"This king's rule has always spread throughout the whole world, understand? It's like the sun shining on the earth. One day this king is on this land, this king is still in charge of the whole world. The wish that needs the Holy Grail to be fulfilled, yes As far as I am concerned, it does not exist, there is nothing that can fulfill the wish of the king. The only thing that can fulfill the wish of the king is the king himself!"

The church door was suddenly pushed open.

"Ha, I like this bold statement." A servant in silver armor and a helmet followed an uncle and pushed open the door of the church.

Seeing the visitors, Amakusa Shiro walked up to them calmly and said, "Welcome."

"Yo, the last servant? Huh, not bad." Gilgamesh nodded slightly appreciatively, and then walked into the depths of the church.

"Wait, caster, aren't you going to hear who they are from Black?" Amakusa couldn't help asking.

Lion Jie Jieli found a seat and sat down, Saber's helmet also turned to caster.

"Oh?" Gilgamesh raised her eyebrows. She was really curious. If she had an interesting opponent, maybe she could use her fists in this war, right?

Amakusa walked towards Saber and her master.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. My name is Kotomine Shiro."

The uncle nodded, putting his hands on the chair beside him.

"Lion Jiejieli. Self-introduction is omitted."

Amakusa nodded: "Then I'll make a long story short. Black's servants, there are several very powerful ones, among which Saber, Archer, and Lancer are all very powerful. Saber's real name is unknown. Lancer's suspected name is Vlad III. And Archer is the scariest servant I know so far, that is - Hercules. This is certain."

"Interesting." Gilgamesh raised an eyebrow.

"The rest of the followers are not strong at the moment, but I don't know about the black assassin. According to sources, he calls himself the twentieth Hassan."

"The twentieth generation Hassan?" Gilgamesh was stunned, sitting on a chair, holding up a golden cup, and took out a bottle of fine wine.

Looking at Gilgamesh's completely different appearance from before, Amakusa couldn't help asking.

"Do you know each other?"

Gilgamesh drank wine alone and smiled happily.

"Well, who knows?"

Chapter 5 I have perfect breath blocking skills

There was an incense burner on the table, and purple smoke came out of the incense burner.

There was a bit of poisonous gas lurking in that smoke.Although not fatal, those who inhale it will also fall into a deep sleep and cannot extricate themselves.

There were five Masters at the table, sitting motionless on the chairs, as stiff as dead corpses.

This is the result achieved by Amakusa Shiro Tokisada using the Noble Phantasm of Semiramis, and, by this means, he has all the followers in his pocket.

Picking up the teapot, Shiro Amakusa poured himself a cup of tea, and spoke slowly, as if speaking to himself, and also to the masters present.

"The ruler has already arrived in Romania. We have also dispatched the lancer. As long as he has his power, even if the opponent is the ruler (arbiter), he cannot be an enemy, right?"

"Then, let's look forward to the good news." Amakusa raised his cup, drank it, and walked out of the secret room very satisfied.

It seemed that Caster had been waiting outside for a long time.

"Caster..." The smile on Amakusa's face disappeared, and she looked at her seriously.

This strongest character in the history of mankind has the ability to give him a fatal attack when Semiramis is not by his side, no, or at any time.

But now can be said to be his most dangerous time.

As a servant, failing to protect one's own master is completely dereliction of duty.Even if the Servant is the King of Heroes who almost despises any human beings, she will inevitably provide the minimum protection for her Master.

Amakusa Shiro's behavior can be said to have touched Gilgamesh's bottom line.

"Amakusa Shiro, you are very ignorant." Gilgamesh squinted at Amakusa.

Those red eyes and vertical pupils made Amakusa feel like he was being stared at by a snake, and if he was not careful, he would be hunted down to death.

Really summoned a terrifying servant.

"Forget it, if you don't intend to endanger the Master's life, I will forgive you for the sake of finding something interesting in this Holy Grail War. But there will be no next time, understand?"

Gilgamesh turned around, his tone filled with a coldness that didn't match his appearance.

After walking out of the secret room, she looked at Karna who had been waiting outside for a while.

"You are really obedient. After treating your master like this, Amakusa still carried out the task of preventing the ruler from going to Tulipas. Tsk tsk."

Karna nodded expressionlessly: "I'm used to this kind of thing. I don't have the ability to rescue my master now, so I have to listen to this priest's command. On the contrary, you didn't get angry, Calling that priest a miscellaneous cultivator is very strange."

"How to say, he also called himself Amakusa. Of course, I don't want to call Amakusa Shiro that way." Gilgamesh looked at the bright moon in the sky, "It is said that the ruler is with the black assassin."

"I heard the news." Karna found that Gilgamesh would be interested in this, and couldn't help being a little curious, "Are you very interested in assassins?"

"Did you get noticed? Ah, maybe. Ruler is not worth mentioning, but you have to be careful about assassins."


The moonlight is like water, slowly flowing on the steel shell.

The roar of the car tore through the quiet night, as fast as lightning.

The route of the car is also winding, but it does not slow down at all at the corners, but accelerates, accelerates and accelerates.

"You, don't drive so fast!"

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