Gilgamesh thought about it for a long time and didn't think about how to deal with it, but he seemed to have a good idea in a flash, and said confidently: "I won't play with you!"

Even Illya couldn't help but fly up and touch Gilgamesh on Shirou's shoulder at this moment.

Unbelievably cute.

I'm dying without Gilgamesh sucking!

That's about it.

"Hmph, I'm ignoring you! He wants to talk to Shirou. Speaking of which, I actually have something to say to Shirou. Well, where should I start? I came here to remind Shirou that there will be danger in the near future of!"

"Eh? Dangerous? Ah, I know that." Shirou nodded, Wang Hassan also said, and Alaya also said, if he is not vigilant, he should take off his skirt.

"You don't know!" Gilgamesh retorted angrily, "Shirou doesn't know at all, the danger this time basically revolves around you!"

"What? Isn't it aimed at Alaya?" Shirou felt that he had heard something wrong, and asked quickly.

"No, maybe there is such a meaning, but in the final analysis it is not. Although people can't fully see you with the omniscient and omnipotent star, they can see some content related to you, and basically this time the matter is pointing to you!" Gilgamesh said firmly.

"And didn't the sage come over? He should have a good relationship with you, and he should have told you something, right?"


"Eh? Don't you know him? It's Napistine. The sage who has survived since the Great Flood, Napistine."

"What the hell is Nashasi?" Shirou said the awkward name with a confused face.

Miyu explained to Shirou at this time: "It is the survivor of Noah's Ark. According to the Bible, it is Noah. These two are probably the same person in myths and legends. Nabistin and Noah's words , are two names of the same person in different myths and legends."

Nabistin Shirou didn't understand, but when he said Noah, Shirou understood.

But what does this person have to do with him?

"Ah? Didn't he tell you that? Anyway, he's holding a big sword and wearing a mask!"

This person is impressive.

But isn't that Wang Hassan?What does it have to do with Noah?

Is it a person?

Shirou suddenly felt that he could eat meat with peace of mind. He could eat braised pork or pork belly.

"In that case, I've seen it before, you man of the mountain!"

"Oh, he should have warned you anyway? What should you do?"

"You want me to make a sword." Shirou scratched his cheek, "A strange sword, a mysterious sword."

"That's right!" Gilgamesh raised his head proudly, like a little publicity, "What he said is correct! Anyway, you just do what the sage said! He won't harm you. Yours."

"I understand that. He didn't have any reason to harm me. It's just that I can't think of any reason for you to help me."

Especially this person who I have always wanted to chop off my elbows before, how come he suddenly ran out and became so small and cute. If you analyze it rationally, it feels a bit conspiratorial no matter how you look at it.

"Because I like you!"

Gilgamesh said rightly.

"Why?" Shirou almost couldn't hold back the swearing, but he held back considering that it was Gilgamesh now.

"Because you are handsome! If he was a boy, he would probably look similar to Shirou! That's how it is said!"

Shirou thought about it carefully, just because he is handsome?

Sure enough, being handsome can be eaten!

Author's message:

By the way, are you interested in the four battles in the Moyi world line?

Chapter 72 Kiritsugu vs Black A (Part [-])

"Then what should I do?" Shirou teased Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh was served very comfortably, lying in Shirou's mansion with his knee on Saber's lap.

"Hehehe... Sure enough, A is the best." Gilgamesh said excitedly, although his body is only three or four years old, but this consciousness has already been cultivated, which is really scary.

Should Shirou say that heroes see the same thing?

"I also think A is great." Shirou agreed, giving a thumbs up.

Saber frowned, and said sullenly: "Shirou, your words seem to imply something. I have to tell you that my body stopped growing when I was fourteen, otherwise, I should be able to grow taller again some, and then..."

"Sure enough, it's a legitimate loli." Shirou rubbed his chin and commented.

"Agreed!" Gilgamesh enthusiastically joined the discussion with Shirou, "I won't be able to have a figure like mine in the future. A certain part is too big, so I went to look for rejuvenation medicine, and finally returned to ten years old. When I was a little older, at that time it was considered as the oldest age to maintain an A, and then it suddenly increased explosively, it's really annoying!"

"Oh—so that's the reason why I saw you so young at that time. I thought it was strange at the time..."

Saber's face was a little dark, and the two of them actually discussed this topic in front of her, and they were inexplicably congenial, it was really annoying.

Unaware of the imminent danger, the two were still discussing their favorite type. Gilgamesh drew a picture casually: "Look, this is Enkidu!"

"Well, it's very beautiful. It's also my strike zone. Besides, Illya's is my favorite."

"Eh? Do you like my sister? In fact, I like it just by looking at it. It's a pity that it's an artificial human." Gilgamesh said regretfully, "But that's the point of view when I grow up. As for me now, I I feel that I have already used the third method anyway, so I should barely count it as an artificial human..."

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