Just relying on speed, Achilles killed in and out of the black followers.

The only person who can defeat Achilles is Hercules, and Heracles will be dragged by Achilles instead.

Karna also cooperated with Achilles and attacked Vlad III.

Iron stakes popped out from in front of Vlad.However, both its speed and sharpness are vastly different from just now.There was no need to ignite the flames, Karna bounced all of them away with just his gun and armor.

It may be much better if this situation is even handed over to Hercules alone.

For a moment, Vlad III thought so.

He even regretted his recklessness, regretted going to war immediately without heeding Assassin's advice, and rushing to the Hanging Garden without heeding Hercules' euphemistic advice.

Even after death, people will be arrogant and overestimate themselves.

Vlad III recalled his failures in life.

If it was handed over to Assassin to command, the situation would definitely not be as serious as it is now, would it?

Although the black team may have only been annihilated by one person, the red team did lose two combat powers.However, in this hanging garden, they even have some difficulty in escaping.

The "black" Lancer who brandished a long spear against the "red" Lancer had already lost the elegance, flamboyance, and violence that he had always maintained.What supports him to continue fighting now is only his dignity as a hero.

That alone gave him the strength to fight.

However, it is really difficult to take the head of "Red" Lancer under such circumstances.

As long as the fighting spirit of the "black" Lancer, which originated from the dignity of a hero, weakens even a little, it will usher in the end like an avalanche.

But this doesn't work.

At least to cover the rest of Black's personnel to withdraw from this hanging garden——

In an instant, Vlad III made a decision that he could not retreat, absolutely not.

Retreating at this time would be a huge blow to Black's morale, and only he, the commander, could not retreat.Besides, he hasn't lost yet, so he can still gamble.

Even if they lost a lot of power, they still have the combat power of Hercules and Siegfried.

A surprise attack at this time may not be impossible to win.

Achilles sneered: "Do you think there is still a chance to win? Are you still struggling needlessly?"

Karna couldn't help but look at Achilles mocking the black servant as if he hadn't taken medicine in surprise.But he didn't say anything, and he shouldn't have said anything at this time.

There's nothing wrong with taunting.

The arrow skipped the gust of wind and drew several arcs.

——It was Hercules, he couldn't help but shot.

"Do you think that you will win?" Hercules laughed instead.

"Do you think you still have a chance? Archer of the black side—although you are strong, we are stronger than you here. You have no chance. This is God's guidance, and it is also a matter of destiny!"

Achilles pointed at Hercules, but he didn't do it rashly.

Hercules, this name alone can make the entire red side vigilant.

"Ridiculous. The name of a hero is born by trampling on fate and defeating the gods. Achilles, are you out of your mind? Have you forgotten why you are called the God of War?"

Hercules stepped forward unhurriedly, not nervous at all towards the red team.

"Oh? It seems that you also recognize my title." Achilles retracted his gun slightly on guard.This is a defensive stance.

"It's too arrogant, Achilles. How childish. The God of War is called the God of War because you win a lot, and you win a lot and think you are strong, so you lose. Why did you lose? ?Because you have never had the slightest awe, whether it is the strong or the weak. You angered the sun god who is stronger than yourself, and you didn't have any defenses. In the end, you were shot through your heel, right?"

Achilles' complexion changed, this obviously hit his sore spot.

"Your heel, it seems that something happened again." As soon as Hercules challenged him, Achilles revealed his true colors.

This was easily discovered by Hercules.

"So you said, do you think you are worthy of this title? If you are so naive and can be the god of war, how many gods do I have to be above? Well, I forgot, I am above the vast majority Most of the gods." Hercules sneered.

Suddenly, anger rushed into Achilles' brain.

His eyes seemed to be burning, and the dry wood was on fire like a fire, and only Hercules was left in his eyes.

The corners of Hercules' mouth curled up slightly.

It was really childish.

If the teacher saw himself teasing Achilles like this, he would have to criticize himself.Even his younger brother has to use strategies like this.

But Hercules never listened to such words.

A real strong person will always take seriously any enemy who is weaker than himself or stronger than himself.

As long as you are an enemy, you must use your best efforts.

Whether it is strength or strategy.

However, mutated mutation.

Hercules' dream was suddenly interrupted by the golden light.

Dozens of Noble Phantasms rushed to Hercules like a torrent.

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