Siegfly kicked Gilgamesh away, taking advantage of her unpreparedness.

Immediately, the chains binding Shirou were torn apart by Siegfried.

"Thank you, Saber." Shirou touched his hands and immediately prepared to run away.

Rubbing the part that was kicked, Gilgamesh saw Shirou holding Siegfried's hands, and immediately shouted angrily: "Let go of that assassin! Let me do it!"

"Guna!" Shirou ran away in fright.

At this time, Achilles ran as fast as the wind, and blocked Shirou and Siegfried.

Karna also came immediately, standing with a gun.

A few people have wrapped Shirou and Siegfried into an almost perfect circle!

Shirou couldn't help curling his lips.

This is the main reason why Shirou asked Black's followers to retreat immediately even if he himself was caught.

The red side has a rider who is faster than the reporter, Achilles, who can block the route, an assassin who knows a little bit of magic, and a candidate for the crown, Miss Jin Shining, who is proficient in axes and can't even read spells.

The problem is that the relatively normal lancer also exists at the same level as Gilgamesh.

As far as this lineup is concerned, it is impossible to play.

"Assassin, you have nowhere to go." Gilgamesh sneered, "Say, if you hold Saber's hand like this, you don't want to shake my hand, are you gay!"

Gay, or not gay, that is the question.

"So what if it is, so what if it's not? Can you turn your back on Black?" Shirou asked tentatively.

Gilgamesh smiled.

Gilgamesh is still very reserved, how could he be betrayed like this?

"If you're gay, I'll fuck you until you're miserable."

The horrifying words made Shirou's scalp tingle, did the woman fuck the man to the point of crying?

"Ahem," Shirou coughed in embarrassment, "What if it's not?"

"I'll fuck you until you're miserable too."

Shirou calmly analyzed it.

Are these two options the same?

"They both made me cry, what's the difference?" Shirou couldn't help asking.

"What's the difference—"

"For the latter, you can take your time on the bed."

"What about the former?"

"You can be fucked by me right now. I've prepared a hatchet for you."

Shirou looked at the black rod ♂ object that Gilgamesh took out, it was not only thick, but also extremely hard.

If inserted into the body——

Shirou refused!

"Gilgamesh, I have some sad news to tell you." Shirou said sadly.

The grief on his face made Gilgamesh feel a little blocked when he saw it.

Gilgamesh frowned, realizing that things were not simple.

While Gilgamesh was thinking, Achilles raised his eyebrows.

Achilles saw that Shirou, who played with others every day, had been played by Gilgamesh to this point, he felt that he had a great advantage, and couldn't help but A up——

"Are you going to say—"

"Yes." Shirou said sadly, "Sorry, I'm not gay."

Siegfried couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, it seemed that his chrysanthemum could be kept.

Gilgamesh's mouth twitched for a while.

"You don't play your cards according to the routine."

"Routines don't exist." Shirou waved his hand, "I never play cards according to routines. Do you think I will say that I am not interested in girls?"

Gilgamesh stopped thinking.

In a fight with Shirou in this regard, she can't possibly win.

Although she can occasionally master the rhythm of a moment, she can never master it for a lifetime.

"Is not it?"

"Of course not, I'm just not interested in you."

As soon as the words came out, the audience was shocked.

If you offend someone, it's really not easy to poke the dead spot of the other person at once.

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