"Then, how did you kill him?" Musashi asked in surprise.

"Cut along Suye." Shirou said impatiently, "That's probably the case, get out of the way, there are still things to do."

Although Lancer is dead, Musashi is also very sorry, and silently mourns for him in his heart, but there are indeed more important things to do now——

Sanada Yizang.

Although Musashi didn't say it before, he didn't think much of these two samurai in his heart.

Compared with her, her skills are far behind, and she doesn't have a good sword, so it's hard enough to protect a little girl.

But just relying on that jump just now, Musashi admired him.

At least she couldn't do it.

Shirou walked up to Sanada Izou, who was already very angry and his face was pale.

"How did he die?"

"Senior had his heart pierced to protect me and the villagers." Nagahide Muto said in a low voice, "It's all my fault. If it wasn't for protecting me, senior would definitely not have died."

"Stupid." Shirou said something that shocked everyone, but it was true in a sense.

"But I still have to thank you on behalf of the villagers." Shirou hesitated for a while, holding his sword.

"Hey, the old man asks you, can a person live without a heart?"

The question left them scratching their heads.

How can a person live without a heart?This is the same reason that people will die if they are killed.

"This, it should be—" Gudazi hesitated for a while, and said slowly, but was quickly interrupted.

"Of course I can live." Shirou drew out his sword and slashed at Sanada Izo's body, causing everyone to scream.

But miraculously, the sword did not scratch Sanada Yizo, but passed through.

Closing the sword, Shirou threw the sword to Sanada Izo, and turned around.

"I still don't want the sword I forged to have no master. But the old man's skills are not good enough, so I can only cut off your death for five years. If you want to live longer, you must practice better sword skills."

Under everyone's surprised eyes, Sanada Izo straightened up coughing.

"Thank you grandpa..."

"Thank you, I really came back to life... Wait—what is the name of this sword?"

"Name?" Shirou pondered for a while, "Since it brought you back to life, let's call it Winghunchai Muramasa."

Chapter 13 Your Surname Is Emiya?

As Shirou walked into the thatched cottage, Musashi and Gudazi were observing to see what was special here.

But they were disappointed to find that there seemed to be nothing special?In addition to a little magical breath.

It is normal for a powerful warrior to possess such terrifying power, and it is normal to have some magic power.

"Sit down. There is only simple food here, which may not suit your appetite." After Shirou finished speaking, he walked into the kitchen.

The dishes were ready quickly, and Shirou brought the bowl to the table.The smell was so tangy that Musashi couldn't bear it any longer, and his stomach made noises.

"What a big roundworm." Shirou smacked his lips.A girl who looks so slender is so hungry.

By the way, the same is true for Arturia.

"Hey hey..." Musashi scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"For the sake of protecting Ah Xie and the others, I won't say anything, just eat." Shirou picked up the rice bowl and picked up the vegetables.

Speaking of which, he was also a little hungry.

Gu Dazi also picked up the bowl and started to eat.

People are iron rice and steel, and if they don't eat a meal, they will be very hungry.

Gu Dazi picked up the vegetables and chewed for a while, when the chopsticks suddenly fell to the ground.

Very familiar taste.

"Gudazi, what's wrong with you?" Musashi picked up the chopsticks and looked at her suspiciously.

"Hey, I can't help it, let's wash it up a little bit." Shirou frowned, "Be careful, although the rice may be a bit unpalatable, but don't be so disgusted."

"No, it's not bad." Gu Dazi shook his head, firmly denying this.

"It feels like my dad's cooking."

Soon, the chopsticks were handed back again, and Gu Dazi suddenly remembered that he hadn't been home for more than a year.

Dad, that guy is in the Middle East every day, and I don't know if he is still messing up. After he comes back, his skin will turn dark again, and his hair will grow like weeds.When he comes back, he must ask his mother to trim his hair well.

"Speaking of which, you haven't introduced yourself yet." Shirou handed the soup to the Ashi bowl, "It doesn't look like anyone here, especially this one."

Feeling Shirou's gaze, Gudazi introduced himself: "My name is Gudazi, from Chaldea."

Gudazi also briefly introduced the situation of Chaldea, an institution that continues human principles.

After hearing Chaldea's introduction, Shirou touched his chin, but didn't pay much attention to Chaldea's affairs.Although it seems to be very powerful, it is none of his business.

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