Now if he doesn't give a reasonable explanation, he can get on a good boat, and his head can be with Sakura forever.

No!He Emiya Shirou, to this day, has not yet escaped becoming a virgin, and has only lived to be seventeen years old.He still wants to have a lovely child with the person he likes, and then live a happy life!

"Even though senior has me, why do you still like Gilgamesh? Sure enough, it's because I didn't comfort senior's lonely and empty heart that Gilgamesh took advantage of it."

Looking at Sakura who was getting more and more resentful, Shirou felt that he had to stand up.

"This... Sakura, I'm actually still a virgin."

Sakura raised her head, her eyes suddenly brightened, but she was still a little suspicious.

"What happened to the previous recording?"

Shirou scratched his head in embarrassment: "This is a long story... Wait, it's not a long story. In fact, there is such a big misunderstanding because the latter content is not disclosed! In fact, I just poured milk on her face , she was so angry that she just jumped."

Although Sakura believed it a little bit, the expressions of the people around her were completely different.

Especially the old driver Hercules.

"Berserker, do you think big brother's words are credible?" Ilya brushed her hair and half-closed her eyes.

"This..." Hercules looked away, he still didn't believe it.

"Miss, now I am a heroic spirit. The closest class should be Archer. Can you not call me Berserker?"

Elijah nodded.

"Shirou, Berserker has already answered. Although he also wanted to cover you up, he has already told the truth."

Sakura looked at Shirou.

His eyes became subtle again.

Gilgamesh watched the play, and drank Coke happily: "I said it, Matou Sakura. Shirou likes me. He said he likes you, but his body is very honest."

Gilgamesh had already spoken to this point, and Shirou knew he had to take some necessary action.


A whole 1L box of yogurt was held by Shirou in his hand. Shirou opened the box lid and aimed at Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh, whose face was covered with white sticky liquid, suddenly became flustered.

"Ahhhhhh—Shirou Emiya! You're drinking milk in the water!"

Seeing Gilgamesh's performance, Shirou breathed a sigh of relief, and patted his chest confidently.

"See? Gilgamesh really hates milk."

A smile appeared on Sakura's face at this moment.

"Sure enough, seniors don't like Gilgamesh."

Shirou's face froze, but Sakura was here right now, so he could only endure the tingling scalp and said, "Yes, yes. Speaking of which, during this time, do you know anything about that world? It's Miyu , Angelica, and I have all been in that barren land."

"I don't have any clue until now. My sister doesn't know about it either." Sakura sighed.

Shirou finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the subject had been successfully changed.

Now there won't be side effects, right?

Gilgamesh smiled.

Shirou always felt that this guy was cheating himself again.

"Shirou, I think it's better for you to explain something about an artificial human." Illya sighed.

Gilgamesh was even more cheerful, and even took out some wine.

Hey, why are you so skilled? !

Hey—it seems that it is impossible to escape the Shura field in this life.

Author's message:

There should be two more updates. . .

Chapter 3

Facing Illya who suddenly came out, Shirou suddenly panicked.

He suspects that everyone is targeting him this time.

This is simply a public trial meeting!

This thing really happened one after another, without end.

To be on the safe side, to test how much they knew, Shirou asked weakly, "What artificial human? What happened?"

"Brother likes to play dumb." Illya snapped her fingers, "berserker, take out your arrows, and don't stop until I let my brother know what he did."

Hercules resolutely took out an arrow infected with the venom of the Hydra.

"Then use this one."

"berserker, don't think I don't know that my brother is immune to Hydra venom."

Hercules' body froze, and now it's all right, even the possibility of secretly reducing Shirou's sentence was killed.

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