After all, the opponent is also a servant who can hang himself on the ground.Especially now, he manifests the world with the rank of assassin, and the spirit foundation he uses does not support his use of the inherent enchantment infinite sword system, and more importantly, he does not have a stable source of magic power. If we really want to fight, the two Three hits and he's done.

But Shirou doesn't feel quite right with the current situation, should he slip away?

So, Shirou quietly took Joan's hand, ready to run away.

"Oh?" Gilgamesh opened dozens of doors behind him, and countless weapons protruded out, eager to try.

"That——" Shirou quietly took a few steps back, looking left and right, "cough cough, here we are, we don't see each other when we look up, we see each other during the day and at night—like this, we fight and kill, don't we? OK?"

"I think there is nothing wrong with it!" Gilgamesh's eyes were full of anger, and the door opened hundreds more.

The weapon flew out suddenly, like a rain of arrows.

But these arrows are treasures of B-level and above, and they are completely throwing money at other people's heads.

The golden rain of arrows gave people no less despair than Wang Hassan's big sword resting on his neck.

Anyway - it's all dead.

Shirou felt that he could already foresee the coming of death.

And a figure stood proudly, raising the holy flag.

In the storm, she is the mainstay.

"My lord is here!"

The rain of arrows made up of treasures can't break through the ruler's protection at all——the Holy Banner arouses the brilliance to protect her!

The treasures had to be scattered, some were nailed to trees, or branches were cut off, some were stuck on the ground, they were very stable, and some even smashed the surrounding grass due to their flying speed too fast. They were all set on fire.

Shirou stepped on the small flame beside the step, and muttered, "Gilgamesh, you set fire to the mountain, but you have to be imprisoned, don't you understand?"

"Assassin, are you alright?" Joan asked concerned.

"It's okay, ruler. Fortunately, I have your protection, otherwise I probably wouldn't be able to block Gilgamesh's extravagant attack methods." After thanking Shirou, he aimed at Gilgamesh.

"Xinxi, if you have anything to say, let's talk at home. What's the point of fighting here?"

If he had said so before, Gilgamesh might have accepted it happily, and then went home with Shirou to do something.But now this sentence is very harsh.

"Who is with your family?"

Gilgamesh took out a huge golden key from nowhere. The structure of the key was very complicated, like a circuit diagram.

"Jill, what are you doing?"

"Does that matter?" Gilgamesh laughed angrily.

The key finally gathered in one place and turned into a 'sword'.

The body of the sword is extremely black, but there are some red stripes running through it.

Shirou tentatively asked: "Tiandi leave Pizhixing?"

Gilgamesh laughed viciously:

"That's right, it's the heaven and the earth leaving Pi Zhi Xing obediently!"

Chapter 9

Suddenly, the situation changed suddenly.

The three black blades are constantly rotating, brewing with great power.

And the wind pressure generated by the rotating blade already made Shirou a little bit blindfolded, and the ruler also relied on his strong physical fitness to bear the pressure.

But if there is no other countermeasure, then the two of them can leave early and play GG.

"Go to hell and repent, Shirou Emiya!"

The wind is howling, the animals are howling, and the woods are roaring.

In extreme times, only extreme means can be used.

There is only one reason why the other party is so angry!That is--

Him, Shirou Emiya!

Then, if you want to avoid the fate of being hacked to death by EA, you can only use the last resort.

Without retreating, Shirou resolutely rushed forward.

Joan of Arc couldn't help being surprised, even for a moment, admiration spontaneously arose.

Not everyone can make the decision to live or die under such circumstances.

Joan of Arc was also a soldier during her lifetime, so she naturally understood how much courage she had to make this decision.

This is to die together!


Shirou's speed was close to the speed of light for an instant, and his voice was completely forgotten.


Hugs Gilgamesh.

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