Shirou quietly used a magic hint.

The priest who had been enchanted shook his head: "Sorry, I don't know either. He asked me to take over his job before, so I came here."

Shirou nodded and left the church.

It seems that this priest is a priest of the Holy Church who has little to do with the mysterious world.

The personnel in the Holy Church are also composed of ordinary members and those priests or representatives of the mysterious world.

This person really doesn't seem to know too many things, otherwise Zhong Shirou wouldn't have such a simple magic hint.

At this time, it was almost sunset.

This is not a good thing.Before he came to look for this priest Kotomine, he had already investigated the other masters, but he only found the master of Saber, and the other masters seemed to have evaporated from the world.

He was the last to come to this priest named Yanfeng.

He felt that this priest with the same name as himself had a great connection with those disappeared masters.

"Really, why is my surname Kotomine, and also called Shirou. Kotomine Shirou, is my younger brother still a representative? Is it Kotomine Chi? That priest who only knows mapo." Shirou muttered and kicked the road side stones.

The pedestrians on the side of the road gradually thinned out. Although this is a bustling area, there were no people there.


Shirou narrowed his eyes.

Something feels wrong.


"Is the Assassin coming from the opposite side? Why is it sneaky?" Shirou turned around and looked behind him.

A figure came out from the corner.

"Tch, I'm not happy to be told that by the Assassin." Mordred said dissatisfiedly with his sword and armor.

"Yo, assassin, tell me your name, come and hit me once."

"Don't you know that before asking someone's name, you have to give your name first?" Shirou smacked his lips.

"Then I'm at a disadvantage. Don't you all say that you are the twentieth generation of Hassan? Hassan Sabah, everyone knows it?" Mordred said dissatisfiedly, holding the sword, "But it's not necessary , anyway, you will be hacked to death by my sword. Hassan is so weak. And he dare not fight me head-on."


The general Mo Xie immediately projected it in his hands.

"Then come and let me see if you are as strong as you said in your mouth, you can hack me to death with a single knife. ——Spiritual skill is Taishan!"

Chapter 14 The First Battle with Mordred

"Mental skill is Taishan!"

Shirou narrowed his eyes slightly, watching Mordred's movements.

As a simple tentative tactic, there is no doubt that the Crane Wing Sanlian is very qualified.

Relying on continuous flying blades, seek the enemy's flaws, and kill the enemy with one blow.

For many followers, hard resistance is the only way not to be killed by this move.

But hard resistance is very dangerous for many followers, and they are more likely to die in this blow.

Even if there is armor, if the armor level is not enough, it will be as thin as a piece of paper, and Mo Xie will be cut in half by (harmony).

Mordred was a little apprehensive, and turned sideways, trying to avoid the joint attack of the two swords, but the two swords were originally yin and yang, attracting each other, and at this moment they turned around and stuck on her armor.

Shirou projected a second pair of double swords and was about to throw them out, but when he saw Mordred who tried to hide but didn't succeed, but ended up resisting, he was stunned.

This is too weak, right?

"Are you really a saber?"

There is no doubt that Shirou's words are questioning Saber's quality.

Saber was enraged all of a sudden, and a red lightning flashed from her whole body.

"Shut up, annoying assassin!"

The helmet was removed immediately, revealing Saber's somewhat annoyed face.

Seeing Saber's appearance, Shirou frowned and said to himself:

"Why is it so similar to Artoria? Counting this, I've seen two of them."

Saber, who was originally angry, suddenly stopped releasing her magic power.


"How do you know the name? Tell me, how do you know the name of the father?"

Shirou suddenly felt a little pleasantly surprised. When he met Saber, even after analyzing the weapon, he didn't figure out who was wearing the calarent sword, so he never guessed Saber's real name.

But Saber, who revealed her origin, has already told Shirou who she is at this moment——Mordred.

One of the members of the Knights of the Round Table, and the first cause of the demise of Britain that Artoria managed to maintain.

His smile suddenly became playful.

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