It was also his help that he made Thor's card in advance. After the Holy Grail of Miyu was sent away by Shirou's efforts, it was also the Holy Grail given by this person.

He didn't know the purpose of this man, but he knew that this man could help him, and that was enough.

And at this moment, is he already useless?

"Who are you?" Shirou looked warily at the white-haired man who suddenly appeared behind Darius.

The man's skin was a little dark, a little like someone from the Middle East.

Her hair is entwined like a senior, and it still swings from the left side of her body.

But what is more striking is his strange clothes or robes. His right hand is surrounded by gold rings from the elbow to the wrist, and black stripes are exposed in the huge gap in the middle.

Taking a closer look, the man's long white hair was indeed too long, and it was dragged to the ground.

"I'm also your ally in destroying Ainsworth."

"But it seems that you helped him?" Shirou frowned.

The man smiled and waved his hand. The black cube turned into a holy grail and was held in his hand: "It's just to speed up the demise of Ainsworth. If you want to make it perish, you must make it crazy."

"So, what is your purpose? A deeper purpose, such as why you want to destroy Ainsworth."

"What does this have to do with you?" The man shook his head, "You are from another world, so don't mind your own business. This broken world is not worth saving, not worth saving by anyone, understand? It's a dead world. I just let this hysterical world exhaust its last strength so that it can die smoothly. Now the end is almost here, and it's only about a month away."

Hearing the news, Shirou was a little dazed immediately.

The world only has one month left to survive?

He felt his blood flow backwards, and his brain was almost filled with blood.


"This is the truth." The man's very gentle voice came the extremely painful words.

"Impossible." Shirou bit his lip, "Since you want to destroy the world, then I will stop you. You are my enemy. Everyone give me!"

Everyone received Shirou's order, and immediately launched their own attack from a distance.

The first is the giant bow of Hercules. The dazzling arrows are no less than the nine golden dragons that shot hundreds of heads just now.

After a few seconds, the golden light dissipated, leaving the man unscathed.

The man seemed to be very troubled and squinted his eyes, then opened them again.

"Sorry, your attacks are useless."

Chapter 17 Magical Girl Illya's Fan?

"Useless?" Shirou frowned, subconsciously looking at Gilgamesh.Maybe she knows something.Under the attack of Hercules, the white-haired man didn't seem to have no effect because his defense was too strong, but he directly canceled the attack. Is it a conceptual method?

"I didn't expect you to appear here, and you still retain part of Beast1's characteristics, anti-summoning?" Gilgamesh really knew a lot, she shrugged, "I didn't expect you to stand up now. "

"After so much, I will grow up." The white-haired man replied, "But you, can you persuade them to leave the Lost Belt. The members of Panhuman History actually want to save the Lost Belt. What a shame! It's ridiculous."

"This king can't do anything about it. This is his decision, not mine." Gilgamesh looked like he was about to eat melons and watch a show, and he had no intention of attacking the white-haired man.

And El-Melloi II heard the key words from Gilgamesh's words.

BEAST, and anti-summoning.

"Is it one of the seven human evils?" El-Melloi II judged, "The characteristic is anti-summoning, which means that the power of the servant is useless to him."

Shirou looked around. These were all servants, but the spirit base was a much stronger servant than the Fuyuki Holy Grail War.

Such a force, followers, is completely sufficient to clear most obstacles, but unfortunately, they are useless when facing the enemy in front of them.

However, even if the power of the servant is removed, Shirou is not without other preparations.

"It used to be, but now it's not. Well, how should I put it? It can't be counted in the past." The white-haired man was very troublesome to prepare for himself, as if he had the chance to win and he was not on guard against Shirou and others.

Shirou looked at Illya, a girl who basically didn't think about combat power.

From the beginning, Shirou planned to let Illya come to visit, but now it seems that she is going to become the main force.

Illya noticed Shirou's eyes and seemed to understand something.

Being a magician doesn't mean being powerful in battle.A magician is just a magician with magic, and the third method happens to be magic without combat ability.

However, just relying on magic power, the magician is enough to become a super battleship with fierce firepower!

"Magical girl Illya, move!"

The magic dress ruby ​​covered Illya's body with the pink magic girl costume, and the transformation was completed quickly.

The white-haired man held his chin, and sighed as if he was completely unaware of the danger: "A magical girl? Mei... the hair is also silver. It would be nice if the eyes were purple."

Illya ignored it, grabbed the ruby ​​tightly and flew into the air, aiming at the white-haired man.

"I haven't played for a long time, and this time it's time for the much-anticipated magic girl Illya to transform..."

Ilya quickly grabbed the ruby: "Ruby, can you be more reliable! It's such a time, so stop playing around! Slow down and the enemy will attack!"

At this time, Ruby still maintained her self-cultivation as an old whore.

"No, no, that's your fan too. Look, he's still watching you transform into a magical girl."

Immediately, Ilya had the urge to ignore the enemy and beat Ruby violently.

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