"Uh, that's right—ah! Emiya, it's really early after school today, it's only ten o'clock, and you're back—? Eh, no, everyone is back? Sakura, Rin, Luvia , Ilya, Miyu Xiaohei, why are they all back?"

"Well, that's something that can't be helped. I can't take this class. Have you seen people who participated in the war and went to school while fighting?"

After finishing speaking, Shirou shook his head and sighed: "And I'm afraid I won't be able to wait for you to call someone out. In a month, the day lily has been cold. I'm afraid we all became Kiara of Saseiin I can't afford it."

"Saseiin Kiara? I don't know, who is it?" Alaya looked at Shirou in confusion. After all, all her memories about this part were formatted to prevent her resurrection, although it was of no use in the end.

But soon she suddenly realized, "Oh, it's that guy, you met her?"

"It's not just that I met it." Shirou covered his face, "I almost couldn't be offended! She directly pulled me into a place called the hole of heaven, and the smell of hormones was everywhere. If it wasn't for Instead, I was replaced by someone else, who would have been squeezed into bagasse by her long ago."

"All in all, pretty scary."

Gilgamesh nodded in agreement: "If someone like me followed his desires, he must have been killed by that guy. Shirou was able to hold on, Si Kunichi!"

"Hey! You guys can actually praise people!" Illya and Gilgamesh were very at odds, and asked in amazement, "And how do you know?"

"I have an all-knowing and omnipotent star." Gilgamesh said as it should.

Seeing him so upright, Ilya was speechless for a moment.

"Then can you tell us her position and her ability with your ability?" Shirou asked quickly after hearing this.Anyway, he is now a person who has to make decisions, as much information as possible.

"This, basically, but the premise is that she doesn't use her power. To be honest, I didn't expect that guy to come here at all. I thought that there would be no crown or power on this world line." Beast-level characters, but things might get even bigger now." Gilgamesh complained for a while, and quickly started his own explanation.

"Beast class is a special class. If their abilities are used, my omniscient and omnipotent star will be blocked a lot. There is no doubt about it. Therefore, my information is also limited, and what I can tell Just a part of it."

With the information given, Shirou discovered that in this world, EX-level skills are not worth much at all!

And the enemy is the enemy of all rational beings.

what does that mean?It means that it is difficult for everyone here to deal with the killing courtyard, and maybe the only one who can resist the killing courtyard is him alone?At least Shiro didn't seem to be affected by the opponent when he fought against the killing courtyard before.

If this game is voted, can you not be squeezed into a job?

Shirou thought for 1 second, and decisively gave up the choice of surrender, after all, he would be squeezed dry.The target of the Killing Academy seems to be him.

All the people here are women, and he seems to be the only one who can be squeezed out.

The scene froze instantly.

Sakura looked at everyone's expressions left and right, and the only thing she could do was to bring some biscuits to everyone.

"Will you pay attention to Berserker?" Illya proposed, seeing that everyone didn't react for a while, and added, "It's Hercules. Didn't he also solve countless enemies at that time?"

One more person has more strength, and one more person thinks about things.Shirou thinks so——

Just don't bring his house down.

Hercules is more than two meters tall. If it weren't for the berserker now, maybe this room would really be trampled by him.

Different from the original berserk appearance, he is completely gentle and gentle without being berserk.

He thought about it for a while and asked: "Then, since the advantage of the Killing Academy is so great, why not launch an all-out attack immediately? I think if it is really as powerful as we imagined, wouldn't it be possible to do so? "

"Maybe the current power is not strong enough? But even so, not only do we not have the ability to find her, let alone kill her. And we are knowing that the enemy is in the dark." Shirou frowned, this time he was the most difficult to fight battle.

But suddenly, Shirou had a flash of inspiration.

"You mean, someone is blocking her?"

Then there is only one person, the only one who has the ability to stop her now.

Thinking of this, Shirou finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although he didn't know how far the teacher could stop her, as long as he could stop her and keep her from doing whatever she wanted, she could still fight.

"In that case, let's make a plan first. A plan is from Alaya. If you can summon that person, Alaya, how sure are you that you can win?"

Alaya replied without hesitation: "It is impossible to lose."

"Is it that scary?" Shirou rubbed his chin and took another reassurance.

"Another set of plans, that is the task that the teacher gave me, although I don't know what it is useful for, and I don't know how to make that kind of sword." Shirou scratched his hair.

Even so, he still had to follow the teacher's instructions.

Shirou always feels that although the teacher is very powerful, it won't last long.

And it's almost twelve o'clock, so I still have to have a meal.

People are iron rice and steel, and if they don't eat a meal, they will be very hungry.

"So, let's have a meal first? Go out to eat?" Shirou asked.

Gilgamesh immediately suggested: "Let's go eat beef!"

Chapter 82 Today's King Hassan is still assassinating

"This beef is not good." Gilgamesh said angrily, "Although it is Wagyu, it seems to be a little bit better than other beef, but it is still not good!"

"Although you paid for it, this is the best beef in Japan. But with my taste, I can't taste it at all." Shirou decisively gave up thinking.

Gou Dahu's thinking is not in the same dimension as him. This kind of beef Shiro feels that it is already very good anyway, at least the cooking is not bad, and it will soon reach his level.

"To be honest, people recommend the meat of the Heavenly Bull! The protein content of the Heavenly Bull is six times that of ordinary beef!" Gilgamesh sounded like a gourmet, and he didn't seem to have revenge or other things at all. idea.

Absolutely not!

Shirou believed it.

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