"Barely, I can hold on."

Saber, rider and Miyu also greeted each other and got to know each other.

At this time Saber asked curiously: "Recycle the card, what is that?"

"That's it." Shirou showed the card.

"These cards are scattered all over Fuyuki City, and we need to constantly recycle them. And these cards have obtained spirit bodies by absorbing the magic power of the leylines, so we have to deal with those card servants to recycle the cards."

Saber nodded upon hearing this: "Do you need my help?"

"No, killing a chicken, why do you need a sledgehammer?" Shirou rejected Saber's proposal, "Saber should take a good rest today."

"Heroic spirits don't need to rest, even if they gain a body, they still have the strength of a heroic spirit."

"Once you have a physical body, you have to take a good rest, such as entertainment and leisure. You are no longer the king, so just be good to me and go to entertainment and play."

"But I'm already thirty or forty years old. If you really count, I can be Shirou's mother at this age."

Only then did Shirou realize a serious problem.

Saber only looks fourteen years old, but her mental age is already in her thirties.

And the heart is very strong, there is no need or possibility to see any strange comfort!You can't let her watch soap operas now, can you?

Thinking of this, Shirou asked: "Are you interested in re-ruling Britain?"

"No, the people don't need me, why should I overthrow other people's rule?"

"Because, being exploited? Are you interested in liberating all mankind? Then join the party organization?" Shirou suggested.

"In this case, I might as well first understand the anthologies that Shirou showed me before. I haven't read much at all in such a short time."

Fortunately, Shirou had already memorized the content of the anthology, and projected it all at once.

"Why don't you watch it first?" Shirou said with a smile.

"Okay, but the translation of the Japanese version is not very good. I would like to read the English version if possible. It is said that these two people published it in English when they wrote it, right?"


"Then I will reluctantly obey Shirou's request." Saber smiled lightly, flipping through the books casually.

Rider is a person who will find things to do for himself, and he is very happy not to be troubled.

"The problem has been solved?" Rin stood up, thrusting his waist, "With Emiya, I feel relieved, you will fight this time as soon as possible, there is no doubt that it will be crushed. Emiya's strength can completely fight some weaker servants, such as Hassan, the cursed arm, right?"

"Hey, don't call me so shabby, the curse wrist is still very powerful, it's just that my hand was cut off with a knife, it's still very strong, okay?"

Ignoring Shirou's reaction completely, Rin asked, "Then do you have confidence in dealing with the enemy this time?"



Touching his chin, Shirou felt completely ojbk.

Isn't it ass♂ass♂sin?

Even if a few Shirou come, they are not afraid.

What is the king of all-looking and quiet cursed wrists... Forget it.Come and cut off a head.

Shirou is completely confident, that is, if someone really comes... probably won't show up, right?

Chapter 53 Hand over the head!

The bright moon shines on Shirou through the grove.

The wind blows and the grass moves, except for himself and Ruby, there is no breath that Shirou can feel.

The leaves were blown rustling, which caused Shirou's cold sweat to break out, and it swept across his face with gravity.

This situation is so weird that it's almost like writing 'something's wrong' on the ground.

"Onisan, why are you so nervous? You left Illya, Miyu, and those two magic aunts outside, and even Sapphire was scared by you and dared not come in." Ruby crossed her head in confusion. Waist', if its shaft can be viewed as a waist.

"What do you think Illya is mine?" Shirou asked suddenly.

"Hey, Yolomi? Onisan, don't look at me like this, but I'm still keeping pace with the times. I even have wifi and usb sockets! I'm still very clear about this simple question. But Onisan What a joke, Illya treats you like an older brother, yet you want to drink her. Tsk tsk, forbidden love!"

"I'm still on the borderline of the taboo." Shirou couldn't hold back, and folded the ruby ​​shaft, "I treat her as my sister, the closest person to me, you know? So if there is any slightest danger, I will Excluded, especially Meiyou, both of them need my protection, so I followed them from the beginning, and I was almost treated as an idiot."

"I have to tell you, the enemy is very strong, I don't have any confidence to win, and to be precise, I don't know how the opponent lost." Shirou sighed, "You should go back quickly. It seems that I have fallen this time. "

"Can't you go back with me?" Ruby asked puzzled, "Also, the enemy hasn't come out yet, how do you know that the opponent is strong?"

Isn't that natural?This is the case in Gu Long's novels.

Stand there without moving.

After three seconds.

I lost.

"I've never heard of it, can you explain it to me?"

Shirou sighed, anyway, for a while, a certain boss should give him some time and not behead him.

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