The red gun was burning with magic power and aimed at Achilles' heel.


"Ah ah ah ah ah--!"

His heel was shot!

Immortality is broken!

"how is this possible?"

He raised his head unwillingly, on the silver moon was assassin, beside him was his master!


"There will be a period later."

Shirou projected the shield with the last of his magic power, and his vision was a little black.

to the limit.

Author's message:

It’s coded together, so let’s send it together.

Chapter 54 Start the war, Sky Garden!

When Hercules came back, the rest of the black team had basically gathered.

The faces of the people were very unkind, and Danik arranged the manpower.

"Gold, you and Fiore must hurry to deal with the situation of the artificial man, and it must be completed before we go up to the Hanging Garden." Danik ordered, "Our magic power still needs their supply."

Gold's face was a bit ugly, and he put down the artificial man in his hand hesitantly.

"Okay, okay."

Danic looked at Hercules after dealing with the matter here.

"Where's the assassin?"

It was Hercules who asked.

He looked around, but Shirou wasn't there.

When he rushed back, Fiore pulled him back with a command spell. After that, pushing Fiore's wheelchair, it took him a long time to reach the assembly point.

Danic glanced at Caster, who nodded.

"Didn't you fight with him before? I still wonder why his spirit base reaction disappeared. It seems that he died in Spartacus' self-destruct?"

Darnic walked over to a console and started something.

Vlad III, who commanded everyone, frowned slightly when he heard this: "It seems that he did not betray us.

"Caster, get ready for the suspended stones, we are going to the Sky Garden."

Hercules was a little surprised: "Are you going to the Hanging Garden? That suspended fortress?"

"That's right, the Holy Grail was taken away by the Red Fang's Hanging Garden. Let's go and get it back now," Corles replied.

Seeing the expression on Hercules' face changed, Coles tugged at his sleeve and advised, "Don't say anything more at this time, Archer!"

But Hercules shook his head and immediately objected to the proposal.

Such an unprepared rush to the sky garden is completely suicidal.

"The Hanging Garden is not your territory, not even Europe. It's not good for our followers, right?" Hercules said tactfully.

But Vlad III, who was already in a hurry to get angry, completely ignored Archer, but continued to direct everyone.

Hercules sighed silently, this battle is already very difficult to fight.


The light on the screen flickered, and jumped onto another group of people in a blink of an eye.

The black servant who stepped on the suspended stone pointed directly at the sky garden.

Semiramis propped his head in despair.

"It's really boring, master. Black's servants can only go so far."

The reputation has been completely emptied, which is completely enough to make Vlad III drop from a breakthrough level, a follower who can be compared with Karna, to a point where he can barely confront Mordred.

As for the rest of the followers, maybe Hercules can still compete with Karna, but other than that, they are all inferior.

"Let me teach the servants of black side some lessons." Rider walked a little slowly with the gun in his hand, and the injury just now was still somewhat affected.

But in fact, he has been treated.

Although it is impossible to run as fast as before, it is more than enough to prevent Black's followers from keeping up with him.

Amakusa Shiro nodded, and looked at the slightly injured caster:

"Then please, rider. Also, caster, is black's assassin still alive?"

Amakusa still cares about Shirou very much, especially in the battle just now, when there was no caster interference when he was dying, he beat rider so uncomfortable.

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