Shirou aimed at Musashi, then at Gudako, nodded, and then looked at Kiyohime.

He sighed.

The results are already obvious.

"What do you mean?" Kiyohime looked at Shirou suspiciously.

Looking at Kiyohime's chest, Shirou shook his head: "It's self-explanatory."

"Ah—" Qing Ji blushed suddenly, "It's too much! Perverted! Perverted!"

Kotaro looked at Shirou suspiciously: "Mr. Muramasa, what does this mean?"

"It's okay." Shirou patted him on the shoulder.

"Then Muramasa, do you have any good plans? Do you play Kiyohime-sama yourself?" Yagyu narrowed his eyes and stared at Shirou.

Shirou naturally knew that Yagyu still wanted to embarrass himself.

But people who are already very proficient in Shirou's routine don't follow this routine at all.

"how is this possible?"

When Shirou said that, Gudazi heaved a sigh of relief.

"Of course our Kotaro will take on this role."

Kotaro blinked and found Musashi, Gudazi looked at him.

"The height and shape are very suitable." Musashi commented.

"Boobs too." Gudazi seemed to have discovered a new world.

"Hafnium?" Kotaro took a step back in horror, but was stopped by Shirou.

"Zhong, ah no, we have already appointed you to play Qing Ji."

"It has been decided."

Kotaro's face darkened.


Chapter 29 You all play tactics with a dirty heart!

"Let's fight!" Kiyohime looked at Shirou with a look of lovelessness.

Shirou thought for a while and took out his cards.

"Shall we play gwent?"

"How do you play?" Kiyohime looked at Shirou curiously, staring intently at the cards in Shirou's hand.

"It's very simple." Shirou promised, but soon, Kotaro stepped forward.

"Master Kiyohime. You are going to duel with Mr. Muramasa this time, right?" Kotaro reminded kindly.

"Well, yes. Mr. Muramasa, I have admired your name for a long time. I want to compete with Mr. Muramasa, and I can also watch and entertain everyone. How about it? Of course, the reward is indispensable." Qing Ji said while holding back something , but finally finished talking.

Seeing this expression, Shirou instantly understood.

Such a simple sinister trick, he, Emiya Shirou, has seen it for many years, okay?

So childish.

"Okay." Shirou agreed.

"The salary can be negotiated, thirty taels can also be... Eh?" Qing Ji was taken aback, why didn't this person play cards according to the routine?

"I don't want any other rewards. If you win, you can give me a few strands of hair." Shirou showed an inscrutable smile.

Qing Ji's face suddenly turned red, and the direction of these words was already very obvious.If you lose a few hairs to him, doesn't that mean it's a token of love?

"Old man, I didn't expect you to be like this!" Gu Dazi hesitated to speak, "Ms. Qiandai is still waiting for you. She is alone in her spring, thinking of you silently, and then, old man, are you going to the harem? "

"You can eat indiscriminately, but don't talk nonsense, Gudazi. What happened to your eyes seeing me and Chiyonu? No? You don't have any eyes, do you?"

"I see it with either eye."

Qing Ji's eyes became more dangerous, her face flushed red, she stomped her feet, and asked someone to bring over a big cage containing a tiger.

The tiger looked very strong, eating and drinking well, looked up at Shirou, and roared suddenly.

"Go! In short, it's a fierce tiger! Someone, bring me the flammable water that I'm wearing!"

The so-called flammable water is probably oil in Shirou's view.This oil looks sticky, not a good oil, and it must not be separated and purified.And there is no such technology these days.

After scooping up a spoonful of flammable water, Qing Ji's mouth bulged, ready to cooperate with the tiger to burn Shirou.

The tiger howled for a while as if threatening Shirou, then kicked its hind legs and stretched its claws.The claws are very sharp, and three bloodstains must be inevitable when grasping a person.

Immediately, the tiger ruthlessly grabbed the prey in front of it as if descending from the mountain.

But when Shirou stared, the tiger lost its momentum and lay on the ground, even its hair seemed to lose its luster.

As if feeling that this was not enough to make the other party feel at ease, Tiger sincerely exposed his belly and chest.

It turned out to be a tigress.

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