The ruler ruthlessly inserted the flag into Hydera's head as if it were a gun, but those snake heads rushed one after another.

Joan of Arc looked around and thought of a plan.

Jumping on the Hydra, she kept beating.

One head, another head, beating, beating, beating again.

Finally, those heads grabbed Joan's opening and rushed over——

As if being pulled by a rope, the head couldn't get over it!

The rest suddenly seemed to be out of proportion, with a peck here, that head suddenly passed through several heads.

After several times of tossing, these heads have almost become a knot!

"Excellent, ruler. But, it's a pity."

Assassin clapped his hands, eyebrows raised.

Ruler was startled and covered his mouth.

But Assassin used magic and aimed at Saber!

"What?" Ruler resisted a blow to protect Saber, and at this time——

The head of the snake closest to her spewed out venom!


Joan also fell powerlessly to the ground.

Unexpectedly, Assassin played this trick.

It is venom on the surface, but it uses magic to attract its own attention, so that it is very close to the Hydra, so it is impossible to escape the attack of this venom?

Really, amazing.

Semiramis let out a long breath and snapped his fingers.

Hydra spent a lot of effort, and finally broke free from the knot.

"Go, Hydera, and enjoy your dinner today."

Joan stood up holding the flag.

Assassin is really cautious, aren't you willing to do it yourself in this situation?Is it just because there is a certain risk in this way?

At least you have to give Saber a queen before you can leave!

"My lord—" Jeanne supported the flag, panting heavily.

Hydra crawled over, very fast.

Can't stop it?

Joan was desperate.

I saw nine lightning bolts flying towards Hydera's nine heads and bursting suddenly.

"Shoot a hundred heads."

Archer calmly maintained his posture of drawing the bow.

"This is specially designed for Hydra. I can only say that it is your misfortune to meet me."

"Saber, ruler, leave the rest to me."

Chapter 88

"Leave the rest to me."

Hercules' words were so loud that Semiramis could not help but frown.

"Tch, did Lancer not stop you at all? It's really useless."

After Semiramis finished speaking, he gritted his teeth, stretched out his right hand, and a magic circle appeared in his hand again.

"Anyway, lancer is not something you can slander, assassin from the red side. Although you are a woman, I am sorry, but I must speak for Karna." Hercules quietly walked to Zhen Next to De and Mordred, he took out a serum, which should be able to detoxify a lot of poisons.

"Oh? Archer, I didn't expect you to have a bit of demeanor. I thought you guys on the black side were as impolite as rulers and sabers..."

Before he finished speaking, the magic circle surrounded Hercules, but Hercules was extremely fast, hugged Joan of Arc and Mordred with both hands, and jumped out of the assassin's attack range.

He stood in front of the door and glanced back.

"Mr. Lion Jie Jieli, come quickly, I have rescued Saber." Hercules immediately stuck a blood serum on Joan's neck.

Immediately afterwards, he stuck the serum on Mordred again.

"Is it better?"

Joan of Arc regained her sobriety in a short while. She was still able to jump while leaning on the holy flag, but Mordred may have been poisoned for too long, and she seemed to be dying.

"Saber—!" Lion Jie Jieli hurried in through the shot-through main entrance, and hugged Mordred.


Seeing that Mordred was still able to speak, Lion Jie Jieli breathed a sigh of relief.

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