Seeing El-Melloi II's ugly expression, Shirou strengthened his judgment even more.

Anyway, it's only thirteen hours by plane. At worst, he can make a phone call and ask Angelica to cooperate with Medea to come and change the sky, replace the magic level with magic, and he can get home.

"Elmero II, have you brought your family's holy relic?"

"Then, that idiot?" El-Melloi II was a little flustered when he heard it, but he touched it and nodded, "Take it."

"it is good."

The plane departs at five o'clock.

The weather in London is fine today, and the plane is not delayed.

Thirteen hours passed in a flash, and it was six o'clock in the evening to get off the plane.Shirou rested for a while, and when he got home, it was already seven o'clock in the evening, and he pushed the door open.

"I am back."

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Rin and Luvia, who usually fight, sitting upright, not daring to be careless at all, with smiles all over their faces.

"Teacher, good evening, good evening."

Seeing them, El-Melloi II finally thought of the reason why he would be targeted and kidnapped by Shirou, and he laughed angrily: "It turns out that this guy came to me, and you were the ones behind the scenes. I usually don't do business properly, and cards seem to be I haven't collected them all until now. If it wasn't because the master didn't remind..."

He saw that the two of them seemed to be holding a stack of cards in their hands, and they seemed to have collected them all.

Before Rin could wait for El-Melloi II, who was still in his throat, to continue to explain: "It's like this, after I collected the cards, the original owners of the cards, Shirou and Miss Angelica found us..."

"Rin Tohsaka, you really don't have the cultivation of a nobleman, oh, I forgot, you are not a nobleman yourself. This card is clearly collected by Shiro and me, isn't it, Shirou?"

Shirou picked up the card and gave a summary.

"In short, this card is mine. If I don't give it to you, you can't take it."

El-Melloi II asked: "Is this card related to that world?"


"Give it to me, it's useful."

"To you."

Shirou gave up in seconds.

El-Melloi II quickly checked the magic principle of the card, and his discerning eyes quickly analyzed this thing. It turned out to be a miracle of using displacement magic to replace the power of the heroic spirit on the human body.It can be said that this is even more miraculous magic than the original concept of the Holy Grail War.

It is quite normal for Gem Weng to be interested in this.

"Who made the card? People from your world, right?" El-Melloi II raised his head and asked.

"A family called Ainsworth, this family is very good at displacement magic, I have a member of that family here."

Anjelica and Medea are making final preparations for parallel world travel, and Shirou waits for a while for them to stop before arranging their meeting.

At the beginning, Shirou was going to ask Medea and Gilgamesh to help.

However, what happened to Medea last time at the Killing Institute made a couple who had been summoned by the third method, and finally reunited, be separated from life and death.And that Gilgamesh guy, heh heh.

He didn't ask her, she just spoke when he saw her.

There was a burst of pleasant laughter when he opened his mouth: "Hahahahahahaha. This king has already seen that you will encounter very pleasant things during this journey."

Then Shirou ignored her.

This kind of person said before that he couldn't see his own affairs, and basically what he saw was distorted. Shirou was still puzzled. This guy doesn't play StarCraft, so when asked, he said that the game is not fun.

It is clear that he is the interstellar player, standing in front of Gilgamesh, why is Gilgamesh blind?

Blindness is also his fault?

Could it be that this guy was secretly practicing again, and was about to give himself a Langyafengfeng fist.

But even if she couldn't see it, she seemed to have guessed something, and now she was smiling happily.

Life is all about tax evasion, are you happy?

But what if there is no help from clairvoyance ex?Shirou Emiya has fought so many Holy Grail Wars, and every day he gets a series of sixes. Today he prepared Hercules, a nuclear bomb, and sent Ainsworth to the sky as a whole. Isn't he in charge?

Thinking of this, Shirou smiled happily.

"you are not really happy."

Gilgamesh said coldly.

"But I am."

Shirou choked on this guy as soon as he laughed.

If I'm not happy, what does that have to do with you?

"I saw Merlin."

"I know that."

"I also got a kit."

"I know that too."

"How do you know?" Shirou asked suspiciously.

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