By the way, what should I do if my father caught and raped me in bed with Saber?

Chapter 75

Kiritsugu opened the door, and then the light outside saw the two figures inside.

One is Shirou and the other is Saber?

Are your eyes not blind?

And they both seemed to be awake.

Kiritsugu closed the door silently, is there something wrong with the way he opened it, do he need to reopen it, or should he come back tomorrow?

"..." Shirou bit his tongue, feeling almost speechless.

"Wait, Kiritsugu." Arturia stood up, with her hair down, and turned on the light.

This made Kiritsugu even more uneasy, what Saber was wearing at this moment was not the blue clothes and silver armor he saw that the Knight King always wore at that time, but pajamas.

Has the relationship reached this point?

"I understand everything, I understand everything, you continue." Kiritsugu took a step back, intending to close the door, but was stopped by Saber.

"I have business with you."

After tidying up their clothes, Shirou and Artoria sat in the living room, facing Kiritsugu.

After hearing Shirou's explanation, Kiritsugu probably understood what was going on.

With a smile on his face, Kiritsugu felt a little sad: "Fortunately, I chose the ideal, right? But if this is the case, does it mean that Saber, your wish is no longer needed?"

"No need, Britain is bound to perish. In the end, I also found out that Camelot's ray of light could not bloom when Britain was handed over to others. Therefore, I was relieved."

After speaking, the two suddenly fell silent.

Shirou raised his head quietly, and found that the two were looking at him.

I wipe?Why don't you talk more!Especially Saber!You will make me feel embarrassed like this, okay! !

However, Shirou understands that at this moment, Kiritsugu and Saber are so enthusiastic, it's not good not to say a word.

Although Shirou is already familiar with the principle of making a fortune with a muffled sound, Shirou had no choice but to make a move, so Shirou bit the bullet and forced a smile and asked: "Father, by the way, didn't you say that you will come back in a month? Have things been dealt with? I heard that things there are quite troublesome. Dad is really fast, haha, haha..."

"Shirou, your words are full of meaning that you don't want me to come back."

"Cough cough..."

Shirou, who had just picked up the water glass to cover up his embarrassment, immediately sprayed out, and quickly wiped the corner of his mouth with a tissue: "Why, how come, haha... I must hope that the sooner the father will come back, the better, let's not talk about me , just to say that Illya misses you very much."

"That means you don't really think about me, right? Only Illya and Ari miss me. Is that what you mean?"

Shirou's body froze, and he noticed that his father's eyes suddenly became sharper.

This is like when he followed Kiritsugu a long time ago, when Kiritsugu was facing the enemy, interrogating or something.

It is simply to treat him as a class enemy!

"Ahem, of course, yes, ahem, no." Shirou said 'seriously', almost giving himself away.

"It's so sad, Shirou doesn't want me, my father, to come back for the sake of opening a harem." Kiritsugu said with a sad face, took out a cigarette from the case, but put it back after thinking about it.

Ilya doesn't like the smell of cigarettes, so it's better not to smoke.

And Shirou was already sweating from the top of his head.

Opening a harem was actually discovered by my father!

Long live!

Kiritsugu looked at Shirou's expression in surprise: "You won't be really guessed by me, will you?"

More than a guess?It hit the mark!This guess is really very stable!

Kiritsugu looked at Shirou with some sympathy, and after talking, the two suddenly sat closer.

Of course, Shirou moved his butt again, a little farther away.

"Speaking of which, father, my difficult appearance has also brought me a lot of trouble." Kiritsugu said leisurely, "As for Shirou, your situation is even more serious. Since elementary school, you have been secretly in love with school girls. After entering junior high school, there were inexplicably many slips of paper in the shoe cabinet, as well as envelopes and the like, a big stack of pink ones, and occasionally some blue ones."

"Why is there no such thing in my memory?" Shirou touched his chin, "I remember only occasionally sporadic things?"

"That's because I basically cleaned it up for you."

"Oh, well, that would be great."

"It's just that too many people liked you after you pole vaulted once, and sometimes I didn't have time to clear it up."

Shirou nodded, and looked at Kiritsugu gratefully, otherwise the whole school would be a harem group.

But, why do you feel something is wrong?

"Eh? Dad, are you going through my shoe cabinet?" Shirou looked at Kiritsugu in shock.

"Huh? What's the matter? I often watched you when you were in elementary school and junior high school. I was not so busy at that time, but I also watched Ilya often, but I didn't go to elementary school at that time, so I didn't need to clear her up." Shoe cabinet." Kiritsugu said with great experience, "Let's talk about you first, if I hadn't helped you clean it up like this, maybe you would have been hit with a hatchet in junior high school? You are not good at rejecting others, this is a Big problem."

Shirou was even more grateful, what a good father!

"But I didn't have time to see you when I was in high school. Hey, I'm really negligent. I've already heard from Ai Li that the hatchet is not far away from you." Shirou's shoulder.

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