In desperation, he aimed at the gap that was about to close.

Whether it can kill people depends on this gun.

The spear tip of the flying star!


Shirou shot an arrow backhand, secretly regretting.

How did you think you could blow up the channel?

The exit of the passage was already very close, and the moonlight could even blow into the passage.

Saber, who was about to breathe a sigh of relief, was about to speak when a little green light flickered in his vision.

"Be careful, assassin!"

Siegfried suddenly pushed Shirou away, and the tip of the spear had already pierced his back from a distance!

Shirou hurriedly got up and asked:

"Are you all right, Saber?"

The field of vision was too dim, and Shirou couldn't see Saber's situation at all, but no matter what, at least he had to leave first.

"It's okay." Saber quietly wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, "Let's go!"

Semiramis, who was sitting in the middle of the garden, looked at Saber who was shot and Shirou who was about to escape on the screen in front of him, covering his mouth and chuckling.

"I haven't allowed you to escape yet."

Semiramis narrowed his eyes, and the vertical pupils of both eyes expanded like snake eyes staring at his prey.

She just thought that Achilles was chasing them, so Semiramis didn't do it herself, but now it's different, she is the only one who can stop Shirou and Saber from leaving.

"Let's taste the venom of the Hydra for those of you who have invaded the Hanging Garden!"

The space displayed on the screen was suddenly filled with purple mist, which was the almost unsolvable hydra venom.

Legend has it that after defeating the Hydra, Hercules soaked his beloved arrows in the venom of the Hydra, which became his most prestigious treasure.

But unfortunately, the person who died under this treasure was his teacher Chiron.

According to legend, after being poisoned by the hydra, Chiron was in pain, so he broke his own immortality and was freed.

This is the hydra venom that even immortality cannot be immune to, and it is so poisonous that it makes people want to die!

"Sorry, caster, let me accept your prey at this time!"

As soon as the words fell, Shirou dragged away Siegfried, who was lying on the ground under the influence of the poison, and his lost pace did not slow down at all, walking like flying.

Hydra venom can't affect him at all? !

Semiramis' eyeballs were about to pop out.

Amakusa Shiro murmured in surprise, "Is Black's assassin a monster?"

Shirou, who was not affected at all, dragged Siegfried to the end of the passage, and landed firmly on Astolfo's stupid eagle.

"Rider, let's go!"

The silly eagle then screamed and flew to the ground, leaving behind the suspended garden.

Semiramis couldn't help closing his eyes.

She suddenly understood why Gilgamesh hadn't commented on her rhetoric about using Hydra's venom.

"Hydra venom—assassin doesn't even have an expression of pain? Caster, did you expect that?"

Gilgamesh looked at Shirou who had gone away with some nostalgia.

"How could he, who crossed the primordial sea, be affected by the venom of a mere Hydra?"

Author's message:

Merlin emmmmmmm

By the way, how many pillars have you painted?

Chapter 63 Killing Barbatos in the Gap of Time

Gold carefully wiped the sweat from the forehead of an artificial man.

But his face was very ugly.

It wasn't just Gold, Fiore, and Cowles surrounding the androids.

Even a whole bunch of auxiliary instruments.

There were all kinds of strange noises from the instrument, and the electrocardiogram on the instrument was as high as Mount Everest reaching into the clouds, making people unable to believe their eyes.

240 times per minute.

"Isn't this frequency too fast?" Fiore frowned, "What the hell did Assassin's master do?"

"A fast heartbeat usually means that you have done strenuous exercise. Thousand World Tree's artificial humans are divided into fighting type and demon offering type. Assassin's master is the latter, so as long as you do a little exercise, you will become like this. "

Gold quickly explained something, and his face became even more ugly.

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