"Miscellaneous! Shirou is my property, you don't deserve it." Gilgamesh said angrily, almost pulled out EA, but she held back.

Maybe she still has a chance to fight in the main body, but now she is just a follower, and she still needs to be calm when dealing with enemies stronger than herself.

"Ah? Then why did he drive you away?" Killing Academy said boredly, disgusted.

"Calm down." Shirou turned to look at Gilgamesh, and patted her on the shoulder, "The farther you can escape, the better, I will wait for the opportunity."

After hearing this, Gilgamesh couldn't help but feel relieved: "Okay, okay..."

Turning to look at Sesseiin, Shirou raised his swords again and looked at the enemy in front of him.

"I didn't expect Emiya, do you like to play this type? Shaking S—" After finishing speaking, Saseiin stroked his body, and his face turned red immediately, "Ah, ha—although it's a bit abnormal, but I can't accept it."

How is this unacceptable!This is simply shaking M!

Also, I am not S really not S!

"Did Emiya actually prepare this kind of pre (harmony) scene? I'm looking forward to it. Ah, ha, ha——" Saseiin gasped, "Let's enjoy the joy of being human together."

"No, get out!"

"Ah——ha! Unexpectedly, actually hurting me like this, Emiya is really cruel, really cruel! Ah—" A few drops of liquid dripped from the bottom of the killing courtyard inexplicably, "I'm so sad."

Shirou: "..."

Panting heavily, Sesseiin held her surging chest and brushed her hair. She finally managed to catch her breath, raised her head, and looked at Shirou expectantly.

"To thank Emiya for the preparation, in fact, I was also a little bit prepared."

"Ready?" Shirou had an ominous premonition, as if 3D projection technology had appeared ahead of time, a 'screen' appeared in the sky, full of people.

It's all - people from the school!

No, more than that, Shirou also saw Illya, Miyu, Kiritsugu, and Eri.

With a trembling voice, Shirou asked, "What are you doing?"

"This is the appetizer I brought you, do you like it?"

"do not like."

"It's cruel, it's heartless... But it's okay, I like it."

Seshoin opened his hands: "That's my world. Emiya, have you seen it? That's the human beings you've been hoping for. You'll soon see them behaving like beasts. Spring is the mating season. Woolen cloth."

"Ah, of course, I will prepare another appetizer for you." Killing Yuan snapped his fingers, and a black figure appeared on the screen.

"I'll let him hunt one by one, everyone in the school, his father, theoretical stepmother, and everyone around him, ah, it's also yours. I signed a treaty with him , if he can do it, I will destroy myself, how about it? Haha, haha... I want to see how he is faithful to his heart and yearning for justice, hahaha..."

Looking at Saseiin coldly, Shirou secretly used displacement magic. Although it was not stronger than Angelica, it could still be done by sending a word.


Medea poked her head out quietly, looking at Ge Mu in the office.

It's just that the surrounding air seems to have turned pink, which is a bit strange.

Panting heavily, she suddenly felt that kudzu had turned into delicious food.

"Medea? Medea?" Ge Mu frowned, and walked to her side, "I feel that the atmosphere is a bit strange now."

"Hmm, um! I, I think so too, Ge, Master Ge Mu."

Zongichiro Ge Mu pushed his glasses and frowned, his killer instinct told him that he must do something, otherwise don't mention him, the whole school will be finished.

And why is the smell of hormones so strong?

"Let's go and have a look." Ge Mu pushed his glasses and pulled Medea.

Medea's eyes have turned into heart shapes - such a kudzu is so handsome.

Soon, they rushed to the rooftop and found an African.

He was holding two strange guns, which seemed to have knives on them, and there were two female students on the side, and a purple-haired female student on the side.

Ge Mu had already seen that the two fallen students were from his own class, one was Rin Tosaka, the other was Luvia, and the two transfer students were not ordinary people.

The other is Sakura Matou, who often helps the teacher. Although she doesn't talk much, she is still quite a likable girl.

"Archer... you, why are you acting like this?" Sakura gritted her teeth, looking at the black Archer in disbelief.

The muzzle of the black hole was aimed at her, which made her very scared, but the two people who fell made her even more afraid to leave.They are not dead yet, and they can still be saved, but if they run away now, Archer will kill them immediately, right?

"That's how I am." Archer said coldly, "Killing you can save mankind, isn't it a huge profit deal?"

The people on the ground moved their hands, grabbed Archer's ankle, and shouted: "Sakura, run!...Ah!"

Archer kicked Rin to the side.

"elder sister!"

Ge Mu on the side wanted to rush out but was stopped by Medea.

"Master Ge Mu, you can't! That guy is a servant, you can't beat him! They are all magicians and they can't beat him!"

"Do you know what's going on with them?" Ge Mu asked, "That's not what I asked you a few days ago."

"Sorry, Master Ge Mu, I deceived you." Medea lowered her head.

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