"How? I think, if the wish is good enough, the two should not conflict. It can make your wish and my master's wish come true. For example - let everyone in Tulipas recover their health. This kind of wish, maybe it can be accommodated?"

Fiore thought about it, considering the possibility.

"Is it really possible?"

"It should be. I can really get the Holy Grail at that time. Maybe I can take care of it by praying like this."

"Then, that's it." Fiore nodded. This might be the only way for both of them to keep their wishes.

Mordred frowned.

That little girl did not hesitate to express her desire to make all artificial humans healthy.

Is this really her wish?Or did an assassin express his wish through her mouth?

"Now let's get to the point. Let's discuss how to fight. This is the focus of today's combat meeting. This is the information I just copied. You can take a look."

According to the data, it is Hongfang's treasure hanging garden.

If Black wants to attack, he must consider the problem of the hanging garden.

Whether it is a frontal attack or a sneak in, the problem of this hanging garden must be considered.

"Extremely strong magic performance, it is extremely difficult to attack. It is only suitable for sneaking in. However, due to the decline in popularity inside the Hanging Garden, it is difficult to compete with the enemy."

Fiore lightly read the summary on the information.

In short, this is a completely unwinnable battle.

Regardless of how to enter the Hanging Garden, even if you sneak in, Hercules is already powerless against Karna, and Shirou is almost powerless to fight back against Gilgamesh.

Semiramis, who possesses the venom of the Hydra, can be impenetrable even with the serum.

Even if Saber can defeat Semiramis, there is still an insurmountable obstacle——


Astolfo and Frankenstein are hard to match even together.

"It's too difficult." Cowles couldn't help but retreat.

To be honest, he has no reason to fight, and Berserker doesn't seem to have any wish that must be fulfilled, right?


Frankenstein puts his hand on Cowles.

In the obviously unconscious cry, Coles could feel the anger.



What is this talking about?

Don't give up the fight?

Do you fight for your sister?

Biting his lip, Cowles was a little tangled in his heart: "Assassin, I want to ask you, is there anything you can do?"

"Don't worry, when this guy started to discuss this question, he probably already thought of dozens of standard answers." Mordred secretly tricked Shirou.

To be honest, she really didn't believe that Shirou could come up with a trick so easily.

"I really have a way to go to the Sky Garden."

Shirou took out a pen and began to scribble on the paper.

A simple hanging garden was born under the pen of Shiro.

On the other end of the white paper is an airplane.

"Speaking of which, if you have money, you can do whatever you want. The Qianjieshu family has huge financial resources, so it shouldn't be a problem to provide some planes?" Shirou connected the planes to the sky garden.

"Huh? Assassin, are you kidding me? We are more likely to be destroyed halfway through this way!" Mordred was stunned, she really didn't expect Shirou to come up with such an unreliable answer.

"It doesn't matter if you're stupid, don't think I'm so stupid." Shirou sighed.

"Roar?" Mordred wondered what Shirou could do.

"I have a treasure that can keep projecting, and can also cover the figure."

Mordred's face turned green, so can the Noble Phantasm still project?

"If it doesn't work, I can still learn the essence of Hassan."

"For example, let them taste the power of modern technology."

Chapter 72 Don't Remember the Title

Cowles frowned as he looked at the battle plan in his hands.

Should it be said that it is an assassin?Any way to 'sneak in' is so daring.

But why is it that an assassin, theorized to be a heroic spirit from ancient times, can know so much about modern weapons?

Tomahawk, AIM-X9, and various aircraft.

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