"Okay, so what are you talking about?"

"That is, I have to die, and I may have to move someone out to solve the problem. Even kill the magic, kill the root cause."

"Kill the root?" Shirou choked again.

There are countless explosions in this world, but this is the first time Shirou has heard of such an explosion.

Although he is an incomprehensible magician, his skill points are all focused on fighting, how he fights.

But he still knew what the roots were.

"You don't need to worry about this. Let's talk about the consequences of my death first." Alaya took a sip of coffee, but couldn't help sticking out his tongue.

It seems that Alaya likes to eat sweet things very much, and he is not used to those bitter things.

"Everyone says this kind of coffee is bitter, you can add more sugar, or order the kind that is not bitter."

"I want to try it. It is said that the coffee you drink every day outside is of this type."

"It's Heroic Spirit Emiya," Shirou corrected again, "That's really tragic. I've been busy working for you every day, but the coffee I drink is still bitter."

"Hafnium? Then why do you drink this coffee?"

Picking up the cup, Shirou was stunned, and said casually: "I used to be bitter, but now I live a happy life. There is always a kind of dreamlike time. I need to drink some bitter to calm me down."

"Eh? That's it." Alaya blinked, "I didn't expect Emiya to think so? Forget it, let's not talk about this. Let's talk about the original thing. If, if I died that time, It is equivalent to the death of the administrator of the computer."

"The computer administrator was killed?" Shirou rubbed his chin, and translated Alaya's sentence, "That means the commander sitting in the rear was assassinated?"

"You can put it this way." Alaya confirmed Shirou's translation, "My situation has never been better. From the beginning to the present, it can be said that I have been chased and intercepted. In other words, there are always people who want to harm me. .”

Chapter 58 Alaya: There are always people who want to harm me

"There are always bad people trying to harm me!"

"For example?" Shirou had no idea about it.

"For example, that guy Solomon, won the crown and accidentally participated in a broken cup war. He even won. It's fine if he wins. It's fine to be an ordinary person. The problem is that he was taken advantage of by his subordinates. , Let Getia occupy his body, that's fine, but, unexpectedly, he still wants to burn people! How can it be like this!"

"Sounds so pitiful." Shirou looked at Alaya sympathetically.

"Is that right?" Alaya said pitifully, "need Emiya's comfort."

"Forget it."

"Ah~~~~~! Alright." Alaya lowered his head and continued, "Actually, my death is not a big deal. I am actually a collection of human consciousness. For the convenience of management It's just a personality that just appeared, and it dies when it dies. Generally speaking, it is like this, but things are not that simple."

"As I said before, I am a commander-in-chief, dealing with special problems that arise at different times from different world lines. Therefore, I will have people like Emiya as guardians under me to help me Handle things. So actually, I have a lot of power."

"But this also leads to another point, that is, as long as I die, before the Alaya consciousness has bred a new personality, I will be in a situation where the computer has no firewall or anti-virus software. I will die It means that there is a big crisis for human beings, and there is no anti-virus software and firewall.”

Alaya sighed at this point: "In the end, humans can only be restarted, well, this is equivalent to a complete GG for humans. Although, if this is the case, I actually have a killer, but the side effects are too much. That's all."

"What side effects?"

"Before, I told you that the person who kills the root." Alaya's face became cloudy, "Kill all magic, kill all mystery. All magicians, all mysterious enemies. Even me He must be tightly bound and locked in the Hall of Valor. The result is that humans will no longer have magic, only technology."

"Isn't this great?" Shirou rubbed his chin. "Science is great. It can change lives and make things easier for the public."

"Not good, not good at all. In this way, I will die, and the heroic spirits will disappear completely, but it is not a big deal that I will die, and it is not a big deal that all the heroic spirits have to die. The problem is this The result is that it is almost impossible for human beings to truly travel in the universe, but locked on the earth. At most, they will hang around in the solar system."

Alaya didn't wait for Shirou to ask, and continued: "Kill magic, kill mystery, and the final result is to extend the laws of physics discovered by humans to the entire universe. One of the most critical is the speed of light.

"And these physical laws that are only applicable on the surface of the planet, if extended to the universe, mean that the speed of light is locked. The speed of light limits human beings. As long as they cannot break through the speed of light, it is almost impossible for creatures in the entire universe to communicate with each other .”

"Our topic suddenly became sci-fi?" Shirou scratched his cheek, "But why does killing magic solve the problem?"

"Because of the crisis of mankind, nine out of ten are caused by magic and mystery. As long as there is no such thing, human beings can continue in a very safe way. It is too difficult to kill human beings like atomic bombs—compared to magic No matter how you do it, nothing major will happen.

"The world war is the biggest crisis in the history of human beings in the conflict between technology and human beings. But no matter how terrible the world war is, to me it only killed [-]% of the population. But that time—"

Alaya lowered his head deeply, and covered his face in pain: "The population of the world has decreased by [-]%, and Emiya has basically collapsed. If he didn't deal with it in time, the world line would have been cut off, and the world line would have been cut off." The normal world line is already very good. But in fact, I almost have to die, and the whole thing collapses."

Shirou handed over the tissue, completely ignoring the strange eyes of the people around him, and wiped away the tears from Alaya's face.

"It is generally not allowed to define a normal world line as a matter of pruning, because it will do too much harm to the Alaya consciousness itself. The pruning of a normal world line is like pruning a tree, cutting off the residual branches. But cutting off the normal world line is like cutting off the trunk of a big tree..."

Alaya talked on and on for more than ten minutes, and finally stopped.

"Then what do you want me to do?" Shirou rubbed his chin, thinking.

Now Alaya's mood should be calm after talking so much, right?Although her words were a lot of theoretical things, Shirou didn't understand much, but he didn't need to understand at all, all he needed was to appease the other party and deal with some big news.

"Uh—" Alaya blinked and suddenly became excited.

Does this mean that Emiya can satisfy her with anything?

"I want you to accompany me."


"I want you to play with me."


Shirou nodded frequently, after all, it is very important to appease Alaya's emotions.

"I want you to sleep with me."

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