Ba Yuqian's body then slowly turned into a spot of light, and the distorted space returned to its normal appearance. The flame no longer burned, and the blood moon fell.

It is also beautiful here, like an ink painting.

"Rest in peace, Ba Yuqian." Gu Dazi stepped forward, "We will never forget the deeds you fought for Uruk."

Musashi also came forward and praised Ba Yuqian's bravery: "You can shoot eagles with a bow, and break trees with a knife. Ba Yuqian, your legend is not fabricated. Seeing the swords of you and Mr. Muramasa, I feel the same. I learned a lot."

Once Inferno died, the enemy army continued to be defeated. In this valley, hordes of demons and ghosts fell one after another, and their strength dropped significantly.

"Great, the enemy has already been defeated, and the battle will be over before the sun goes down, right?" Kotaro found that Shirou and the others were in a low mood, and tried to comfort them, "Ba Yuqian is indeed a powerful warrior, but he deserves to be The village main hall, the exquisite technique is admirable."

Shirou nodded seriously, and patted Kotaro on the shoulder.

This son is very discerning at first glance, it can be seen.

"That's right, the old man ended the battle with a single knife, but to be honest, in order to demonstrate his superb skills to Musashi, the old man had to slow down a bit, and the movements of his hands were full. Why? Musashi , have you learned?"

"Old man, I've learned, I still find it difficult to cut off the flames of old karma. The old man is still very strong." Musashi quickly started blowing Shirou.

Shirou nodded in relief, it seems that Musashi is also a child to teach: "Well said, go back and add chicken legs."

"You two, stop bragging. Go and help them kill the remaining enemies." Gu Dazi looked at their business bragging with a dissatisfied expression.

"Yes—" Shirou and Musashi obeyed obediently.

Chapter 27 Shocked!Qing Ji was about to be assassinated?

"Welcome back, Mr. Muramasa." Assassin, or Mochizuki Chiyo, greeted Shirou and the others.

Musashi stared at Mochizuki Chiyo, and then looked at Shirou with a bewildered expression.

"Grandpa, didn't you say you've packed it up?"

"Isn't this cleaned up?" Shirou slumped on the chair and let out a long sigh of relief.

After traveling for a day, defeating Inferno, and returning after another day of traveling, Shirou was physically and mentally exhausted.

Although it is said that the servant does not need to sleep, it does not mean that the servant will not be tired.

"Would you like some tea, Mr. Muramasa?" Chiyo picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea, and handed it to Shirou.

Shirou took a sip of tea and praised Chiyo, thanked her, and continued to collapse.

When we arrived at the hotel, Shirou felt as if he had returned home. Chiyo-chan spoke nicely, and Shirou liked staying here very much.

It's just that Gudazi's expression is not quite right.

"It seems that old man, your training level is very high." Gu Dazi looked at Shirou with an unkind expression.

Oops!Forgot there is a vinegar bottle here!

Although I don't know why Gudazi cares so much about himself when he doesn't know his identity, but Shirou is very clear that Gudazi's favorability will be finished.

"Cough, cough, cough." Shirou coughed dryly several times. After drinking the tea, he quickly took the teapot by himself, and then poured a cup of tea for Gu Dazi, "Drink tea, drink tea."

"Then, old man, shouldn't it be time for us to explain the situation of Assassin?" Gu Dazi took the cup, reluctantly letting Shirou go.

"Well, it's probably like this."

After finally capturing a person alive, wouldn't it be a great loss if he didn't get any information? Assassin was only arrested by Shirou for one night. During the interrogation, he was basically frightened for a long time before asking a question.

After one night, Shirou really only asked some fluffy and useless things.

Shirou, who returned to the hotel at that time, was a little unwilling to hack assassin to death directly, and felt that after a night of training by himself, assassin's karma continued to decrease, so Shirou stabbed over, and assassin returned to its original appearance, that is, Mochizuki Chiyo.

"The old man can still have this effect?" Musashi looked at Shirou in surprise.

"Yeah, in fact, it is estimated that the old man was able to exempt himself and some things with a cursed nature around him, so assassin's karma was emptied a lot under my influence. After the old man cut off the remaining karma, assassin I regained my sobriety. Theoretically speaking, if Ba Yuqian or Baozangyuan stayed with the old man for one night, I would be sure to cut off the karma and make them regain their sobriety. It’s just that I don’t have the time for me to dawdle. And it’s not easy to capture alive thing."

"I don't understand." Musashi thought for a while and still looked at Chiyo with suspicion.

Gu Dazi slapped his thigh: "Oh! It turned out to be a purifier."

Shirou: "..."

Looks like there's nothing wrong with it?

"What do you mean?" Musashi didn't understand.

"For example, suppose a heroic swordsman is like water, and then it is polluted by karma, but the old man can get rid of this kind of thing if he puts it in." Gudazi quickly understood Shirou's strange aura Ability.

"So after finding the water, just throw the old man into it and you can drink it?" Musashi asked curiously.


Musashi stared at Shirou after hearing this, as if he regarded Shirou as a treasure.

"Old man, you can come with me from now on, cook me something to eat, and I can drink water if you jump into the pool when you're thirsty."

"Get out, I won't cheat you for food and drink, can't we talk about something serious?" Shirou rolled his eyes at Musashi, "The chicken legs are gone today."

"Ah——" Musashi pretended to cry for a while, but found that Shirou didn't like her, so he raised his head, "By the way, old man, do you know Bayuqian?"

"Is it?" Shirou scratched his cheek and said uncertainly.Shirou only knows what happened with this spirit base.

"Oh? Where did you meet?" Gu Dazi was also a little curious about this question, "Speaking of Miss Bayuqian, I heard from Gilgamesh that she helped the people there in Uruk. The old man and Where did you meet Ba Yuqian?"

"It seems to be Uruk, too?" Shirou replied subconsciously, suddenly feeling something was wrong.

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