It's just that the opponent's sword was blocked.

By the woman in a nun's attire behind her.

"The former assassin?" Seshoin chuckled, her eyes full of desire, she was very curious, what would happen if her Noble Phantasm faced this servant who seemed to have no desires? .

"Even though your expression doesn't seem to fluctuate, I believe you will have desires, right?" Seshoin smiled happily.

The figure of Wang Hassan hidden in the dark appeared quietly. In that alley, he had nowhere to hide.

"I thought my disciple could delay for a while, but it seems that I have miscalculated." Wang Hassan said lightly.

Narrowing his eyes, the dim light on the mask also dimmed.

"Forget it, I never placed my hopes on this." Wang Hassan raised his sword and concealed himself again.

Even in a busy city, he still has the ability not to be seen by ordinary people.

"Ah, ah, don't you think about it? The joy of enjoying it to the fullest - ah! What a joy!" Shashengyuan was hit by Wang Hassan's sword head-on, but he was not injured much, but recovered instantly .

"Can't agree, also, can't appreciate."

King Hassan raised his sword.

Chapter 83 Fuyuki Album

The evening bell is a thing that reveals the names and taboos of others, and it is also the sound of death.

Lifting the sword, Wang Hassan didn't hesitate, and seemed to disappear in the busy city without attracting anyone's attention.

It was only discovered by the two people in front of them.

Shashengyuan immediately used his power to block the death given by Wan Zhong, and Wang Hassan's sword naturally failed.

"Is it not my destiny?" Wang Hassan narrowed his eyes, and the dim light on the mask became dim.

Waving the cloak, gravel flew across the street, making people on the street suspicious. In this weather and season, there should be no sandstorms anyway, but what is going on?

"Do you want to escape?" Killing Yuan reached out and grabbed the torn black piece of cloth.


Shirou has already drawn his sword.

The knife is shiny and shiny, after all, it is a good product newly projected.

"Hafnium? Try saying it again. Gilgamesh, what did you want to do with my sister just now?" Shirou was stopped by Hercules, otherwise he would have killed Gilgamesh by now.

Although the current Gilgamesh took some growth potions and became taller, about eight years old, Shirou still drew his sword!

After all, the other party is Gilgamesh, so I still have to show some face.

At any rate, he was the one who almost killed Illya at the time.

"Hercules, don't stop me! Don't you want to avenge yourself?" Shirou felt a little uncomfortable being pushed on the stool by Hercules.

"That's right, I'll take revenge first, right?" Hercules persuaded, "Calm down and listen to what she has to say."

Shirou held back his anger, and finally sat down on the chair.

"You talk, I listen."

Gilgamesh pursed his lips and turned his head: "Don't talk, don't talk! Don't talk to the big villain! Why did you let me talk to me!"


Hercules quickly persuaded Shirou: "Calm down, calm down! If you have something to say, say it well, if you have something to say, say it well."

Shirou had no choice but to coax Gilgamesh patiently: "Okay, okay, then why are you willing to talk to me?"

"Do not say!"

Shirou reckoned that although Gilgamesh looked angry, he was a child after all, if he used head-touching to kill.

"It's useless to touch someone's head! They don't want Shirou to hug and hold him high!"

Gilgamesh immediately blocked Shirou's words.

Shirou almost choked.

Why have all his routines been discovered!

But if you think about it the other way around, don't children just need to touch their heads, kiss them, hug them and hold them high?This simple and crude method is also the most effective!

"Touch the head."

clap clap.

Gilgamesh slapped Shirou's hand three times in a row, and sat in the corner angrily: "I won't let you touch it. Uh-za, miscellaneous!"

But this miscellaneous cultivator spoke very softly, it was not as natural as the older her.

"What about kissing and hugging?"

"Don't give, don't give!"

Shirou poked his waist for a while.

But you are so awesome, this is really three days without a house.

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