Shirou looked at Hakuno in surprise, did he have another opinion on him?

"Leo, do you look good?"

"It's pretty good-looking." Shirou replied subconsciously. After finishing speaking, he felt that the words were a bit gay, so he quickly added, "It's a bit like a girl."

"Like a girl—" Bai Ye's voice suddenly complained, "Faced with a real girl, does Archer actually prefer a cute boy who looks like a girl?"

Shirou was stunned for a moment.

"How did you come to this conclusion?"

"It seems that there is nothing wrong with what I said. Archer, your hobby is really strange."

"Stop, stop!" Shirou interrupted Hakuno's speech.

This is too creepy to say, and even a little jealous.

"Master, what are you going to do?"

"Your projection technology is pretty good, right?"

"Of course."

Shirou wiped off his cold sweat, thinking about whether the other party wanted to project SM props by himself, or other punishment items.

"Can you project glasses?" Bai Ye's eyes shone with a frightening light.


"Put it on! Put it on now!" Bai Ye stretched out his hand, and the Command Seal shimmered.

"All right, all right, you are the master, I will listen to you."

At this moment, Bai Ye nodded in satisfaction, and the glasses controller got a satisfactory result.

At this moment, Shirou realized that Hakuno was using a tactic of smacking east and west, and it evolved on the basis of chat streams.

Has his master's technology in this area actually surpassed his own?


Chapter 9 Negotiations with Shinji

My own master Kishinami Hakuno is a very unreliable girl.Although she has an extraordinary calmness and amazing ability to complain, but she would even threaten him with a Command Seal in order to make him wear a pair of eyes.

too frightening.

Shirou made a simple evaluation.

There was a sound from the stairs, and there was a hurry.

Shirou turned around to look, and saw a purple seaweed protruding from the wall, and quickly retracted.

A smile appeared on Shirou's face.No need to guess, he knew that this person was Shinji, Matou Shinji.Of course, needless to say, this Shinji is also a similar but different existence to the one on Earth.

Shirou has encountered many existences like this.

"Hey, master, there's someone over there."

"That, is it seaweed? Although seaweed is a living thing, it is not a human being."

The seaweed jumped out immediately, blushing: "Why is the seaweed not human? Seaweed is also human..."

But Shinji reacted instantly.

"No, I'm not seaweed. I'm Shen Er, Shen Er! Everyone loves flowers and sees flowers blooming, so be the number one in the game!"

"Clearly the second." Bai Ye debunked Shen Er's words without hesitation.

"Sooner or later, he will become the number one!" Shen Er said with his thick neck and wide eyes.

As he said that, he couldn't help but look at Bai Ye and Shirou with a guilty conscience.

"Shinji, do you want to join the student union?" Bai Ye changed the subject instantly.

This sudden development caught Shinji in a daze.Isn't this just talking about the game, why did it suddenly change to whether to join the student union?

Shinji breathed a sigh of relief.

Looks like things didn't come to light...

He immediately raised his head again, and waved his hands pretending to be chic: "Forget it. I have no interest in such an organization as the student union. It is impolite to invite people to join the student union casually. The truth is that you What a stupid person would do is really a third-rate style that will not be unexpected."

"Student union is very boring. Everyone escapes together intimately, just do it by yourself. I'm a genius, I don't team up with mortals. If you want me to go, give me the position of president first!"

Shirou was somewhat dissatisfied with Shinji's arrogant attitude.

If it was the Shinji he knew, Shirou would have tolerated it, anyway, it was Sakura's brother and his friend for many years, but well, this isn't it.

"Speaking of which, you should be the master, right? Where are your servants?"

Shinji's heart tightened suddenly.

His servants have long since disappeared. Apart from knowing the basic information of the handsome woman with the scar on her face, the memory of fighting her is gone.

"Rider, rider...Hakuno, your archer is so annoying. Huh, is he really a third-rate follower? It seems to be useless except for information. But this is also normal. The third-rate master naturally wants to Coupled with a third-rate servant."

When Shirou heard that someone finally admitted that he was a third-rate follower, he was almost moved to tears.

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