If you use Fantasy Honkai, although you may be able to replace Berserker's life, it is more likely to chase people away.

Immediately afterwards, Berserker jumped into the building.


Seeing this situation, everyone stepped forward.

"So what should we do here?" Luvia covered her face, "Finally defeated the opponent by force, but ran away."

"How about a few of us guarding several positions, acting separately, and then using magic to communicate in real time, and notify others as soon as we find a berserker?" Rin suggested.

This is indeed a good idea, but it is too troublesome for Shirou.

"This, everyone, don't worry." Shirou waved his hand, sat on the ground with peace of mind, and started his own projection.

"Ah? What is Shirou going to do?" Illya frowned, "Won't we not be able to recycle the cards?"

"They said don't worry." Shirou narrowed his eyes and began to hint to himself, "Traceon!"

Projecting general things, hints can be omitted, because Shirou does not need to re-analyze and replace the structure.But if you want to project a weapon that can blow up the entire building and also blow up the berserker, you need at least an A+-level Noble Phantasm.

It's up to you!

Eternal and distant golden sword (Excaliburimage)!

"What is this going to do? Liberate your real name? But liberating your real name won't blow up the building, right?" Although Rin was surprised at the strength of Shirou's projection, he still analyzed rationally that this weapon really couldn't reach that point.

"Huh? Can't it be blown up? Then use a more violent method." Shirou drew the string and drew the bow, "I never said that I want to liberate my real name, right?"

Of course he wants to use a nuclear bomb!

As Shirou let go of his right hand, the arrow transformed from the golden sword flew out quickly, causing a gust of wind and pointing directly at the building.

"Broken Phatasm!"

The building immediately began to collapse, but soon, before it could fall, it was submerged by the explosion.

Shirou turned his back and lit a cigarette—the one projected just now, and started smoking.

The so-called real man never looks back at the explosion.

The taste of cigarettes is a bit difficult to smoke, it's better for Kiritsugu to smoke things like cigarettes.The smell of smoke is really bad.

"Blown up, did it blow up?" Illya exclaimed.

After rubbing Illya's head, Shirou said slowly, "If you want to, you can achieve this effect. If you charge up your energy and fire a shot, it's guaranteed to blow up this building."

Throwing away the unfinished cigarette and stepping on it, Shirou put it in his trouser pocket confidently and said, "That's fine, let's recycle the card."

"Really, is it really possible?" Rin asked in disbelief.

"Really, really. Believe me, there is no problem." Shirou waved his hands casually.

This posture should be able to score [-] points, right?

The building was filled with smoke and dust, and it was in ruins. Countless pieces of rubble had been wiped out in the explosion, and some of them were even melted, flowing slowly like magma, and then condensed again.

But a red figure stood tall.


"Here, Emiya! Berserker is not dead yet!" Rin yelled.

Shirou turned his head in embarrassment, and found that Berserker was indeed not dead. Did one sword and seven kills not work?

But to their surprise, a dark red light enveloped the Berserker standing in the ruins, and the card also fell.

"Eh?" Shirou looked suspiciously at the dark red light in front of him, what the hell is that?

A golden figure suddenly appeared, picked up the card, and ran over at a very slow speed.

With an immature face and a height of about [-] meters, he looks like an ordinary child next door.

No, how could an ordinary kid next door be so cute?The cheeks full of smiles almost made Shirou want to see, Shirou's lolicon soul has begun to burn!

"Shirou! Shirou!"

The figure rushed over, hugged him, and rubbed against him.

"Here, card."

"Oh, thank you." Shirou quickly expressed his gratitude, but found that he really didn't seem to know this little girl!

"Brother, you actually attacked such a young girl!" Illya stared at Shirou and kept staring.

The same goes for Kuro and Miyu, both staring at Shirou: "Brother won't do bad things again, will he?"

"Why, how could it be? And why am I going to do something bad again? I obviously haven't done it once, okay?"

The blond girl looked at them suspiciously, but seemed to have figured it out suddenly, and hugged Shirou even tighter: "Shirou, hurry up and do something bad! I'm looking forward to it! Now, is this the first time?"

Shirou was shocked, the little girl in front of him suddenly drove the car.

What's wrong with this era?What happened to Japan?How did it become like this?

No, no, no, Shirou quickly denied the thought just now, the blond hair can't be Japanese!

"Ahem, well, you haven't introduced yourself yet. Although you are very cute, you still have to tell my brother what your name is?" Shirou patted the little girl's head, and it felt surprisingly good.

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