With a light wave of the giant sword, the enemy was wiped out.

"This?" Rin was dumbfounded.

"See?" Luvia patted her chest confidently. To be honest, if it wasn't for Shero, she would have liked the person wearing the golden arch headgear in front of her a little bit.

Although I don't know who is under the hood, but it should be very handsome, right?

Miyu was stunned, and quickly walked forward.

"If that's the case, the enemy will be defeated by me. This is the card." Holding the card in his left hand, Shirou said calmly while pinching his throat, but he was also taken aback, and found that Miyu was on top of him.

"elder brother……"

"Brother?" Question marks appeared on the heads of the three of Illya.

"elder brother!"

Shirou is petrified, and brother Meiyukeng doesn't look like this!

Chapter 47 Reaching a Consensus

Miyu suddenly pounced on him, and Shirou felt that the situation was a bit difficult.

This is all exposed!

But more importantly, why did Miyu jump directly on him.Hang brother is one thing, but sister's matter is more important.

"What's wrong with Miyu?" Shirou patted her head, completely ignoring other people's gazes.

"It's nothing." Mei You also realized that her behavior was a bit wrong, and shook her head, "My brother didn't come just now, I feel a little scared."

Shirou wanted to scratch his cheek, but found that he scratched the golden arch paper sleeve.

He only realized now that although his sister has a high IQ and is generally calm, this is only on the surface. She is still an eleven-year-old child at heart. How can she not panic in the face of this situation?

"It's okay, don't worry, I'm here." Shirou comforted, and found that the eyes of the three people in front of him had become very subtle.

Luvia was alright, her eyes were just full of excitement, but the other two were already the kind who were about to rush up to fuck him.

"Shirou Emiya, hum, hum..." Rin snapped his fingers and made a sound.

"Why, what's the matter? I saved you like this, can you still avenge your favor?" Shirou inadvertently took half a step back, and a few drops of cold sweat broke out.

"I thought you didn't know me anymore." Rin smiled kindly, "I think you need to get to know me again?"

"No, I don't need it. I know you, I know you, and I owe you money. Cough cough, besides, how did you come to this conclusion?" Shirou took off his headgear, which was completely unnecessary, pretending No need, all I want now is——

Sell ​​teammates!

"Of course Illya..."

Illya's heart tightened when she heard this, and she raised her head to look at Rin with a more kind smile.

At the beginning, Ilya pretended not to know Rin just for the sake of pranks and satisfying her little devil mentality, but now she is going to suffer herself.Shirou, the elder brother, is of course deeply hurt in his heart. Why, why didn't he educate Illya well from the beginning? Is this wrong?

"No, it's Shirou who wants to pay back the money he owes! Let me pretend like this!" Illya decisively sold Shirou instead.

Shirou held his heart tremblingly.

Elijah you heartless!

"I'm so stupid, really." Shirou raised his shapeless eyes and said, sighing, since Illya chose to sell him, of course Shirou can only choose to forgive her!

"Oh, it seems that you have decided to plead guilty?" Rin's fist gave off a faint blue light, just a totem stuck in the ground could be used as a blue fist.

"I think, if you beat me up, it's not unacceptable to me. Anyway, I have thick skin (face to EA), but if this is the case, think about your loss."

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