
"I probably came here, and one of the few meaningful things I did was to save you."

"I wanted to save Amakusa Shiro, but I couldn't because I couldn't. I lived nineteen years, and I spent most of it in the countryside. I witnessed countless killings. Witness Countless deaths. I have no position to refute the other party."

That's why I want you, with me, to witness the relief of the world.We have all seen countless killings and deaths, but why did we come up with different answers?

"But you have."

Is that artificial human?

"Only you have it."

Is that artificial human?

"And during your journey, you must have the answer."

Is that man-made man!

"As the perfect artificial man in Amakusa Shiro's mind, go and defeat him, Chigurh!"

What a joke.

That's not the man-made man Amakusa Shiro had in mind, absolutely not!

This is a defective product, definitely a defective product!

Otherwise, why would artificial humans have such intense emotions?

It is obvious that they are pure white as snow like the Einzbern family, who have almost no selfish desires and have no sense of life and death. They are right!

Ruler, why do you oppose me so much!

"I understand, he will be defeated by me."

When I saw the defective artificial human, I pulled out my sword angrily.

Chapter 94 An Enemy That Must Be Defeated!

"I understand, he will be defeated by me."

Chigurh put down the flag and hugged Theresia, who was no longer possessed by Joan of Arc.

It's really a big talk.

Ziggy panted hard, so that he would not faint because of the pain that exceeded his physical load just now.

She didn't know why she would say such a thing, she only knew that at that time she thought she must promise her, and must defeat Amakusa Shiro.


The sound of the sword being drawn from its scabbard made her turn around.

She saw Shiro Amakusa walking towards her with a sword in his hand.

Amakusa Shiro, who holds the Holy Grail, cannot win even if she is as strong as a ruler. She is really not sure of defeating the opponent.However, the ruler trusted him so much, why did she defeat Amakusa Shiro?

As an artificial human?

The artificial human is clearly a product of alchemy, why can she defeat her opponent?

"Defective product, it's your turn next. I can give you some time to remember the time you spent with Ruler. I also allow you to attack me first."

Amakusa Shiro drew his sword and pointed it at her.

Ziggy gritted his teeth with difficulty.

"Amakusa Shiro, I want to make a condition. If I die, please don't hurt her."

"No problem." Amakusa Shiro simply made a promise.

"Thank you." Zieg held the sword in his hand, "but sorry, I will defeat you!"

"Do you also want to kill me?" Amakusa Shiro made a move, looking at Zieg with a lot of anger in his eyes, and he didn't even understand where the anger came from.

"Not to kill you." Chigurh retorted, "but to defeat you. We have no absolute hatred. I defeated you only because of my commitment to the ruler, and...you are wrong."

"Incomplete products don't say such things that make people laugh out loud."

Amakusa Shiro was very disturbed.


After so many years of hard research, the final result is actually wrong?

No, absolutely not.

His mistakes can be pointed out by anyone, by the assassin who has absolute reasons against him, by the French saint Dominic.

But it will definitely not be for an artificial human to say that his approach is wrong.

He broke his promise and slashed at Chigurh.

Under Amakusa Shiro's fierce offensive, Zieg couldn't even sustain a sword at all.

In an instant, she was knocked to the ground, relying on her blood armor to forcibly block the opponent's sword - otherwise, she would have been a corpse.

Chigurh endured the pain, stretched out his hand hard, and hooked it to the sword beside him.

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