But there is no time!There is not much time left for Emiya Shirou!

Shirou thought about it calmly, stepped forward, hugged Sakura, kissed him, and touched Opie.

Everyone's eyes are wrong.

This is what Shirou wanted.

Since it can't solve the problem, let the problem become confusing.

"Sakura's figure is really plump. Especially Opie, who is a big thief!" Shirou said with some fascination.

Sakura's hair immediately changed back to its original color, and her face was so red that it was pink and tender.

"Previous, senior..."

Sakura's head was a little dizzy. It seems that the first one to hit the base will not be Gilgamesh, but me, Sakura!

She, Sakura Matou, will definitely not give up to her seniors, she will be the first to hit the home run first!

The younger sister forces headed by Miyu immediately reached a consensus.

After all, the younger sister is a family. If Shirou chooses the younger sister, then all three of them will benefit, at least the chances will be greatly increased. If it is a big deal, it is not impossible to accept the harem situation!

But the attributes of Sakura are completely different from them.

With a plump figure and a more mature appearance, the attribute is gentle.

No matter how you say it, you can't deal with them.

Miyu and Ilya looked at Xiao Hei, Xiao Hei blinked playfully, and understood that the task this time was entrusted to her.

And among these three, it is relatively safest to entrust the task to Xiao Hei.

Miyu and Illya spent about the same amount of time with Shirou. Originally, they were in a situation of equal strength, and their strengths were about the same. If one of them goes now, as long as the temptation is successful, then the other party is in the heart of the elder brother. image will add points.

This balance must not be broken, otherwise the alliance between the two would be broken, so they had no choice but to introduce a third party, that is Xiao Hei!

"Brother—" Xiao Hei threw himself on Shirou, "Don't you like him? It's clearly agreed, brother likes younger sister the most!"

Seeing that Shirou didn't respond, Xiao Hei knew that it was time for him to use his trump card.

"Do you still remember what happened to accompany me that afternoon? It was with my brother, together..." Xiao Hei's face also turned red immediately.

Shirou touched Xiao Hei's head: "Of course I remember! Ah--the elementary school students are so cute!"

Gilgamesh remained silent, and took out the potion from the king's treasury——

Growth Potion.

Immediately, Gilgamesh's body grew rapidly, and his figure became plump all of a sudden.

Tall and tall, with a red EA in his hand, ready to turn.

"When I was growing up, I discovered that if you reason with others, the more they will be ashamed—there is a limit to words and reason."

"Gilgamesh, what do you want to say?"

"Shirou, if I kill them, you will be mine! I'm being unreasonable!"

Shirou couldn't help covering his mouth: "Crush it, crush it! Hold on, hold on!"

Of course, this is also what I said to myself.

Hold back, can't laugh!

The three forces have been completely controlled by him, and it is possible to start a war with each other.He has perfectly controlled the situation.Next, they only need to spend some time, and they will be exhausted from fighting.In this way, let me add another sentence: You are all my wings, and you still have the position of the harem, and the family is happy, isn't it beautiful?

They seem to panic like old dogs, but they are actually stable.

The flying dragon is riding on the face!

War is for resources.

Resources are limited, but desires are unlimited.

Hence the war.

And this resource is him!

"Artoria-chan, Shirou is about to be snatched away! It will be too late if you don't participate!" Alaya said anxiously, the stock of Artoria she was holding tightly was about to hit the limit?

"Oh? Alaya, why are you so impatient?" Artoria glanced at her, always feeling that there was some conspiracy, but——

"Shirou is mine, there is no doubt about it." Artoria swore lightly, "I don't need to compete with them at all, because they lost from the very beginning."

The words immediately stirred up waves.

Shirou froze in fright.

Alaya's stock was so scared that the daily limit went up!

"Arturia! Food can be eaten indiscriminately, but words can't be spoken indiscriminately!"

People will die!

People will die!

Shirou managed to form a perfect balance circle, but it was broken all of a sudden?

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