These past karma will become the nourishment for this sword before it takes shape, and it will definitely become the best sword that Shirou has forged for so long after getting the nourishment.

That is, it is more difficult to build.

Originally, Shirou was a little unable to make this sword, but now it is even more difficult.

Forget it, make do with it.

"Isn't your sword finished yet? It's just a sword embryo?" Rider looked at Shirou suspiciously.

Her real name is Minamoto Larimitsu, and her adaptability as a saber also exists. She saw the sword very clearly just now.

A swordsman wounds a person without using the sharpness of the sword. This is the state, not only the state of the sword holder, but also the state of the sword.

It is also the realm that every swordsman desires.

"Of course, it's better for you to just admit defeat when it's finished. Otherwise, you will die under this sword in pain. This sword contains more karma than your body." Shirou said. Then I was a little distressed.

It's a good sword, it's a good sword, if it is forged like this, after the sword is finished, maybe it can only be used by him, otherwise it may be eaten back by it.

Those who are hit by this sword will be in great pain.The karma they bear will be several times that of the heroic sword hero.Although Killer didn't mind, but he still minded making people die so painfully.

Rider was not annoyed when he heard this, but was rather excited: "Your words are a bit arrogant, but it is undeniable that you have the qualifications."

"My forbidden name is Rider Black Rope Hell. The true name of my body is Minamoto Raimitsu! See it!"

Minamoto Raikou?Shirou remembered what Chiyomi had said.

It seems to be a general who is famous for subduing demons, why is this a woman?And a certain part is completely a basketball, right?

In any case, the enemy is definitely not an unknown junior, Shirou put away his underestimation of the enemy, and reported his name:

"Then, let me declare my name too, servant, saber, Qianzi Muramasa."

"It's a showdown!"

As soon as the words fell, the swords collided immediately, but the sword of Minamoto Raimitsu screamed at the moment of collision, as if it could not bear the attack of the unmarked blood blade at all.

Rider hastily withdrew his sword, backhand wrist guard intending to block the blood blade's sword energy.

The sword energy disappeared immediately, but the scarlet karma was even more ferocious than the killing karma of the heroic sword hero.The rider, who was able to maintain a lot of rationality under the karma of the heroic swordsman, felt that his body almost didn't belong to him.

Seeing this, Shuten-douji quickly poured wine on Shirou, forcing Shirou to back away, and the rider was relieved.

Facing the savior, even if there was resentment before, he should thank him anyway, but the rider didn't want to do that, instead he roared: "Get out of the way, berserker, this enemy is mine!"

"You can't stop him just by receiving his sword qi, how long do you think you can hold it?" Berserker ignored the rider's harsh tone, and instead considered the rider's safety in his words.

"This is the dignity of a swordsman..."

"Come on. You're so confused by the sword's karma that you can barely speak clearly. If it's an ordinary sword, it's fine. The old man is willing to fight one-on-one with you. But this sword, it's fine. Now, it's not easy for the two of you to block its karma." Shirou prepared for a rare and fair battle.Hikari defeated the enemy with the power of the sword, and Shirou felt that winning was not so fun.

"Grandpa, this doesn't look like your style." Gudazi couldn't help complaining from the side.

"Man, there is always a time when the blood boils. This old man is no exception."

Shirou watched rider and berserker rectify their state slightly, and said loudly: "Then I'm going to go."

"Wait!" Rider looked at Shirou's sword, "Dare to ask the sword inscription?"

"There is no sword inscription, and the old man hasn't picked it up yet. After thinking about it, there is no name that can match this sword. Well, maybe it should be called Tiancongyun·Munzheng."

Chapter 35 Mom

Dare to name her sword Amazono, Minamoto Raimiko also felt that it was a bit arrogant, but that sword made her completely powerless just by relying on the karma attached to it, she had to admit, This sword qualifies.

"It's about to go—are you two ready to take the old man's sword?" Shirou said very relaxed and freehand.

But this is only superficially easy.

Shirou's hand holding the sword is numb now, and his hand has already been dyed red from the backlash of the sword. Maybe if he waits a little longer, his blood will have to feed the sword.

And he even felt that swinging this sword was a bit difficult for this spirit foundation.According to Alaya, this is also a top-level spirit foundation, the same level as Arturia, but he couldn't bear to wield this sword lightly.

What kind of demon sword did I make myself?

If the real name is liberated, maybe this spirit base will be shattered right away?

Both Rider and berserker held their breath and concentrated, not daring to neglect at all.

With a wave of the sword, the sword energy rushed towards him like a wave of blood, and the waves were turbulent.

Seeing this, Shuten-douji took a step back one after another, and the rider completely endured the baptism of the sword energy.

"Hezhong Hell, you, unexpectedly...!" Minamoto Laiguang gritted his teeth, trembling uncontrollably.

"Did you just say that you want to be a concubine and not interfere in the battle between you and His Excellency Muramasa? Didn't you say that is the dignity of a swordsman?" Shuten Doji quietly took another step back.

"You have the guts not to retreat." Minamoto Raimitsu became furious, and started fighting in front of Shirou.

Shirou stood there in a gentlemanly manner, waiting for them to recover.


How can it be?

Shirou is the kind of person who can rush in and kill people while others are sleeping, throw bombs and shit while others are in the toilet, and use chat streams to create opportunities to kill people if there is no chance.How can you stick to the small details and stop going to A when you see others arguing?

Shirou is not a serious samurai, he is standing there blankly now, just because of the backlash of his own sword, he has already made him a little unable to move.

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