When there was no way to retreat and the entire city of Uruk was exhausted, this person who was thought to be missing stabbed the enemy's Warcraft leader in the back.

Those eyes are no longer clear and yellow, but scarlet, and the body is also a bit black, cracked like mud, only the edge of the sword is still so dazzling, and the bright red hair is as dazzling as the sun.

Finally, he too was about to fall.

Finally, he swung his sword too.

"Crazy?" Atalanta endured the severe pain and pulled the bowstring, "It seems that it can't be used? There really is a similar madman (assassin) who can control that monster."

"Archer, did you ask you to draw the bow?" Gilgamesh drew out the sword, turned to look at Atalanta, and Atalanta stopped drawing the bow with her scarlet eyes.

"This enemy, leave it to me."

Atalanta was stunned: "Caster, you—"

"To shut up!"

A little magic power was injected, and the sword in his hand shone with dazzling light. Gilgamesh waved it slightly, and Spartacus, who was trying to rush towards her, was overwhelmed by the light.

Shaking his head slightly, Gilgamesh was a little disappointed.

The opponent is not as resilient as I expected, even if I risk my life, can I only do this?

That's right, not every fighter can be as tenacious as Emiya Shirou, who can continue to fight by any means, even with physical disabilities.

A fighter who can do this deserves some respect from her.

"Oppressor! Oppressor! Hey, I found you!"

Spartacus' body began to reorganize and heal continuously, and in a blink of an eye, a monster with a height of ten meters appeared in front of everyone.

"That's—berserker?" The android girl's eyes widened in surprise.

"Yeah, Berserker. He didn't give in because of your Command Seal." Shirou took her right hand.

Regarding Berserker's three command spells, two of them were used up in just this moment.

But this didn't make Shirou regret it. If he could take away the three opponents here at once, then it must be worth it.

Berserker's huge body is already full of strength, as long as he gently pricks his wound here, then the violent explosion will blow the rider, archer, and caster into the sky.

But the problem is - can catch each other.

Rider blew his whistle, and the carriage led by Shenma descended from the sky.

"Big sister, caster, come up, hurry up!"

But the sniper quickly hit the undead horse.

The so-called immortality is just more difficult to die, under the arrow of Hercules, there is no immortality!

There was only one of the three horses left, and Atalanta took advantage of the opportunity to ride on one of them. Gilgamesh didn't move, and she was sure to survive the explosion just by relying on her shield.

She instantly surrounded herself with a shield.

As for the rider, it's just an explosion, no matter how powerful it is, enemies without divinity can't penetrate him!

Unless it is, heels.

Hercules suppressed Gilgamesh's possible reinforcements, while Shirou used divine arrows to surround Achilles so that he could not escape.

"Achilles, when your real name is revealed, you have already lost."

Achilles tried his best to dodge the arrow, trying to bounce it away, but a huge hand grabbed Achilles, just caught his heel!


Achilles was desperate to find that he had been caught dead.

"Hahahahahaha - my comrades, very well! Thank you, come on, come on, come on! Oppressors, lackeys, feel my - love!"

An arrow shot through the giant hand that had grasped Achilles' heel—

From Atalanta.

It was quite an act of suicide, and Atalanta stopped in order to shoot the arrow.

And at this distance, it is impossible to escape Berserker's powerful and terrifying attack.

Achilles opened his mouth and widened his eyes.


"The Roar of the Beast!"

The color of the ancient blue skin has changed, and the red color has filled the body.

The more injured, the more magic power Spartacus stored, and the more powerful the power released in the end!

After a little estimation, Shirou knew that if the attack was not blocked, the town behind him would be destroyed.

After finding the best direction, Shirou decisively let Hercules return to his master with the command spell.

In this way——


The blazing sky-covering seven-layered ring suddenly stood upright, and the roaring thunderstorm roared from the front.

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