"Servants don't need to rest."

That's right, servants never need to rest, rest is only because of the master's order, just like Artoria summoned by Shirou at that time, lying down is just because Shirou thinks it makes him feel more at ease.

But not resting is the normal state of a Servant.

With this spirit foundation, Shirou didn't need to rest at all, and his whole body was extremely energetic.

"Forgive me." Assassin, a majestic heroic swordsman, was made into such a state by the enemy, which is unprecedented.

Just as Shirou was about to continue educating the children, the door was suddenly opened.

As soon as Shirou turned around, he saw the energetic Musashi.

Musashi greeted Shirou: "Hey! Grandpa Muramasa! Woke up... Huh?"

Musashi saw the excited Shirou in front of him and the assassin who was about to cry, and immediately understood what was going on.

"sorry for disturbance."

"Hey, hello!" Shirou shouted twice, dumbfounded.

After thinking calmly for a while, since I have been misunderstood anyway, it would be too bad not to do something.

Shirou took out a button.

"What are you going to do?" Assassin looked at Shirou in fear.

Shirou took out this button and sneered: "I just need to press this button..."

"Musashi-chan, no way, the old man is not like this..." Gudazi also opened the door immediately.

After a moment of silence, Gudazi closed the door with a bang.

"Sorry, Musashi-chan, I shouldn't have doubted you."

After breakfast, Shirou has already been regarded as a gentleman by Gudazi.

Although there is nothing wrong with saying this, Shirou is indeed a gentleman, but, but, not that gentleman!

"Gudazi, Grandpa also has a human body. It's normal to have a little desire. The other party is such a beautiful enemy. It's human nature to rub sparks!" Musashi intended to stabilize Gudazi's mood.

But Gudazi turned his head away, and Shirou's expression became even more unkind.

Human nature is a ghost!

Assassin looks so much like Miyu, no matter how hard Shirou can hold back, he won't attack someone who looks like Miyu.And it's not that he doesn't have someone he likes, it's absolutely impossible for him to have cheating!

This is simply slandering people's innocence out of thin air!

But even if he said that, Gudazi would never believe it. Even if Assassin said it himself, Gudazi would regard Shirou as a scumbag.

This is simply something out of nothing!

"Well, I think, the old man must have used some tricks to interrogate the information." Kotaro's words made Gu Dazi's expression soften a little. This is not impossible, and torture is also possible. child scene.

"That's right, the old man's method is just to get more information." Musashi said some unnecessary words.

Musashi's words immediately gave rise to strange associations.

Gu Dazi's face turned black all of a sudden.

Feeling sulking from nowhere, Gudazi walked out of the hotel.

Shirou glared at Musashi, and then ran out, why is this person so tricky!

Following Gudazi, Shirou walked all the way to the street, but Gudazi didn't say a word, completely treating Shirou as air.

Shirou followed closely and was not thrown away by Gudazi. Gudazi was a little dissatisfied and muttered, "Old man, why are you following so closely?"

Hearing Gudazi's words, Shirou quickly replied: "How dangerous is it for you to go out alone? If a heroic swordsman comes out, won't something happen to you?"

"On the street, during the day when the sun is out, can those monsters still appear at this time?" Gu Dazi looked displeased, completely ignoring the existence of this possibility.

"Old man, I'm not bragging, but—hey, it's hard to explain in words, life is not a game, and you don't play cards according to routines! It's not impossible for you to encounter monsters and ghosts in broad daylight on the street..." Shirou also said When he wanted to say something, Musashi ran to them.

"Finally found you." Musashi complained, "Gudazi, you are walking too fast, and you are walking around."

"Hmph, if the old man hadn't followed me, I wouldn't have walked around like this." Gudazi turned his head away, not looking at Shirou.

"I don't..." Shirou thought for a while, then shut up.

To explain is to cover up, and if you say more, you will make more mistakes.

At this time, he must not talk nonsense, let alone talk too much, not even at the right time, otherwise it will make the girl suspicious and make the girl think that this person is too shrewd.

This can be regarded as a little experience that Shirou has gained through many battles.

"It's so early in the morning, everyone is empty, it seems that everyone has gone to the same place, should we also join in the fun?" Musashi saw that the momentum of the two was not right, and quickly suggested.

Gu Dazi thought for a while and nodded, trying to calm down.

Although she didn't know why she suddenly felt sullen, but she always had a feeling of being betrayed, which just allowed her to clear her mind.

I saw a group of warriors approaching. Counting them carefully, there were nearly five hundred of them.

If so many samurai are the core of the army, coupled with some followers, they can completely set off a mid-level battle.

Such a group of warriors must have a powerful leader to lead them.

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