Rider choked up speechlessly: "I didn't expect assassin, you with big eyebrows and big eyes, to betray Black Fang."

"What do you mean... are you too?" Shirou glanced at Gilgamesh's malicious eyes, feeling that he probably had no chance of surrendering successfully.

At this moment, Shiro Amakusa and Semiramis saw that Gilgamesh was about to leave Pizhixing with Tiandiguai, so they hurried over.

"Caster, stop for me, in the name of the Command Seal!"

Tian Diguai had just turned the blade of Pi Zhi Xing's blade a couple of times, and before he had fully charged, he was abruptly stopped.

Gilgamesh was very angry: "Amakusa Shiro, are you courting death?"

Shirou's ears were sharp, and he was stunned. One of the masters on the red side is actually called Amakusa Shiro?

"Hmph, caster, don't think I'm afraid of you." Assassin immediately protected Amakusa Shiro, "You are using your treasure in my garden, are you going to destroy my garden and sabotage Shirou's plan? ?”

Gilgamesh was also stunned: "I just want to destroy Shirou's plan, otherwise this guy will die."

"Have you finally shown your face? Caster, you actually want to attack 'Shirou'."

Shirou simply untied the ropes tied to the rider's body, and watched them quarreling and eating melon seeds cheerfully.

"Assassin, what the hell are you doing? And don't we run away now?" Rider trembled, looking at Shirou with some fear, worried that Shirou would tie her up again later, and even sat a little further away.

"Sit back and watch them quarrel." Shirou licked the melon seeds and found that Gilgamesh was ready to have sex with assassin.

Rider felt a little relieved after hearing this, and sat a little closer to Shirou.

The fortress was breached from within, and Lenin did not deceive me.

Internal contradictions are often the core contradictions that disintegrate a camp.

Seeing that the caster and the assassin were getting more and more noisy, Amakusa Shiro clapped his hands and said, "The assassin on the black side must be the Emiya Shiro mentioned by the caster? The Shiro mentioned by Caster refers to the assassin, and what you said is Me, right?"

Both Gilgamesh and Semiramis were taken aback.

Is that so?

Seeing that the two had stopped arguing, Shirou ate another melon seed, slowly threw the shell into the garden and stuffed Ren into his mouth, full of disappointment and regret.

"It's not noisy anymore? I want to see it again."

Assassin was so angry that he threw an A-level magic spell on Shirou's face.

Shirou looked at it and threw Astolfo away.

The two collided, and Astolfo bounced back. Due to the A-level magic resistance, the rider was fine.

"Assassin, you..."

"I plotted against you." Shirou said calmly, "Anyway, you're fine."

Rider was speechless for a moment.Shirou said all this, what else did he say?

"Black's assassin——" Amakusa looked at Shirou with a slight smile, "Are you and rider interested in joining us? We just lost berserker, and now we need your strength."

Rider snapped back and said, "No, I'm a knight, and a knight will abide by his oath, and then... assassin, why did you tie me up again?"

"I, I, I, I'm interested." Shirou grabbed the rider and tied him up easily. Anyway, he doesn't have the popularity bonus now, and he is very weak—although sometimes he is not very strong.

Amakusa was a little surprised, and immediately didn't know what to say.

He also prepared a whole set of rhetoric to prepare assassin to join their camp.Fortunately, Shirou seems to be more positive than him.

"Why, why?" Amakusa said with some scalp numbness, "I just asked you."

"If someone asks me, I will say, you are the first one to ask that."

Rarely, Amakusa Shiro was silent.He is not a taciturn person, otherwise he would not be the leader of the Shimabara Rebellion, and when preparing for the Holy Grail War, he also worked hard to make money, so he started a company and made tens of billions.These all require eloquence.

But it was the first time he saw someone as nonsensical as Shirou, and he felt that his rhythm was thrown out of order.

Gilgamesh saw Shirou's conspiracy (mao) at once.

She sneered: "Aren't you going to pretend to surrender and cook us a meal to poison Amakusa Shiro to death? Don't think I'm a fool, and there are no ingredients here."

"Who said there isn't?" Shirou pointed to Astolfo, "Isn't it available here? Steamed and boiled, soup and stir-fried, any method is fine. Then I will give you Hydra venom, wouldn't it be flattering? ?”

Semiramis was not calm for a moment.

As the holder of Hydra Venom, you actually want to compete with me for the right to speak for Hydra Venom?

After hearing this, Astolfo became even more uneasy.

I thought you were just joking, but now you really want to eat me?

So Semiramis once again used A-level magic and blew it at Shirou, and Shirou decisively threw Astolfo again.

The rope on Astolfo's body broke, and he was quickly pulled behind by Shirou.

Semiramis and Gilgamesh looked at each other, and at this moment they had reached a rare united front against Shirou.

"Assassin, so you have this plan? Tell me before you do it next time." Rider whispered, "I was so scared that I thought you were going to cook me and eat me."

However, Shirou nodded seriously and regretfully.

"I really have this idea."

Astolfo was taken aback.

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