Then fell silent.

What the hell is this girl!

Black skin, double guns, something like a blade on the muzzle, and some stripes that don't have a color marked, but Shirou has already made up the color in his mind-golden.

Those stripes are the signs that one is about to be destroyed, the embodiment of strength.

Although the more streaks, the stronger the power, but it also means that death is closer.

But compared to some things, the situation of that black archer is not important, what is important is another thing.

After all, Shirou didn't do things like pick up his younger sister. At most, he just went out to play with his younger sister. Why does every brother do this kind of thing!Haven't even gone to bed yet!He hasn't done anything insane like a certain man named Kasugano!No matter how you say it, Kiritsugu would not really do anything to himself.

However, this matter is much more serious.

The portrait in front of him was obviously Emiya.

Emiya Shirou, that is him.

It's just that because of becoming a guardian, in battle after battle, he gradually forgot himself, and finally collapsed completely because of a certain incident, and he became like this.

In other words, just now, it was a duel between a son and his father.

And there is no doubt that the son not only won the battle, but also slashed the old father's back, otherwise, there would be so much blood on the side of the black windbreaker!

In other words, the scene of domestic violence!

It's still a real sword, a real gun, the kind that shoots real fire!

The one who injured Kiritsugu was still a crooked self in a certain parallel world.

For a moment, Shirou felt that he was in some trouble.

No, it is a big trouble.

After careful consideration, Shirou decided that Kiritsugu must not let Kiritsugu know that this man is a certain Shirou who is Shirou and is not Shirou!

Although it's a bit convoluted, Shirou has already made his decision!

"Do you know him?" After Kiritsugu asked, he smiled self-deprecatingly, "How is it possible..."

Hearing this, Shirou felt relieved, as long as Saber doesn't say anything...

"I know." Saber said firmly, "There is no doubt that I know."

"Oh?" Kiritsugu was puzzled instead, was it actually said by Saber? !

"Archer. The Archer I met in the Holy Grail War last time!"

"Is that so?" Kiritsugu frowned, "But it's not right, how could the heroes forget their own names? He calls himself Wuming, a person who lost his name."

"Generally it does, but he's the Guardian. The Guardian whose real name is Emiya."

Shirou took a sip of water in embarrassment, and the gesture gave him away.

Kiritsugu knew very well that that person was definitely not him, at least he couldn't grow so tall.

Shiro's performance speaks for itself.

He drew his gun.

Author's message:

Some people don't quite understand what Xiazongguo is. . .It is the stage 1.5.3 where Muramasa Shiro appeared, but after looking at it, I want to see that the number of FA and Shimosoko is equal, I have to think about it

Chapter 77 I want to devour all the essence ♂

Shirou almost limped to school.

It was a miserable night, with a dark moon and a high wind, and it was a good time for his father.

So the leg was almost broken, really almost.

Shirou looked resentful, deeply lamenting that Kiritsugu's thinking was outdated.

German orthopedics is outdated, and British courts are king!

All brothers with younger sisters unite, what you lose is only your legs, what you gain is a whole new world!

"Hey, Emiya, what's wrong with you?" Shinji asked with concern.

Looking at Shinji's face, Shirou decided to swallow what he said earlier.

Although he didn't say it.

"No, nothing." Shirou shook his head and yawned.

It was a little late yesterday, which made him very sleepy, lying on the table lazily.

"That's good." Shen Er breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought something was wrong with you."

Seeing a good friend who cared so much about him, Shirou couldn't help but wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"If something happens to you, no one will write my galgame script."

Shirou: "..."

He suddenly felt that he shouldn't have any expectations, Shen Er is this kind of person, to have the expectation that he will care about him, really, too stupid.

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