"Are you calling me stupid and cute?" Gilgamesh became even angrier.

"Hey, you found out about this? How did you react so quickly? It's not the same as the Gilgamesh I know." Shirou rubbed his chin, thinking it's better to slip away quickly.

But it looks like running and not running away.

Shirou suddenly despaired.

If you don’t sell your body or show yourself, ah, bah, if you sell your art or not, you can be a cowherd here for the sake of others, ah, ah, a geisha.

Astolfo was the dowry.

"go to hell!"

Gilgamesh couldn't wait for Shirou to figure out the result. Anyway, after inserting more than a dozen knives and feeding some medicine, he can still live, and he can catch it and play with it slowly.

"Wait a minute!"

Shirou was in a hurry: "Hey, don't you think about making me a puppet soldier? Taijun, I'll show you the way."

"Are you still leading the way?" Gilgamesh snorted, "I don't know about your virtue? How many times have you been a boy? How proficient are you?"

Shirou looked at himself, then at Astolfo's surprised eyes.

The look in his eyes obviously said—assassin, so you are this kind of person! !

But the conscience of heaven and earth, Shirou really doesn't know that he has been a second-five son, he is obviously an upright person-although he has always wanted to be a second-five son, but he has never succeeded.

Isn't this kind of thing done by a man with a red coat or a man with short hair in a black cloak?This really has nothing to do with him!

"Caster, is it really impossible for him to join us?" Shiro Amakusa asked with some confusion.

He still wants Shirou to be their partner. Caster's character Amakusa Shiro is quite familiar, at least the people she agrees with will definitely not be bad.

"Impossible. When he was summoned by his original master, he hacked him to death. I guess that guy is a standard magician. And this is enough to show that he can't rub a grain of sand in his eyes. As long as the opportunity is right, No matter what, he will follow his own principles and move towards his goal. He came here to pretend to lurk, and in the end it must be to stab you with the last sword." Caster said, which is why she is so fancy to Shirou The reason.

"That can see the birth of heaven on earth, and he doesn't join us?"

"In his eyes, the heaven you mentioned is completely hell." Caster shook his head, "It is absolutely impossible for you to let him join you. Even if he dies, his ashes will trip you up."

"Stop talking, where did that Assassin go?" Semiramis was planning to hear what Caster had to say about Assassin, but it didn't take long for her to feel that she had become an interstellar player, and those two were still here just now Well, it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Gilgamesh fell silent.

"You can't even see such a big person. Are you blind? No, you miscellaneous cultivator has something to do with some kind of fish god. I think you are deaf and blind?" Gilgamesh was so angry that he took his left hand The big golden sword he was holding fell to the ground.

"All chase after me!"

Shirou, who projected the shield on the spot and also some iced Coke, took a few sips of Coke.

"It's a bit flattering to be praised so much."

"Hey, Assassin, we'll just stay where we are, is it really okay?" Rider was still a little flustered.

"Hurry up, at worst, you will be a [-]-year-old boy, and you can still drink soup after stewing you. Don't worry, I will share a cup with you."

Rider opened his mouth.

Who is this rational evaporation?Brother, have you evaporated your EX rationally?

Chapter 35 Now, We Are All Shirou

After waiting for a while, Amakusa and the others had already run away.

Shirou and the others finally walked away with peace of mind.

Rider wiped his sweat, there must be nothing wrong now, right?As long as An Anxin puts on a magical shield that no one else can find, and runs to the edge of the hanging garden and sits on the handsome eagle, the two of them can escape from danger.

Then Shirou stopped.

Rider suddenly panicked, is something really going to happen?

"Speaking of which, rider, do you think that Assassin's master looks like me? It's that Amakusa Shiro." Shirou added a special sentence in order to prevent the rider from confusing himself with Amakusa.

"I didn't notice it." Rider said subconsciously, but soon he saw two photos.

Shirou took two photos, one is Shirou, and the other... is still Shirou.

Well, one is a fair-skinned Shirou and one is a dark-skinned Shirou who looks like he's been tanned.

"Have you whitened your hair?" rider frowned, "Have you dyed your hair?"

"Yes, I whiten and dye my hair, but I'm a villain." Shirou said bluntly.

Whether he is a villain or not, the rider doesn't know, but the rider knows that Shirou's rationality has evaporated.

"so what?"

Rider tentatively asked, looked at Shirou, and panicked even more, it seemed that something was really going to happen.


Shirou projected cosmetics, and then projected a wig. The wig was a white soaring hairstyle, and Shirou put it on.

"The master of the red-haired assassin?" The rider's fingers trembled, and he pointed at Shirou, his eyes almost fell out. Except for the skin color, they were almost the same.

"It looks a bit similar." Shirou touched his chin, and then began to put on makeup.

Not long after, the clothes were also projected, and they fit well on the body.

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