Shen Er let out a long sigh, and took out a notebook from his schoolbag, alien?

"This is my computer, Emiya. Although I haven't prepared your computer for you yet, it should be enough for you. You can code it on it!"

Shirou wiped his sweat and took Shinji's laptop.

Shinji didn't consider at all the possibility that he would be caught and thrown by the teacher when he used his notebook in class, but it's not easy for Shirou to expose him now.

It seems that it's time for Shirou to use the breath he learned from the teacher to block.

"By the way, Emiya, besides this route, what other routes have you prepared? There are also characters."


After receiving some brief outlines given by Shirou, Shinji began to read.

"Oh! Tsundere double ponytails too! This one is great, this one is great! The legs are pretty good, great! This is, this is, eh? It feels like Sakura! Exciting!"

"Hey, do you have any perverted thoughts about your sister?"

"How, how is it possible? Emiya, do you think I am like this?"

After hastily denying it, Shen Er looked at it again: "The main character's sister-in-law also has the attributes of a younger sister. This is also very good. Eh? What about the route!? Are you not going to make a route for this?"

Shirou's eyes became sharp all of a sudden: "Not ready!"

"I want to see it, Emiya! Write it out for me, write it out!"

"That's impossible!" Shirou turned his head and whispered, "I don't have a strategy yet."


Shen Er's wailing made the whole group gather together, but he wailed without knowing it: "Weimiya, you are not human, come out to me quickly, I am looking forward to it! So cute!"

"Impossible!" Shirou clasped his hands tightly, "Can every cute girl be your wife? Fuck, that's me—cough cough, of course it has to be beautiful!"

"Woo—" Shen Er was crouched down after receiving a critical blow.

"Hey, Emiya, what are you talking about?" After almost two classes, Rin and Luvia, who hadn't come to class, returned to the classroom and greeted Shirou.

"What are we talking about, what is the route of the galgame characters?" Shirou scratched his cheek and said awkwardly, "By the way, where did you all go?"

"Well, well, of course it's something for the two of us to go out." Rin and Luvia turned their heads one after another.

Shirou was puzzled by this attitude.

What is hidden behind it?

Is it the distortion of human nature or the loss of morality?

Please watch today's column "Rin and Luvia's No Return".

First of all, facing the two people who are wary, we must give them a step down, so that they will slowly lift their guard and reveal their true purpose.

Shirou showed a kind smile: "It seems that the two of you are going to duel as usual."

"Yes, yes." Rin quickly replied, "It's just that I won this time."

"Hmph? Tohsaka Rin, why did you win? It's obvious that I won, okay? You ignorant woman! Even facing—" Luvia suddenly realized that she had missed something, and quickly changed the subject, "Obviously I've beaten you many times before."

"Anyway, at least I won this time!"

Shirou pinched his nose, hmm - it seems that there is indeed a problem.

It's time for reading comprehension.

Rin's rush to answer is clearly to cover up the truth, and the fact that he won this time should also mean something, and Luvia's change of words——

"...even facing..."

Does that mean that they met someone, and Rin said something wrong, very ignorant?

Who is it?

And it is estimated that this person has something to do with Shirou himself, and has a lot of relationship? !

"Did you meet my mother, Irisviel?"


It was about two hours ago. They were still fighting on the way to school when a white figure quietly appeared in front of them.

That person was—Irisviel.

"You are all Shirou's friends, right? Hello, my name is Irisviel."

Alice Feier quickly expressed her intention to come, that is to visit?Visit Shirou and his lovely daughter's life at school.

Although it was a visit, Alice Viel's description was clearly voyeurism.

Rin quickly objected: "It's not good to peep at this kind of thing, right?"

"Although it is said that Ms. Irisviel is Shero's mother, I still can't accept it." Luvia was about to decently reject Irisviel's request, but she was quickly attracted by the photo in Allie's hand.

"This, this, what is this?" Luvia wanted to take the photo with trembling hands.

"This is a photo I was going to dispose of. It was originally destroyed by Shirou, but suddenly the data was found in the notebook, and I couldn't help but print it out. Ah, why can't I control my hand? So I need your help, help me destroy the photos." Ai Li blinked playfully, "Everything is up to you!"

"Okay, okay, Ms. Irisviel, I am willing to help you. It is only right to provide necessary help to a lady like you! I will destroy these dirty things for you, ma'am!" Lu Wei Ya took the photo in her hand.

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