Killing Academy replied without hesitation: "Of course it is to find you. You are the only person who can kill me. If you don't cheat, it is definitely the case."

"Huh?" Shirou was caught off guard.

"In a certain parallel world, the Emiya who killed me is different from this archer. It seems that you have indeed forgotten." Seshoin narrowed his eyes.

"Ahem, this is not important, what matters is Archer's subsequent actions."

Shirou started to talk nonsense in a serious manner without guilt: "He must have used some method to tell you that you must stay in this world? I think it is not difficult for Beast to travel through parallel worlds?"

"That's true. Alaya blocked this world from the very beginning, and there is no possibility of letting me out."

Alaya looked at the Killing Academy with a confused face: "When did I do this? Although I have this kind of power, I basically dare not use it. It is very harmful to use it, so I only have it." The trial version can probably be used for seven days—huh? Could it be the seven-day trial version that Emiya stole at the time?"

Killing Yuan's face turned green, it turned out that Archer was cheating on her?


"Do you think that's all there is to it? Think about it, why do you stay in Fuyuki, this ruined city? I think with your ability, as long as you lurk, within a few weeks, the world will fall into your clutches, right?" Shirou tried to lure, "Or, you were lured here?"

"As soon as you're lured here, you lose—"

Shashengyuan's words froze, and even the movement of the Demon God Pillar stopped.

"Furthermore, the arrival of Wang Hassan makes it impossible for you to escape from here, right? So you are trapped here, even if the teacher loses the crown, it doesn't mean that you are easy to deal with him. "

"Although you are a young beast, there is still not much you can do to face the experienced elder?"

"And if I'm not wrong, the teacher is also called by Archer!"

Shirou was talking nonsense with his eyes open, making up things he didn't even know.

"What——" Seshoin completely believed Shirou's words at this moment, especially knowing that Archer's tactics and routines were almost terrifyingly dirty.

"Shirou Emiya, how do you know?" Archer pretended to be surprised.

Although the facts are slightly inconsistent and some points are wrong, but it is basically correct, it is enough to deceive people, and the key is that you must act well!

If the effect of his own performance is good, the Killing Institute can be deceived.

Cold sweat broke out on the face of Killing Yuan.

The basic facts are all consistent, I was indeed lured to Fuyuki because of Emiya Kiritsugu, but after sending archer to test him, I completely lost interest.

"Hmph, Killing Academy, do you understand? Although I haven't made a move yet, you are not far from death."

Shirou was very disturbed, because the time to create an opportunity is coming, but Shirou really doesn't understand, is this creating an opportunity, or will it expose the teacher?

Hercules said that beauty tour is the key to victory?

why?Can't figure it out.

"But it doesn't matter. There is no doubt that in the current situation, I won. The former crown assassin has been injured by me. Do you have the ability to deal with me as a beast?"

"Gilgamesh is dead, unfortunately I didn't spend much time playing with her to deal with you, but it doesn't matter, your toy is much more fun than her."

Shirou's heart suddenly brightened.

By the way, Shirou suddenly remembered that he had completely forgotten the role of Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh said at the time that there was a way to have a relationship with his sister.That way is to deal with the beast.

Does that mean Meiyou?So why is the US tour the key?What exactly is the role of Meiyou?

And could this have something to do with the teacher?

As the teacher said at the time, I came to help myself according to someone's entrustment. If there is an entrustment, it means that there is a problem in that world.

Meiyou question?

Will it be related to the teacher?

Will it be related to this incident?

Shirou was afraid that he would guess wrong, and that he would hurt the teacher and cause the whole situation to collapse.

But I can only gamble, maybe this is the last chance, as long as I win the bet, everything will be fine.

"Hmph, it doesn't matter at all. Her mission has been completed. When she died, your death star also began to shine high, and the song symbolizing your death has already played."

"The instrument is nothing but—"

"Evening bell!"

A fiery light shone from Miyu's body.

Shirou finally sees his chance to kill Seseiin - the only chance!

The evening bell is ringing!

Chapter 97 Soas Ipray

Time seemed to stop.

Everything froze.

The Demon God Pillar lost its original appearance of baring its teeth and claws, and remained motionless in a daze.

When Shirou said the last sentence, Seshoin showed a shocked expression, and also showed a fatal flaw, and finally gave the old man of the mountain a chance to ring the evening bell.

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