"Then let me give them long life with the Holy Grail."

"Very good—" Saber whispered.

The surrounding environment suddenly changed, and an evil dragon suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Huh?" The artificial man was a little scared.

"Are you afraid? Then draw out your sword. If you want to obtain the Holy Grail, you will have to face more difficulties and obstacles than this."

The simple big sword was stuck on the ground, even a man with great strength could not guarantee that he could pull it out.

But she stepped forward and took hold of the hilt.

There was no hesitation in her heart.

In just a moment, she made the great sword shine again, filling the entire space.

Siegfried nodded with satisfaction: "I did not choose the wrong person. Go, let your wish come true..."

The dazzling light disappeared.

Perhaps, instead of disappearing, it was blocked.

The sun shines in from the window, illuminating the shape of the window.

The sun should have hit her eyes too, and someone sat by her bed.

"Ruler, are you sure you gave her the serum?" Shirou looked at the artificial human who was still sweating and occasionally trembling, and said, "Do you want to give her some more?"

Joan wiped her sweat, and glared at Shirou: "Humans can't get too much serum. According to Mr. Gold, the serum of Hydra is very irritating to the human body. If the husband's heart is transplanted to her, then this serum can't be used yet."

"Okay." Shirou sighed while supporting his head.

"Hey, this is your master? You actually chose an artificial human as your master. It seems that you have just been born. You don't think the newly born artificial human is easy to handle, so you choose her?" Mordred Said maliciously.

"You discovered all of this, Saber, you know me quite well." Shirou said calmly.

"Really?" Mordred looked at Shirou in disbelief.

People are so weird.When others tell the truth frankly, I don't believe it.

Lies are often easier to believe than facts.

"Hmm, fake." Shirou fooled Mordred.

Mordred curled his lips, thinking that there must be something special about this artificial human.

There were a lot of bandages on his body, and he looked like he had suffered a lot of injuries.

"Speaking of which, why does your master need a heart transplanted with Hydra venom?"

"She's not a combat-type artificial human. Her body function is very poor. She only ran four or five kilometers with me and the shield on her back. Her heart failed, so she needed a transplant."

Shiro said calmly.

Mordred frowned suddenly.

Although the tone was very flat, she could feel the weight of the words.

"What do you think? You let your master carry you? And she's just a newborn artificial human."

"That can't be helped, I was hit in the right lung. Although I don't know how I recovered, but when I woke up, I saw her running towards the castle with me on her back for a long time."

Suddenly, the artificial man's eyebrows moved, and even some voices came, but it was very weak.


"I am here."

"Then I'll be at ease."

"—I saw Saber."

"Huh? Is that so? That's normal. After all, Saber gave you your heart. Without him, you might die."

"Is that so...?"

The android sat up and put his hands on his chest.

That steady and slow beating is definitely not as weak as the weak heart before.

is it?

That's how it is.

Her own heart has been exhausted, and it is the heart of this magic dragon that allows her to live.

"But he was very unkind and gave you the heart that was contaminated with the venom of the Hydra. It kept you from the brink of death. I had to go to Mordred and the others to negotiate terms and get the serum."

The artificial man shook his head: "However, I survived because of his heart. I feel that I have gained some strength. At least I won't hold you back anymore, right? Assassin?"

"You never dragged me back. For me, you are a very suitable master, so I chose you. It's that simple." Shirou touched her head, "Do you understand?"

"Yeah." The artificial man nodded, "Ruler, thank you too. I can always hear your voice in my ears."

"Really?" Joan scratched her head, but then she became sullen, "Don't you do such dangerous things because of your servant, you just learned how to walk, and you ran so far, are you dying?"


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