A nun appeared in front of them with a gentle face.

"Are you in any trouble? Do you need my help?"

Shirou nodded subconsciously, but he always felt that this nun was very familiar.

Who on earth is it?

The white nun...

Kill, Sashoin Kiara?

The one with human evil, beast?

Chapter 6

The white nun came into view, and Bai Ye blurted out: "Fujimura Taiga!"

The nun looked at Bai Ye suspiciously.

Shirou was even more confused.

Fujimura Taiga is obviously the energetic girl in a green dress. The nun in front of her, under the pure clothes, even if she doesn't show her beauty, she still shows a femininity.

This and that tiger are definitely not hooked.

That tiger would be beautiful in a kimono, and it would be even more beautiful if it was smiling.The premise is not to speak.

Sesseiin Kiara has something to do with Fujimura Taihe - if Shirou is killed, Shirou will not believe such absurd things.The relationship between them is only limited to the fact that they are all from Japan.

"Ah, I don't remember saying such a cute name." The nun lowered her head in confusion.

"My name is Kiara Saseiin. I was assigned to be a teacher during the qualifiers. Did you meet Hakuno-san at that time?"


This person is Kiara Seshoin, the woman who once drove Heroemiya to a corner and almost couldn't save her.If it weren't for Shirou's frantic delay of time at the end, allowing Wang Hassan to cut a fatal sword, Seshoin Kiara would probably be able to kill Alaya together.

"Is this the servant of Hakuno-san? He is very handsome, but there is a lock on his neck—?"

Seseiin's original dignified smile disappeared for a while, and she couldn't help covering her mouth, as if she was feeling sad for Shirou.

But, what did Shirou think, his face was a little flushed, and even revealed a little bit of excitement, and there was a bit of beastly light in his eyes, which definitely regarded him as a prey.

Who is the prey is not sure.

A few gleams of light shone from Shirou's eyes, and a smile rose from his mouth.

After just a few exchange of eyes, he was completely sure that in this parallel world, this woman named Kiara Sesseiin was of the same type as the Sesseiin who had turned into a beast. exist.

That is——an existence that treats all human beings in the world as part of its own desires, and lives only for pleasure.

"It's just a restraint."

"Restrainer?" Seseiin opened his eyes wide, stretched out his hand, and stroked the lock around Shirou's neck.

Bai Ye realized how soft and feminine that movement was.

Not to mention the opposite sex, even the same sex will definitely be moved when they see this beauty.

But this action of Killing Academy was aimed at her archer.An unknown fire burned in my heart.


Shirou quietly took a step back and put some distance away.

"Miss Saseiin, what's the matter?"

"Mr. Archer has encountered a lot of pain. I can feel that you have lost your strength and freedom, even if you are a bird imprisoned in a cage. Bai Ye, I am really sorry. Talking to your archer directly like this, maybe Will it bother you?"

Said by Saseiin, on the contrary, the anger of Bai Ye, who was a little angry, disappeared.

"Besides, it's great that you're still alive. When I was attacked by the black shadow, I made up my mind."

The word black shadow instantly attracted Bai Ye's attention.

"Dark Shadow?"

"Miss Bai Ye, don't you remember? I fell down while running and was unfortunately swallowed by the black shadow. I spoke to you who ran towards the stairs, don't you remember?"

Bai Ye shook his head, his brain was a little dizzy.Her face was a little pale.Did someone ask her for help?So did Shinji, and so did Kiara Sesshoin, she couldn't save anyone.She is desperate.

She couldn't help but look away.

"Please don't blame yourself." Killing Academy smiled very gently, "The best thing to do is ignore me and run away."

The words were so gentle that Bai Ye was about to fall into the embrace of Saseiin.

Shirou was keenly aware of this.

"Cough cough, stop gossip. Excuse me, Ms. Killing Academy, where is the student union room?"

"In the classroom on the right hand side on the second floor."

"Thank you. Master, let's go, let's go and have a look."

Although Hakuno was a little bit reluctant, he followed Shirou obediently.

Before leaving, she thanked the Killing Academy and said goodbye.

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