"It's useless to talk too much. If I believe your nonsense, I might not be able to leave, right?" Atalanta pierced Shirou's thoughts.

"Okay, okay." Shirou projected a bow, "It seems that you are not interested in your master - I know a thing or two about archery, do you want to compare?"


"Pseudo Spiral Sword."

Chapter 21 Nuclear Bomb Arrow Fairy Hercules

"Pseudo Spiral Sword."

Following these words, a twisted and spiral sword that looked like a knight's spear appeared in Shirou's hand.


Archer opened his eyes wide, and suddenly felt the magic power contained in the sword in Shirou's hand.

"Are you going to—"

Shirou drew the bow and drew the string, and the extremely thick sword body suddenly changed into the shape of an arrow, but this arrow can still vaguely see the appearance of the original spiral sword.

"Damn it, Assassin, aren't you an assassin? How come you know how to bow?" Atalanta quickly distanced himself from Shirou, "Why aren't you an archer?"

Arrows always run faster than people, and Atalanta was quickly overtaken by arrows.

She had no choice but to hide sideways.

The arrow that grazed her hair flew two hundred meters away in an instant, and was finally nailed to the stone.

"Speaking of which, I also know a little bit about swordsmanship. Magic can project, and what I'm least good at is probably assassination. After all, the teacher didn't teach me this, so I learned to cut people." Shirou was embarrassed. Said, "I made you laugh."

Even a servant as calm as Atalanta wanted to curse at this moment.

Aren't you the one who nearly hacked her and Achilles to death just now?

Assassin, you said you wouldn't assassinate?

A few arrows were shot again, but she dodged them.

Shirou smiled faintly, but Atalanta's eyes were dazzling.

This is definitely a challenge to her as an archer!

Not to be outdone, she pulled the string out of thin air.

This is no longer an ordinary battle, but a battle for Archer to prove his dignity.

Being teased by an assassin with a bow and arrow is absolutely intolerable to Atalanta!

Offer this calamity and kill the enemy!

The dark golden bow aimed upwards, and the magic power turned into blue light and wrapped around the arrow.

Let the strings go, and the arrows go.

"A rain of arrows in appeal!"


Achilles, who was running fast all the way, ran to the open grass. He looked around but didn't find Shirou.

He didn't realize that his speed was so fast that Shirou couldn't catch up, so he thought Shirou was nearby, but hid.

"Assassin! If you are a warrior, stand up for me!" Achilles shouted.

But there is no place where one can hide one's figure, it is not a forest, nor is there any shelter, only grass.

No matter how well he hides his figure, Achilles doesn't believe that the enemy can hide in such a place.

He is not a star player.

Where will the assassin be?

In the distance, on the castle, Hercules unhurriedly took out a gold-plated arrow from his quiver. The arrow seemed to emit the light of the sun, and the tail of the arrow rose like a burning flame.

"Archer, the opponent's rider is said to be Achilles. Are you sure you can catch him with an arrow? And the key is to cooperate well with the assassin." Fiore sat on the wheelchair with some restraint, holding the wheelchair armrest.

"Don't worry, it's not in the same era, but I've heard the teacher say some things about him, he's easily irritable. Assassin is a guy who is very good at taking advantage of that, I trust him. Even though Achilles is very fast Quick, my arrows will surely hit him too."

Hercules held his breath and narrowed his eyes.

"he came."

The gilt arrow hit the string.

"Look at my performance, master."

The arrow was blown by the wind, bursting out with a powerful force, like a shooting star, rushing towards the distant enemy.

The wind howled and the wind blew past, Fiore's hair was a little messy, and she even had to squint her eyes to see her surroundings clearly.

Cowles held his hand tightly on the handle of the wheelchair, but he was still a little unstable.

"Archer, are you a monster?" Coles lowered his head and said in spite of the wind.

"Sorry, I didn't pay enough attention." Hercules put away his bow and sincerely apologized to Fiore and his brother.

"No, it's okay. Was that gust of wind brought about by you just playing the strings?" Fiore suddenly remembered something, and asked incredulously.

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