Shirou scratched his hair.

I should have thought of this earlier.

When Chigurh was fighting Amakusa Shiro with all his strength, he naturally wanted to stimulate Dragon Heart, otherwise he would lose and die.

"How much magic power does it take to restore all the artificial humans and a girl named Fiore to health?"

Shirou bit his lip and asked.

"Almost all. The remaining magic power may be enough to give three more Command Seals."

The Winter Maiden gave an almost desperate answer.

"Assassin, is the magic power of three strokes of the Command Seal enough for you to destroy the Great Holy Grail?" Zieg asked suddenly.

Shirou subconsciously calculated.

Should be enough to project the sword of the vowed victory, of course, a weakened version.

"Enough." Shirou looked at Zieg suspiciously, "What are you going to do?"

Zieg said: "Then, I make a wish to you. Let all artificial humans and Miss Fiore recover to health. And give assassin three strokes of the command spell."

The Holy Maiden of Winter closed her eyes, only for a moment, and opened them again.

"I have done what you asked."

Three Command Spells appeared in Shirou's hand.

"Zig, what are you doing? If you are like this, you are not human! You have just come into contact with this world, if you become a dragon like this, you..."

Zig looked at Shirou.

A smile bloomed on Gujing Wubo's face.

"That's something that can't be helped, isn't it? Assassin."

Shirou was silent.

If there is a way, of course he will think more.But if the magic power of the Great Holy Grail is not enough, how could he have a solution?

"Besides..." Zieg lowered his head, "Without you, my fun in this world would be less than half. The colors I see in this world are almost all given by you. I only Live in your world."

Shirou turned his head away and clenched his fists.

"I understand. Since you said so, as a follower, I have no choice but to obey."

Walking out of the Great Holy Grail, the hanging garden has begun to collapse.

But that doesn't stop Shirou and Chigurh.

Shirou, who has regained his magic power and holds the three command spells, can indeed smash the Great Holy Grail to pieces.

With the spirit base destroyed like this, Shirou felt a little guilty, worried that the projection would fail.

Chigurh held Shirou's hand.

Shirou smiled.

Go ahead, the final projection.


Explain the basic essence, change the basic essence...

"Will I still be in this world after becoming a dragon? If not, what will it be like?"

Ziggy asked suddenly.

"Phantasy species can't survive in this world now, so they can only go to the inner side of the world, probably in the sea of ​​stars." Shirou replied uncertainly.

"Is it the Sea of ​​Stars?"

Ziggy seemed to be thinking about something.

The sword of vowed victory was projected in his hand.

This is the last moment.

Liberation real name.

The three command spells were all turned into magic power, just for this moment.

"Do you regret it?" Shirou asked sadly.

If she met other servants, it wouldn't be like this.Maybe I will live quietly, spend the rest of my life, and slowly see the splendor and beauty of the world.

Less than ten days had passed in her life, and she was about to turn into a dragon and go to the inner side of the world, the silent and silent world.

"No." Zieg was a little embarrassed, but quickly regained his composure, "What is the real name of this sword?"

"The sword of the vowed victory is the easiest one to cut the Holy Grail." Shirou clenched the sword tightly, and the golden sword shone so brightly that the sky was bright.



Light enveloped the Great Grail.

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