All in harmony, Shirou thought.

But while the surface is calm (really?), the bottom is rough.

For Rin, whether the meal rewarding Shirou is well done means whether Shirou will seriously help her forge it.

But for Sakura, the meaning is different.

This is totally robbing a man!

Sister, you have the ability to snatch a man but don't you have the ability to speak out?

"Finally, senior, who do you want to eat?" Sakura asked Shirou the question.

Shirou thought about it for a while, and although the Japanese food was delicious, the Western food was also very fresh, and the Chinese food was also very delicious, he somehow lost his appetite.

The troubles of happiness, the happy and painful choice of what to eat.

"I choose Meiyou to do it!"

Sakura was silent, looking at Shirou as if she was looking at a pervert.

"I didn't expect you to be such a senior!"

Chapter 49 Avalon, It's All Grass

Although he was a bit puzzled and didn't understand why Sakura called him a pervert, it was really great to be able to eat the rice cooked by Miyu himself.

"Miyu, the food you cook is really delicious." Illya praised, "I can't do it at all, should I learn one?"

"Usually, when my brother doesn't have time, I cook for him, as well as bentos. I don't know if it's delicious or not." Miyu blushed, slightly denying Illya's admiration in her words.

"It's really delicious." Angelica commented after tasting it, "At least I can't cook such delicious dishes. I usually cook Western-style dishes. It seems that I don't have enough talent to cook them in such a short amount of time. Izushiro-sama's favorite dish."

Rin and Sakura also confirmed that the level of this meal is very high, even higher than Shirou's own cooking?It's incredible!

Miyu raised her head, glanced at Shirou, but lowered her head again.

Shirou had never seen this tangled look, but he knew that Miyu might be in trouble?

"Miyu, what's the matter with you?"

Miyu looked around in a panic for a while, then nodded: "Brother, well, I have an idea, that is, to go to work."

"Eh?" Illya asked in surprise, "You are too young, isn't this appropriate?"

"Yeah." Sakura asked concerned, "You're only eleven years old, and if you want money, seniors don't need money, right? If you want pocket money, you can ask seniors directly, right?"

Rin nodded in agreement, especially this Emiya money printing machine, how could it be short of money?

This thigh is thick and hard, it is like a self-propelled money printing machine in human form, much more powerful than any company or the like.Although the capital flow of large companies looks scary, the real money they can spend is very little.

Shirou ate his food calmly, while asking Miyu: "Actually, I don't have any objections. I've done this kind of thing before, but it's been rare recently. But I want to ask you, where do you want to work? I have to go and investigate."

"It's Sister Luvia. She seems to say that there are few people working in the family recently, and asked me if I have time to work." Meiyu said in a low voice.

"Hafnium? Luvia actually wants to hire child labor? Isn't that guy too insane?" Rin said angrily, but she knew in her heart how cunning this guy is!

She actually planned to use this method to give Meiyu pocket money to curry favor with Emiya!How are you proficient here?How many times have you done this kind of thing?How far do you have to throw me before you are willing? !

Thinking of this, Rin and Sakura immediately formed a united alliance against Luvia.

"I also object to this point!" Sakura agreed with Rin's point of view.No matter how you say it, my sister is still a sister, a relative, completely different from Luvia.Even if senior and sister are together, that, that...

Although Sakura was a little annoyed, it probably meant that, she disagreed!

Shirou didn't think so much, after all, Xiaomeiyu can do whatever he wants, earn some money and buy something he likes, that's also very good, if he doesn't want to work to earn money, he just asks him for it, anyway, he is not poor, so Some money is still affordable.

Meiyu lowered her head in disappointment, and found that so many people objected, but in fact it was mainly her brother who disagreed.

She worried that her brother would be swayed by other people's opinions.

"I don't worry about Luvia's words. Anyway, acquaintances can't exploit you. If you want to, then go."

Miyu strengthened her determination and nodded.

"Eh?" Illya looked at Shirou in surprise, that she supported Miyu so much. In fact, she felt that it would be great if Miyu could spend more time with her, or something else, but she was always a bit depressed when she had to work .

"Where does Meiyou work? What kind of work?" Illya asked curiously.

"It's at XXX." Meiyu recited the address, and she could memorize such a simple thing in a flash.

"Isn't that opposite my house?" Ilya held her head, "That mansion belongs to Luvia?! I'm so envious! By the way, what are you doing?"

"The maid..."

Rin couldn't help but sarcastically said, "It's Luvia's way to let my friend's sister be a maid..."

"Maid!" Illya was so excited!

"Illya?" Miyu was a little flustered, she didn't even eat, and hurriedly retreated several positions.

"I want to see too!"

"No!" Shirou rejected Illya, "You have other things to do for me."

Other than that, of course - Illya can't be awakened to a strange attribute and a beautiful girl!Lily is not the keynote!The main theme should be the interaction between brother and sister!

"What's the matter?" Illya pouted and asked dissatisfied.

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