"Ruler, I think you misunderstood something. The land of steel is the future, the future that must appear. That is probably the judgment of the Lord, which is the process of human beings' inevitable death and being judged. I just let human beings get the future. "

"It's just high-sounding words, let you try it and you will know what kind of world it is." Shirou smacked his lips, "It is impossible for me to approve you."

Amakusa sighed.Although he already knew the result, he was still a little disappointed when Shirou said it himself.

"What about the ruler?"

Jeanne bit her lip.

Compared to Amakusa Shiro, she is more willing to believe in Assassin.

"I still support Assassin more."

"Don't support me, I've said it all, I'm a villain. My purpose is to oppose Amakusa Shiro, a righteous partner."

"But you came to a conclusion after experiencing such a world, didn't you? I would like to believe you." Joan took a deep breath and gave the answer.

Shirou nodded in satisfaction, knowing that his plan to play hard to get had succeeded.

"Then welcome to join us, ruler. In that case—let's go!"

Upon hearing this, Rider hurried forward, using his own speed to block the escape route, preventing Shirou and the others from leaving.

However, Shirou rushed towards the rider instead, and his direction was the direction Shirou came in.

Rider was caught off guard for a moment, and immediately took up the gun.At this time, Shirou was already in front of him, and subconsciously chopped at his left arm.

Rider cried out in pain: "Assassin, you're plotting against me again! Didn't you say you were going to run? Why are you rushing towards me?"

Shirou was stunned, and crossed his hips.

"Here, where am I going to leave?"

Chapter 60 The oldest bundled play?

"Assassin, you plot against me."

Shirou was furious.

Can Assassin's calculations be called calculations? Assassin's calculations are called strategies!

Besides, Shirou didn't plan on others at all.

Is it reasonable for Rider to bump into his own sword?

"You are obviously making something out of nothing. If there is a deviation in the report, you are responsible for it!"

"Where did it come out of nothing? You have been plotting against me from the beginning to the end!"

There are too many people who are scheming, even if Shirou really doesn't think about scheming, the rider thinks that Shirou is scheming.

But Shirou really didn't.

The rest of the people were stunned.

Obviously the ruler has joined the black side, the two sides are ready to fight, assassin, you are ready to slip away?

Joan of Arc couldn't help asking: "Assassin, since I have joined you, why are you still running away?"

"Here—there are five of them, and we only have four including you."

Seeing Shirou's cowardly look, Semiramis couldn't help but scornfully said: "Assassin, you are too embarrassed, right? Just now I talked with Shirou (Shiro) about the ideal momentum for so long? Now even the challenge Don't you dare?"

"No matter how loud the guns are, it still depends on the comparison of strength in hand. I'm not stupid, should I stay and be wiped out by you?" Shirou retorted confidently, "A great military strategist once said that fighting Hit if you pass, run if you can’t.”

Just kidding, if you really hang up here, then it's game over.

Temporary momentum cannot determine victory or defeat.

As long as the main force still exists and has not been wiped out, then Shirou has the confidence to make a comeback.

"Essentially speaking, it is from the heart." Gilgamesh on the side couldn't help but said helplessly.

Shirou is good at everything.

In Gilgamesh's view, Shirou is quite handsome, and Gilgamesh's heroic figure in battle is still vivid, but there is a shortcoming, that is, most of the time he is too timid.

In a battle without an advantage, unless it is the last moment, otherwise, as long as it is possible, it is absolutely cowardly not to come out at home.

This made Gilgamesh, who was still in Uruk at the time, half-deadly angry. Although the quality of the sword was indeed very good, many tasks were performed in a very wonderful way.

"What's wrong with Congxin? Is Congxin wrong? Why do you want to face a situation where Congxin can win?" Shirou organized his escape confidently, "Have I eaten your rice from Congxin?"

"You really ate it in Uruk, and even if you are so cowardly, you still have the nerve to eat my rice."

"Cough cough cough..."

Shirou coughed in embarrassment for a while: "Assassin's just from the heart..."

"You still slept in my bed!"

Gilgamesh said angrily.

"This——" Shirou was dumbfounded, "This is clearly nonsense! How could I have slept in your bed?"

"I still have photos to prove it." Gilgamesh's face changed, appearing extremely sad.

Those who don't know will think that Gilgamesh was done by Shirou to do something worse than a beast after seeing it.

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