"Master, it's not good for you to indulge Caster like this." Semiramis complained.

"But if you go to war, it will be cheaper for Black, isn't it?" Amakusa explained very gently, "In this way, we will lose two of the most powerful servants."

Semiramis had no choice but to give up, sitting on the throne and holding his head with his fists in dissatisfaction.

"Caster, since you know him well, what is his wish?"

Gilgamesh poured a glass of wine.

"Well, let everyone in the world live a happy life?"

Amakusa Shiro was stunned: "Isn't that great? It's consistent with my wish."

"No, only your wish, he will use all his strength to stop it." Caster denied Amakusa's point of view.

"Since he is righteous, then stand with me, I don't think he will refuse, right?"

Caster gave him a deep look.

"Then he can only fight justice. Are you ready? Justice's partner Amakusa Shiro?"


"Speaking of which, Assassin, you should tell me something, right?" Joan of Arc quietly followed behind Shirou, trying not to make the slightest sound.

"What?" Shirou put his shield on his head and focused on his surroundings.

He was looking for where Spartacus was imprisoned, and he was preparing to draw a map so that his android master could find Spartacus at a critical moment.

"Your real name, that Gilgamesh seems to have said that you were called Emiya or something."

Shirou nodded: "Ah, that's right, that's my real name, and I put on this shell just because some places are similar to this spirit base."

"Is this like this? Also, I am also very concerned about what you said before, such as the Lord will not hear my prayers. Aren't you Hassan? And your spiritual foundation looks like that of the Far East If you are a person who wears Hassan’s name, you should also believe in the Lord, right? Although some explanations are different.”

"Then you are wrong, ruler." Shirou heard the sound of some violent chains and knew that he was about to find Spartacus, so he walked lightly and spoke very softly.

"I was given the name Hassan only because I was recognized by the teacher, but in fact, I don't believe in these things. I believe in myself, in human beings, and in the hands of labor, not I saw the invisible so-called omniscient Lord. I hope you don’t ask this topic, after all, it’s not good to deny the existence of gods in front of you, a believer.” Shirou stood on tiptoe and found the front door.

This iron door is a bit difficult to enter, with some sophisticated locks, and a magical atmosphere.

But if you use a talisman that can break all spells, this kind of lock is useless even if it is precise.

Through the gap in the door, Shirou finally discovered the existence of Spartacus.

"Okay." Joan glanced curiously, "Speaking of which, what did you bring me here for? You dragged me here."

"This is also very close to Caster's magic workshop, I want you to tell me his real name." Shirou said bluntly.

Ruler frowned: "You are..."

"Investigate. I don't trust my companions very much. Of course, some of them are very trustworthy. For example, Saber, rider, archer, and lancer, and the black berserker can be regarded as trustworthy."

"But you don't trust Caster?"

"Yes, I don't trust him. He seems to have been an orthodox magician during his lifetime. That's why I don't trust him very much."

"Your reason—it feels like you are really slandering people's innocence out of thin air." Ruler muttered.

"That's not true. Orthodox magicians are all lunatics. I can still deal with heterogeneous magicians who use magic as a tool. Even if they do some evil, they are at most ordinary people with power, not lunatics."

"My father used to be a partner of justice. It was my father's father who forced him to take this path. That time, after the experiment failed, the entire island was infected and then killed."

"It's kind of scary."

Joan of Arc and Shirou sneaked into the workshop quickly and obtained information about the caster, whether it was the real name, status, or treasure, all useful information was obtained.

"And the magician playing with the puppet is even more strange. It feels like an ancient otaku, a maniac with hands. I guess he is completely the type of person with social phobia. Look at the caster mask I have brought them all, perhaps because I hate making eye contact with others? For such a person, his ethics and morals may be very abnormal." Shirou recorded the list of people who need to beware of, and all the information written on paper.

"You make a lot of sense. Assassin, your work is really meticulous, and you have put in so much effort for the Holy Grail. Your wish must be very grand, right?" Joan of Arc was amazed at Shirou's work.At least according to the standards of her life, if such high-quality information could be obtained at that time, the army she led would definitely be able to quickly defeat the invaders.

"I don't have any wishes. My wish is to prevent others from fulfilling their wishes."

"Your wish is really vulgar."

"Hmph, maybe. I'm a real villain. Don't take my words as lies. If the other party's wish is justice, then I can only fight justice." Shirou touched his chin , "It's time to call it a day, and the investigation of Danic will be over tomorrow."

"Are you still investigating Danik?"

"Yeah, I heard that he has lived for many years, but he hasn't aged at all. It's scary, isn't it? Let's go."

Author's message:

I got stuck again today == and I still have to take an exam.

Sudden heart block

Chapter 26 Saber and Gold

There used to be a hero in the past, he was a great hero who slayed dragons.

Prince of the Netherlands.Brave and noble, everyone is full of praise for his majestic appearance and has won countless honors.

All the men came here to become his subordinates, and the women all devoted their love to him.

The hero also responded to their expectations.

He barely had any time to rest, just constantly seeking to fight.No, it wasn't that he was looking for a fight, but that the fight hadn't let go of him and his mighty power.

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