Heroic Spirit Illya: Why are there so many female friends of my brother? No, brother Shirou is mine

Mrs. Yingling: Ah la, my husband doesn’t remember me, what should I do, wait online, urgent!

This is actually the story of the heroic Emiya family wandering around the world due to the simultaneous explosion of the two major restraining forces. Well, there is a story of love...

Did not expect it!Our Emiya family, from old to young, are all tm Heroic Spirits! !

The world I live in: My Hero Academia (Completed) - Fateapocrypha (Completed) - Britain (In progress)......

Chapter 33 Look at that blood moon, are you still blessing you?

"Old man, are you alright?" Musashi looked at Shirou in surprise.

"Bah, how could the old man be okay?" Shirou smacked his lips, "Bad luck. If you don't talk too much, the old man will be fine."

Musashi stuck out her tongue and smiled awkwardly, she decided to keep her mouth shut.

Toxic milk requires the consciousness of poisonous milk.

"Kato Danzo, I actually didn't expect it to be you at first." Shirou sighed.

Duan Zang was silent, but his eyes flew to Kotaro.

Kotaro lowered his head, bit his lip, and didn't look at her.

"How did you find out?" Duan Zang asked suddenly.

Shirou glanced around, narrowed his eyes, and began to think.

Is this question a delay?

Obviously yes.

If it was still an extra force, they should have joined the battlefield directly.The refueling tactic has always been the stupidest tactic. A good decision maker must invest almost all of his troops from the beginning, and leave some as a reserve.

Unless it is, there are internal contradictions.

That being the case, even if Shirou said it, it would not have much impact, and Kotaro's situation is very bad, it must be related to Duan Zang, and Shirou needs him to deal with Duan Zang.

Then he must untie his knots at the same time, so that he can boldly and safely let him attack Duan Zang.

"When I came to the west side, the old man discovered it."


Shirou is talking nonsense with his eyes open.

From the moment he ran here, he realized that if there was something wrong with Duan Zang, he could change his job to become Sherlock Holmes.

When he really discovered that there was something wrong with Duan Zang, he slowly thought about it after he was fixed for a long time. He found the sachet on Qing Ji's body, and considering the strange position of Duan Zang's appearance, it was not until Duan Zang finally After jumping out and intimidating Musashi, Shirou dared to confirm that Duan Zang was a spy.

Fortunately, at that moment, Shirou finally broke free, otherwise Musashi would have been in danger.

"Can't believe it? In fact, your mistakes and omissions have always been there, but they don't constitute conclusive evidence, and the one just now has completely proved that you are a spy, so the old man took action. The old man has been waiting for you for a long time. Such a once-in-a-lifetime event will not There are very few opportunities to put anyone in danger and expose you." After Shirou finished speaking, he squinted his eyes and observed Kotaro.

Kotaro clenched his fists and buried his head even deeper.

Why was this not discovered?

When the plan was clearly arranged, he knew that there should not be any changes in personnel, but when Duan Zang proposed to go to the west side, why was he not vigilant?He really failed as a ninja!

"Then what about other reasons?" Kato Duanzang frowned, "It's not true based on this alone. If I just want to patrol, there's nothing wrong with it, right?"

"Of course there are." Shirou pointed to Qing Ji, "For example, the changes in Qing Ji. The old man took a rough look, is it a curse like a snake? The blood curse is entirely based on some things that are very far away. Something close and connected to a person, right? Like what you just did with Musashi."

"Oh!" Musashi slapped his head, remembering what happened before, "I see, old man! It's that amulet! Duan Zang, you're plotting against me!"

Shirou smiled lightly and nodded slightly: "Exactly."

Of course, this is also Shirou's nonsense, he made it up just because he saw the spell that Duan Zang used to deal with Musashi.And when he was observing Qing Ji, he found that Qing Ji had a sachet that she hadn't worn before, so he started guessing like this.

But just right.

"In the end, it's the moment you jumped out." Shirou said, feeling very lucky that it was Musashi who was facing the caster, otherwise he really didn't have much confidence in making a comeback like this.

"Then old man, why didn't she have such a good opportunity to kill Qing Ji?" Musashi asked very puzzled.

"This is very simple. Because although she is going to be killed, she is the secondary target. If we are killed, how will caster deal with us?" Shirou shrugged and looked at caster happily, "hey, what do you have? How do you feel?"

Caster's face was cloudy and uncertain, and he didn't speak.

"Besides, Duan Zang, I want to ask you, why did you betray Liu Sheng by helping Caster?"

"Is that so?" Duan Zang seemed to be responding to something, looked at Kotaro sadly, and then at Shirou, "Because I was manipulated by Caster Palace from the beginning, when I picked it up, my memory was destroyed Revised, from the operation log, it looks like this. Yagyu-sama was completely deceived by me, when he picked me up, he thought I was just a reactivated puppet."

Kotaro looked at Duan Zang in shock and gritted his teeth.

"Is this your truth?" Shirou asked seriously, and at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief.In this way, Kotaro can let go of his burden.

"That's right." Duan Zang said with a sad smile, "From the very beginning, my will has not belonged to me, even now, but the only thing I said just now is my sincerity - run quickly, the spell of the caster is about to be completed Already!"

"Hahahaha——" caster smiled proudly, "Come and taste the grievances given to you by the karma under the blood moon. Your Excellency Qianzicunzheng, Your Excellency Shinmen Musashi, if you can hold on, can others? ?”

Musashi quickly looked up and found that the blood moon's power was even stronger. Even on the ground, she could smell a rusty smell, which made her feel a little foul.

The surrounding environment also began to change unpredictable.Killing, massacre, fighting, and blood completely enveloped them.

The magic vines were also constantly climbing, covering the courtyard with spikes, growing toward the samurai and Shirou.

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