But Shirou didn't give her this chance at all, and threw the go-getter Mo Xie out.

He really didn't believe it, his knife was not as fast as caster's chant!

The first officer, Mo Xie, was thrown out, followed by the second and third officer, eat me...


The black cadre hits the caster, although it doesn't seem to hurt the vital part, it seems to be a big blow to the caster.

After being hit, Caster's figure stopped in the air, and then he was hit by the white Mo Xie on his right arm, and blood slowly flowed from his arm.

"Why are you so weak." Shirou curled his lips, although Caster was indeed a rookie without melee combat, but it was relatively simple in normal battles he had encountered.

Compared with lancer and berserker, caster is simply a jerk.

"Qian! You'd better surrender to me obediently!" With this announcement, Mo Xie was thrown out again, and the goal was to crucify Caster.

But the blow missed, and to Shirou's surprise, Caster disappeared.

Teleportation, this kind of magic?

Before he could think about it, the surrounding magic reflection interface lit up, which was an omen before the magic bullet was fired.

But Shirou didn't have the heart to pay attention to this, his eyes were constantly observing the surroundings, trying to find the caster.

Clairvoyance, on!

Target found!

Caster was on the ground, panting heavily, clutching his wound, with green magic on his hands, trying to heal himself.

As for Shirou, she didn't bother to pay attention to it, and under the condition of stagnation, it was the most powerless time.

But is it really so?

The red magic was attached to Shirou, and a red gun appeared in his right hand at the same time.


It can be used to stab, but it can also be used as a spear to throw!

Reversing cause and effect must hit the heart. Only Servants who can continue to live or have a strong intuition can have the opportunity to avoid this move within the hit range.

"Break through the gun of death flying!"

At this moment, the red gun burned like a meteor after passing through the atmosphere. It was a strong magic burning, and even the air was shaking.

The air was completely unable to intercept the red gun. Before Caster had any response, the red gun had already reached him.

The fluctuations of the magic reflection plane also disappeared at the same time, without the master's request, these magic circles will not have any unnecessary actions.


The red gun has nailed Caster to the floor of Liudong Temple!

Shirou deliberately avoided caster's vital parts, not even showing one-tenth of his original power, just to save his life.

Sakura's reaction at the time made Shirou cautious now.

"Let me reveal your true face..."

Approaching the caster, Shirou was taken aback.

Black hair and a man.

This has nothing to do with Sakura, right?Neither did the purple hair that was inherited from the Matou family.

And this person is even less like Tokiomi, at least there is no elegance on his face.

"Do you have anything to do with Sakura?" Shirou squatted down, frowning, and a sense of unease appeared in his heart at the moment.

Who is it?

"Sakura? Do you know about Sakura? How is she now? Didn't she die in the Holy Grail War?" Caster, beyond Shirou's expectations, grabbed his shoulders with both hands and asked excitedly.

"No, it's fine, I'm still fighting with Saber, who are you? What's your name?"

Caster seemed very distressed and couldn't remember anymore: "I don't know, since Sakura is fine, I can rest assured."

A guess suddenly appeared.


"Really? Is that the name?" Caster thought painfully, but couldn't remember it at all. "It's probably the name? But it's great that Sakura is fine."

"I'm still worried. When I die, the rest of Matou's family will bully her. She always sticks to me."

Cold sweat suddenly dripped from the top of Shirou's head.

Sakura had said before that she had a period of negative and pessimistic days until she met herself.When she said this, she mentioned her grandfather and Shinji, but she didn't mention Kariya.

But if Sakura hadn't suffered that kind of pain, Kariya would have returned to Matou's house and participated in the Holy Grail War.

Then Sakura would really be so pessimistic and miserable in those days, there could only be one reason.

It was the death of Matou Kariya in front of him.

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