But soon, it was Caster who stood up instead.

"If you calculate it, except for the assassins who are mostly dead, the only combat power that can match you is saber, archer, and lancer. But you have the power of saber, lancer, caster, and assassin Existence. I think this battle is impossible to win, right? Besides, this is the Sky Garden, where you are absolutely advantageous."

"—caster, you..."

Vlad III was stunned, Caster actually betrayed like this?

"I'm just doing what I want."

The haze enveloped Vlad III, and his face was full of disbelief.

"He who understands the current affairs is a hero, isn't he? If the red side can fulfill my wish, then it's the right choice for me to join the red side, right? Isn't the reason why the black side's followers gather together for the same purpose? Lancer, You can eliminate your stigma, and you will undoubtedly choose to betray, right?"

Vlad III was speechless.

Because what Caster said is indeed correct, even if he is himself, he may choose to betray.

The situation is already very bad.

But is there really no way to win?

Vlad III gritted his teeth, a little shaken, is failure inevitable?

"Lancer, failure is not inevitable, as long as you use that treasure."

From a distance, a voice came.

——It is Danik, the master of Lancer.

"Just start the inheritance of blood and become a vampire..."

"No, Darnic!"


Gold took good care of the living artificial man, but then his expression became complicated.

Artificial man, huh?

He didn't want them to be used as batteries at all, but he couldn't disobey Danik's orders.

"Uncle Gold, thank you for your hard work." Fiore pushed the wheelchair to Gold's side.

During this period of time, Gold's performance was obviously much better than before, at least not as frustrated as in the past.This may be the credit of assassin.

"It's okay, this is my duty." Gold wiped the sweat of the other artificial man, but then stopped.

"Assassin, is he dead? Really?"

Fiore was silent for a while, but finally nodded: "It's probably dead, even if you don't die, you will be punished."

Gold's face darkened, but he didn't refute Fiore after all.

Assassin's master seems to be a cyborg, and that cyborg snatched Berserker out secretly, and this is Assassin's request.

Although the final result did not harm Black, but this behavior itself is very bad.

Maybe death is the best result?

"Just put it here, right?" Rider lavishly placed the equipment on the corridor.

These are all therapeutic instruments.


Just when Gold wanted to thank, Ossini Kai, the rider's master, sneered: "Rider, you are here to fight the Holy Grail War, not to carry equipment for these boring garbage (artificial humans). You also Is it one of the Twelve Knights of Charlemagne? Isn't it shameful enough to hang out with assassins before?"

Rider looked at his master angrily: "Why is it a shame to be with an assassin? He is a good man!"

"You—" Ossini Kai swung her whip and went, but the sound of footsteps made her panic.

The figure whose upper body was smeared with blood made Orsinikai's pupils shrink.

Could it be, assassin?

Seeing Shirou's figure, rider couldn't help jumping up for joy.

"Assassin? Are you still alive?"

But the gloomy Orsinikai did exactly the opposite.

"I order you in the name of the command spell, rider, kill assassin!"

Astolfo was stunned, but then he rushed forward unconsciously.

"Wait, wait, master! Assassin, isn't he one of us?"

And how could he, who was bleeding blood, be able to block his own attack?

Rider closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and attacked.


A delicate knife stabbed the rider's body, but the rider felt no pain.

Immediately, Ossinikai's head was suddenly separated from her body, bleeding profusely.

"You are free, rider."

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