The female android choked in surprise.

Watching the conversation between Chigurh and the female artificial human, Gold finally confirmed that it was not his problem, but Chigurh's.

Obviously her assassin is so normal and good at communicating, why am I surprised?Doesn't it mean that the master and the servant are always attracted to each other because they have a good compatibility?

"She's like this, don't take it to heart." Gold waved his hand.

But the female artificial human still did not leave.

"Anything else?" Gold asked suspiciously.

"Well, it's time for dinner."

The automatic sensing device responded immediately, and the lights were bright. Although there was still a little sunshine outside, it was already evening.

Dinner will be earlier today.

The battle is imminent, and this is the last supper.

"Let's go, let's eat first."

After Zieg healed the injury of another artificial human, he nodded.


The dinner is very rich, with all kinds of food.

Zig carefully inserted the steak, cut a small piece and put it in his mouth.

The gravy immediately filled the mouth and filled the taste buds.

Other than being a little hot, it's fine.

She couldn't help sticking out her tongue.

Even after receiving Siegfried's dragon heart, her tongue was not strengthened.At most, it can run a little bit.

"Eat slowly. There is no rush, there is still a lot." Shirou took a small cake and ate it by himself.

"It's already very slow." Ziggy breathed lightly, "I thought the steak wouldn't be too hot. Don't people in the book say that the steak is medium rare or medium rare?"

Zieg reads books when he has nothing to do, and now he knows quite a lot.

It's just that Shirou couldn't help being a little embarrassed when he heard it.

Because he is completely grilled steak, grilled to a very ripe.

Made it without looking at the recipe - while the taste is passable, it's not really authentic.

"It's fine if it's delicious."

"It would be great if I could have another meal in the future. But I feel that today's dinner is very rich, and it will be the last supper."

"Bah, bah, say something unlucky."

Joan of Arc glared at Zieg, her mouth was full of meat, "It's delicious if you have rice, and you should eat happily if you have meat. There will be a next meal, you know?"

"Ruler is right, although you are also an artificial human, you don't know how to have fun at all. Just eat this meal, don't think about the next meal." Mordred picked up the plate, The meat on it piled up into a hill.

"Although Saber is usually a bit perverse, what she said makes sense."

"Ruler, although you are a black whistle, you also have a lot of experience in eating."

The two of them were carrying a plate full of meat, ruler and saber immediately started exchanging business, chatting and laughing.

All of a sudden, time was chatting and laughing, and it disappeared.

There was no meat on the plate, and even the cakes and snacks on the table were empty.

"It's all finished." Fiore said in surprise.

"My sister has eaten a lot." Coles pointed to Fiore's stomach.

Fiore blushed immediately: "Caules——"

"Master, please give way to my younger brother. Mr. Cowles, please don't use such embarrassing eyes for women, please?" Hercules persuaded.

"Feel sorry."

Shirou saw it and didn't bother the crowd.

This is the last leisure.

"That's great." Ziggy opened his eyes wide, watching everyone at the dinner party, and even the other artificial humans enjoying the atmosphere.

"Yeah, don't you want to enjoy it?"

"I've felt a lot. Are human beings this good?"

"There are good ones, and some bad ones." Shirou patted his master's head, "I hope you can always look at others so positively in the future."

"I will."

"Let's go, it's time to go."

Chapter 74 No one found out that I sneaked in! ! !

Lancer stood at the edge of the hanging garden.

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