This is one of the few opportunities left.

"You promise me one thing, and I will marry you."

"Oh? Do you want to say that even if someone is watching you?" Gilgamesh was taken aback, his heart beating a little.

"If it was Alaya, I was spied on last time, but if it was her, she would definitely not say anything. If you help me get the Holy Grail, then I promise to marry you. Cough cough, marry you."

Gilgamesh was silent for a while: "Why? Why do you want the Holy Grail?"

"Archer, he's lost his power. I need a cup to help him. Otherwise he won't be able to keep being his cleaner."

All sounds are silent.

After waiting for almost a minute, Gilgamesh didn't continue to speak.

"In the end, you don't like me either."

"In that case, I'd better knock you out first, then drag you back and train you slowly."

The EA in his hand began to run crazily. Unlike before, Gilgamesh didn't use his power instantly, but started accumulating it.

Only an EA that has been charged can exert its strongest ability.

"Speaking of which, this king can satisfy you with whatever posture you like. This is one of the few favors this king can give you on the premise that you gave me a wrong answer."

Shirou scratched his cheek: "Any pose is fine? I thought you would be strong and ready to do it."

"The posture is only limited to the king on top!" Gilgamesh quickly added, his face was a little hot.

Shirou groaned, and finally came to a conclusion:

"So you like to sit up and move by yourself."

Chapter 46 I Want It All!

"Well, let's go together."

After Hercules finished speaking, the bowstring was like a full moon, and three arrows rested on the string, aiming at the rider and archer.

Atalanta then fired at Hercules with arrows.

But arrows are also different from arrows.

Hercules' arrows are powerful, have a long range, and are extremely accurate. Although Atalanta is an archer, she is indeed inferior to Hercules in this respect.

Not even Atalanta's arrows could change the direction of Hercules' arrows.

"Be careful, big sister!"

Achilles threw Archer to the ground.

"Achilles, let go." Atalanta blushed and kicked the rider away, "Another arrow is coming!"

Several arrows passed between Atalanta and Achilles.

"What a pity."

Hercules continued to shoot and taunt them without mercy.

"Damn it..." Achilles covered his stomach, and with his gun in his right hand, he deflected away the incoming arrows.

Although he can run, he really has no advantage against Hercules, who has a very high shooting distance and shooting accuracy.

Now both of them are targets, high-level targets called Servants.

"Archer of the black side, do you dare to fight me? In a space, only two fists are used to decide the outcome!" Achilles tried to find a chance to fight Hercules alone.

Even if he and Hercules perish together, he will keep Atalanta.

"Come on, fight me with both fists in the name of a brave man!"

Only arrows responded to him.

"I can deal with two at once, so why should I only fight one of you? Do you think I'm an idiot? Besides, I'm not good at melee combat without weapons."

Achilles suddenly had an idea, glanced at Atalanta, gritted his teeth, faced Heracles, and circled to Heracles at a speed beyond human cognition.

If he attacked from behind, even with a sword, it would be difficult to launch a fatal backhand attack on him, but he could use Pancrasin to fight it!

Just when Achilles circled behind Hercules, Heracles didn't even aim his arrow at Atalanta.

Achilles has his greatest weapon - speed.

But he took Pancrasin as his spear.

Although Hercules said that he was not good at Pancrasin, it was only relative to things like archery.

The act of seducing Achilles in his language is undoubtedly very successful.

Even with Pancrasin, he can make—

Shoot a hundred heads!

Bao Gong immediately turned into a spirit body, and his burly figure began to move flexibly.

With one foot crooked, he hooked Achilles, and picked it up again, and Achilles' figure was already crooked.

Immediately, Hercules bent down and grabbed Achilles' ankle!

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