Why is it blocked?

"Are you scared?"

Chigurh repeated what Joan of Arc had said to Amakusa Shiro at that time.

Ah - that's what it means.

"Are you scared?"

Because Joan also saw how weak Amakusa Shiro was when facing him.His beliefs are based on artificial humans like himself.

However, as an outlier among artificial humans, she naturally has the most sufficient reason, the sharpest sword, and the sharpest shield, to deal with Amakusa Shiro!

She is weak and no one can beat her.

But there is only one person she can defeat.

Even if this person has already gained almost complete advantage in this situation, he who is connected to the Great Holy Grail cannot fail on the battlefield and is invincible.

But his heart is fragile, the person who defeated him is right in front of him!

That's her—Zig!

Chapter 95

The sword turned back, but Amakusa seemed to be unable to hold on.

Amakusa, who was supposed to be able to defeat Sieg without a doubt, was unable to move his sword at this moment.

"how come……"

Amakusa Shiro didn't understand why he couldn't use his strength anymore. Victory was clearly within reach, but why couldn't he cut off the sword?

"Because you are afraid. You are afraid that your beliefs will be defeated by me, so that all your strength will be in vain, and your wishes will disappear. You are afraid that what you believe in will be wrong in the end, and all your efforts will be just Empty talk, what you get is not the ideal world you said you expected, but a future you can't predict. In such a future, you may find that you may not be able to read it, and may completely deviate from your expectations..."

"No. Shoddy artificial human-you shut up!"

In Chieg's eyes, she found that Amakusa Shiro was full of flaws.

That's not because the sword is weak, nor is it because the sword skills are not exquisite enough, and it's not because the strength is insufficient, but because the heart is about to be defeated.

Pursue the victory!

"So what if that future deviates from my imagination? The third method, without a doubt, is the future of mankind. Even if my approach may have deviated from my original idea... No, I just hope that mankind will move towards a more It's just a good future." Amakusa Shiro's sword finally regained its strength, and it firmly pressed against Zieg's sword.

Ziggy almost forgot to breathe.

All she knew was that the opponent was about to lose, but he refused to admit it.

You clearly know that you are wrong, why are you still unwilling to admit defeat?

Because of what, exactly?

very curious.

Would love to know why.

Like a child who has just come into contact with this world, so she is very curious about everything, she also wants to know why the other party burst out with new power at this time.

"Are you expecting that human beings will move towards a better future?" Zieg murmured, she couldn't understand the words of the other party, "What you should expect is not to use the third method to make what you see perfect. Are human beings reappearing in the world?"

Only then did Amakusa Shiro fully realize what his original wish was.

What he expects is the beauty of human beings. It is only because he has lost trust in human beings that he yearns for life like man-made people. Then he wants to use the third method to turn all people in the world into artificial human beings. People like that don't feel pain, and don't have a desire for survival.

But in just a moment, he found that his ideals were easily torn apart.

Cyborgs are not emotionless creatures.

Even in test tubes, the lack of emotion is simply because they haven't been exposed to the things that give them emotion.

For Chigurh, assassin, ruler, and saber are all the people she met that made her have feelings, right?

And I thought ridiculously that the artificial human would be as pure as snow like the Winter Maiden, without any emotion or emotion.

He remembered that time, when the master was killed, he was also in tears.




Is it because of yourself?

"No. Turning humans into artificial humans is just a means, not my purpose. My purpose is to lead human beings to a better future, but that kind of future is beyond the reach of human beings and needs my help. Therefore, I will pray to the Great Holy Grail to give the third magic to humans! As long as they don’t die, humans will no longer work hard to survive, isn’t that the best future?”

"Let's go, artificial man Zig, I won't kill you. Now that I'm awake, you don't have the capital to fight me. Your assassin is dead too. You can't win me."

After Amakusa Shiro finished speaking, he lifted Chigurh's sword and looked at Chigurh, suddenly heaving a sigh of relief.

But Zieg stepped forward suddenly, snatched his sword, and said through gritted teeth, "No, I refuse."


Chigurh pressed the sword down, and his hand was cut with many bloodstains.

"Shiro Amakusa, you have no right to strip people of their pursuit of survival!"

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